New Theories / Re: What is ...Science ?
« on: 06/11/2013 17:04:27 »
All i was saying is that reality as a whole is not just material physical , as modern science assumes it to be, thanks to materialism : not everything can be explained just in terms of physics and chemistry , or just by the laws of physics ,or just by cause and effect .....: see the modern maths of chaos ,for example .
This is just semantics right?
If in the future, some aspect of our reality are to be explained outside of physics and chemistry, you would still have to give it a name right? For argument's sake, let's say reincarnation, afterlife, the soul, etc. will be explained outside the laws of physics and chemistry and this branch of science is henceforth known as "divinistry" or whatever you want to name it, and science identifies some kind of transmission vectors to travel in dimensions we don't even account for today. Would you not shift your definition of 'materialization' to include divinistry next to physics and chemistry and start your discussion all over again, stating that "Not everything can be explained by the laws of physics, chemistry and divinistry!" Or would you rest your case and accept that science does in fact explain everything?