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There is actually a formula for the nth prime number! One was cleverly engineered in 1964 by C. P. Willans. But is it useful?# Python codeimport mathdef prime(n): return 1 + sum([ math.floor(pow(n/sum([ math.floor(pow(math.cos(math.pi * (math.factorial(j - 1) + 1)/j), 2)) for j in range(1, i+1) ]), 1/n)) for i in range(1, pow(2, n)+1) ])--------------(* Mathematica code *)prime[n_] := 1 + Sum[Floor[(n/Sum[Floor[Cos[Pi ((j - 1)! + 1)/j]^2], {j, 1, i}])^(1/n)], {i, 1, 2^n}]--------------0:00 A formula for primes?1:24 Engineering a prime detector4:00 Improving the prime detector5:46 Counting primes6:29 Determining the nth prime9:42 The final step11:36 What counts as a formula?12:56 What's the point?13:51 Who was Willans?
Yitang Zhang, a Chinese-American mathematician, reportedly disclosed in an online salon organized by the Peking University Alumni Association on October 15 that he has proven the longstanding Landau-Siegel zeros theory. This finding is related to the Riemann hypothesis, a formula for the distribution of prime numbers that has remained unsolved for more than a century. However, the claim has not yet been fully verified, and it is reported that a relevant article of more than 100 pages will be sent to a preprint website in early November.The Landau-Siegel zeros topic has represented one of the most difficult problems in number theory this century. It is a weak form of the Riemann hypothesis, which studies the existence of zeros in the DirichletL-function (a function defined on the whole complex plane). A century of research has shown that the Landau-Siegel zeros can be more difficult to solve than the Riemann hypothesis. Therefore, if Zhang Yitang has really proven that Landau-Siegel zeros exist, the Riemann hypothesis would be wrong. But for now, many people are more inclined to believe that Zhang proved the opposite result.
Solve one equation and earn a million dollars! We will explorer the secrets behind the Riemann Hypothesis - the most famous open problem in mathematics - and what it would tell us about prime numbers. I should have mentioned one additional property, namely zeros are mirrored along the line 1/2, even though non of them are found and maybe even non of them even exist. This way, every zero not on the line would give a harmonic with Re(s) greater than 1/2, thereby breaking the estimates for the prime counting function.
This video proves the Riemann hypothesis. Otherwise, you get a $10,000 reward. (M1)In this short (4:33) video, you will see the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. I will give you $10,000 If you provide a numeric counterexample showing the video fails to prove the Riemann Hypothesis. Also, please keep in mind that you can share this video to win the $10,000 cash reward. Please post your counterexample in the comments.Direct messaging and email info link belowhttps://www.0bq.com/contact Note that If your counterexample disproves Riemann's hypothesis, it will be your responsibility to document it before sharing it with anybody. I will try my best to protect your right, and I will not claim any ownership of your counterexample, and you will win the $10,000 cash reward regardless of any other prizes.
RIEMANN HYPOTHESIS PROOF / SOLVED, 17584 VIEWS, 0 COUNTEREXAMPLE! (M2)Over the years, hundreds of mathematical theories have been built upon the assumption that Riemann's last theorem is true. Therefore, considerable efforts have been made by several of the best mathematical minds around the world to protect the legitimacy of these theories. However, in this video we have finally proved this famous theorem that had resisted all efforts to be proven for over one and a half centuries.
Step Zero of Analytic Continuation Gateway to the Riemann HypothesisLike origami art, where we can fold a paper to create a boat and then refold the same paper differently to build a totally different thing (for example, a bird), this simple video shows that we can unfold an infinite-divergence series (commonly known as Riemann's zeta function) and then refold it to get a finite value. It is fascinating to see unfolding a divergence function in 6 steps and then refolding the same function in 6 steps gives us a convergent function. This is the most elegant method to analytically continue Riemann's zeta function to the critical strip because it shows mathematics overlaps with art.
What is this RH all about?In Simplest of terms...Is it finding a Pattern or Function that could precisely Predict the list of Prime Numbers?
This formula says that the zeros of the Riemann zeta function control the oscillations of primes around their "expected" positions. Riemann knew that the non-trivial zeros of the zeta function were symmetrically distributed about the line s = 1/2 + it, and he knew that all of its non-trivial zeros must lie in the range 0 ≤ Re(s) ≤ 1. He checked that a few of the zeros lay on the critical line with real part 1/2 and suggested that they all do; this is the Riemann hypothesis.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_hypothesis#Origin
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_hypothesis#ConsequencesThe practical uses of the Riemann hypothesis include many propositions known to be true under the Riemann hypothesis, and some that can be shown to be equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis.
(Pls don't say they will search online & copy/paste & give a printout within minutes)
Quote from: Zer0 on 19/03/2023 00:18:48(Pls don't say they will search online & copy/paste & give a printout within minutes)It's likely what they will do. Alternatively, they will just tell you to ask ChatGPT.
Quote from: hamdani yusuf on 20/03/2023 04:43:15Quote from: Zer0 on 19/03/2023 00:18:48(Pls don't say they will search online & copy/paste & give a printout within minutes)It's likely what they will do. Alternatively, they will just tell you to ask ChatGPT.You know what i was trying to Understand by asking that question was, is there an equation or function for getting Prime Numbers.I'm supposing one can simply use the Calculator.Or a simplified program in the Computer.(by ways of checking each number like 1234567 etc & reaching the answer)But...is there a Pattern to predict Primes without Calculations?
I just found a great video about prime numbers I'd like to share here.//www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5s0h42GfvMA Formula for the Primes: Willans' FormulaQuoteThere is actually a formula for the nth prime number! One was cleverly engineered in 1964 by C. P. Willans. But is it useful?# Python codeimport mathdef prime(n): return 1 + sum([ math.floor(pow(n/sum([ math.floor(pow(math.cos(math.pi * (math.factorial(j - 1) + 1)/j), 2)) for j in range(1, i+1) ]), 1/n)) for i in range(1, pow(2, n)+1) ])--------------(* Mathematica code *)prime[n_] := 1 + Sum[Floor[(n/Sum[Floor[Cos[Pi ((j - 1)! + 1)/j]^2], {j, 1, i}])^(1/n)], {i, 1, 2^n}]--------------0:00 A formula for primes?1:24 Engineering a prime detector4:00 Improving the prime detector5:46 Counting primes6:29 Determining the nth prime9:42 The final step11:36 What counts as a formula?12:56 What's the point?13:51 Who was Willans?
Has anyone noticed a peculiar thing around zeta(-41)?
The harmonic numbers are the partial sums of the harmonic series - sums of whole number reciprocals. This video explores how we can extend their domain to the entire real line.This is my entry for the Summer of Math Exposition 1.00:00 - Intro1:45 - Graphing the Harmonic Numbers2:47 - A Recursive Formula4:23 - Using the Recursive Formula7:33 - The Super Recursive Formula8:52 - Finding the Interval11:27 - Example: H(0.5)11:59 - Deriving the Solution13:10 - Graphing the Solution