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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: jerrygg38 on 05/06/2009 12:16:02

Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 05/06/2009 12:16:02

   In this chapter, the Dot-Wave Unified Field theory will be introduced. The theory is based upon the proposition that the entire universe is composed of a multiplicity of two basic things called dot-waves. The dot-waves come in two energy levels. The high-energy dot-waves are responsible for the properties of mass and photonic energy. The low energy dot-waves produce the electric and magnetic fields.

      The first high-energy dot-wave is a positive dot-wave of charge 5.391237E-37 coulombs with an electrical energy of 1.616252E-28 joules when within the Plank radius of 1.616252E-35 meters. When traveling at light speed C, the kinetic energy of the dot-wave is 1.616252E-28 joules. The second high-energy dot-wave is a negative dot-wave of charge 5.391237E-37coulombs and an energy of 1.616252E-28 joules.

   Plus dot-waves combine with minus dot-waves to form neutral bipolar dot-waves. The bipolar dot-waves exhibit the properties of mass, which is produced by the gyroscopic action of the plus and minus dot-waves as they spin along a plane. Three gyroscopic planes are needed to produce a particle. Therefore all stable particles are composed of at least three sub-particles or quarks.

     Every particle, sub-particle, plus charge, minus charge, plus magnetic photon, minus magnetic photon, gravitational photon, and photon is composed of the dot-waves. Empty space itself is packed with dot-waves.

   The dot-waves exist within the simple four-dimensions of X, Y, Z, and T. There is a space-time hysteresis loop; which splits the universe into a triplicity. This shows up in three time dimensions. We have a universe of dimensions x, y, z, and T+ t(-). We have another universe of dimensions x, y, z, and T+ t(o). Then we have another universe of dimensions x, y, z, and T + (t+).

   The (t-) and (t+) dimensions are differential dimensions, which are of the order of Plank time. Therefore the three universes appear as one universe since the differential time is extremely small. Yet this tiny time permits two electrical universes to coexist with one mechanical universe.

   The mechanical world/universe occupies the (to) dimensions. This is the physical  world we readily see and measure. The electrical world/universe is a duality. The (t+) electrical universe occupies all the plus differential time volumes of space-time. The (t-) electrical universe occupies all the minus differential time volumes of space-time. The mechanical universe is sandwiched between the two electrical universes.

   The bipolar dot-waves live within the mechanical universe. The plus dot-waves live within the plus electrical universe and the minus dot-waves live within the minus electrical universe. There is a constant flow of plus and minus dots into the mechanical universe and visa-versa. The dot-waves exhibit different characteristics depending upon which universe they are operating in.

   Groups of dots show up within the different universes as various stationary characteristics such as electric and magnetic fields for the electrical world and gravitational and photonic fields for the mechanical world.
   The result is that the world we see and measure is the result of stationary dot waves, and dot-waves which move at light speed C. The stationary dot-waves are plus dot-waves, minus dot-waves, bipolar dot-waves, plus dot-waves with bipolar dot-waves, and minus dot waves with bipolar dot waves.

   These same combinations of dot-waves can move at light speed. We can have simple dot-waves moving at light speed C. We can have revolving dot-waves, which oscillate from the Plank radius to an outward radius while spinning in a perpendicular plane. The net result is a motor action, which produces an electromagnetic force perpendicular to the plane of rotation. The plane itself appears as a gyroscope. It has the property of mass in the direction of the plane. It has no mass perpendicular to the direction of the rotation.

  The net result is that a force is applied to the rotating dot-wave in the direction where no mass exists. This causes the dot-wave to move at maximum speed, which is light speed. Therefore a plus dot-wave and a minus dot wave produce a simple photon.

   If we add many plus dot-waves and many minus dot-waves we get the usual photons which contain huge amounts of dot-waves. These are pure mass/energy photons. If we add additional plus dot-waves to the bipolar structure, we produce positive electro-photons. These travel at light speed as well but they convey positive electrical energy. If we add additional negative dot-waves to the bipolar structure we produce negative electro-photons.

The electrical field is composed of stationary electro-photons whereas the magnetic field is composed of electro-photons moving at light speed. Notice that the simplest electro-photon is the plus or minus dot. However many electro-photons have a lot of bipolar mass/energy within them.

   The electron is a singular one-plane structure composed of both negative and bipolar dot-waves. The proton is composed of three distinct planes of positive and bi-polar dot-waves. The three planes share a common bond at the Plank radius and share the same outer proton radius. All the photons are electro-motors. The dot-waves can produce a huge assortment of particles and photons, some of which will be discussed shortly.

   The dot-waves can produce all that we see and measure. The property of mass is not an independent property. It is merely an electro-gyroscopic property of the dot-waves. Thus a dot-wave only has energy and charge. The property of mass is found from the transformation equation:

    Mp C = 3.129741Q                     (1-1)

  In equation 1-1, the Mass of the proton Mp times the speed of light C equals 3.129741times the charge Q.

   Equation 1-1 tells us that the proton has enough energy within it to produce over three charges Q. This is the basic equation, which relates the mass of the proton to the charge of the proton. The transformation of mass velocity to charge will be discussed shortly and fully presented in Chapter 9.

 The dot-waves produce many different physical entities, some of which are shown in the following chart.


+ dot-wave.......................Stationary..............+Charge, +electric field
- dot-wave......................Stationary...............-Charge , -electric field
+ bipolar dot-wave..............Stationary...............+Charge, + electric field
- bipolar dot-wave..............Stationary..............-Charge, -electric field
bipolar dot-wave................Stationary...............Energy
+ dot-wave......................Light Speed C............+ magnetic field
- dot-wave......................Light Speed C............- magnetic field
+ bipolar dot-wave..............Light speed C............+magnetic-photon, & mag.  Field
- bipolar dot-wave..............Light speed C.............-magnetic-photon, & mag. Field
bipolar dot-wave................Light speed
Triple bipolar DW...............Stationary..............Neutrino, other neutral particles
Triple +bipolar DW..............Stationary...............Proton, other positive particles
Triple – bipolar DW.............Stationary.............Electron, other negative particles
Double bipolar DW...............Stationary..............Unstable neutral particles
Double + bipolar DW.............Stationary..............Unstable positive particles
Double – bipolar DW.............Stationary..............Unstable negative particles
Double bipolar DW...............Light Speed C...........Two photons in one package

    In the Chart we see that plus dot-waves and minus dot-waves can remain stationary in space-time while oscillating from the plank radius to a radius depending upon their Wavelength and structure. There can be triple bipolar dot-waves, which move rapidly but not at light speed. Some are stable because when they slow they will have balanced vectors. Once you move a proton, the three vectors change as photons are added to the vectors. Thus a moving proton has a different vector structure than a stationary proton.

  In general there is a huge number of particles and energy levels produced by the dot-waves. No two protons are the same due to their motions. Therefore a proton’s mass/energy is a statistical average and depends upon the experiment used to measure the proton.

   It is possible to produce very high-energy protons, which are the same basic size as the ordinary proton. However it will contain huge numbers of proton planes. The proton vectors will also be much more complex than an ordinary proton triple vector.

   Every particle and sub-particle in the universe is made from combinations of the above chart. It is important to understand that dot-waves have no mass whatsoever. The above solution for Equation 1-1 was my original Sister 1 solution from my notes in 1998. In Doppler Space Time I chose the solution:

   M = QC                        (1-2)

   In Equation 1-2 mass is charge times velocity. This seemed good in 2000. However after a few years, I realized it was wrong. Then I chose:

   M = Q                        (1-3)

   I worked on mass equal’s charge from Oct. 2008 to Jan 2009. Then I realized it was wrong. Finally I returned in February 2009 to Equation 1-1.

    Q = MC                        (1-4)

   The original Sister 1 solution became my Sister 2 solution in Doppler Space Time. However it was only since producing a model of the proton that I realized that the original Sister 1 solution was correct. It was the only solution, which could fit in with the magnetic moment calculation for the proton and the neutron. The Sister 1 solution will be discussed in detail in Chapter 9.

  Returning to the Chart, we find plus and minus magnetic photons. We are used to north and south magnetic poles. We have plus charges and minus charges, which are point charges. We cannot readily find or produce a single magnetic north pole, which is isolated from a single magnetic South Pole. However at the dot-wave level the point charge is identical with the point magnetic field. The dot-waves continually change from stationary states to moving states. Therefore any electrical field is always accompanied by a magnetic field and visa versa. This is because the electric and magnetic fields are different states of the same dot-wave.
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 06/06/2009 00:24:37

   The Dot-Wave Theory specifies that the universe operates upon a very simple principle that electrical energy transforms into mechanical energy and visa versa. Thus the electrical energy of a positive dot-wave and the electrical energy of a negative dot-wave combine and transform to produce the mechanical energy of a bipolar dot-wave. The positive and negative dot-waves have electrical properties of charge and magnetism. They do not possess the property of mass and gravitational-photonic energy. Bi-polar dot waves have zero net DC charge. They have the mechanical properties of mass and gravitational-photonic energy.

   The Top equation of the universe is a transformation equation. Two opposite high-energy dot-wave charges moving at light speed C collide and combine to produce a stationary bipolar dot-wave, which has mechanical energy. Thus:

    QdC + (-Qd)C  ↔ 2MdC^2 = 2Ed                      (1-5)

   In equation 1-5 we see that a positive dot-wave traveling at light speed, and a negative dot-wave traveling at light speed collide and transform to produce a massy dot-wave of twice the equivalent mass of a single dot charge. Equation 1-5 is the Top Equation of the Universe. Although coulombs and kilograms appear as different properties, they are related by energy equations and are also related by the above transformation equation. Thus coulombs and kilograms are sister transformational units.

    When we bring a plus dot toward a minus dot, the electrical energy will be converted to mass energy at the Plank radius. The resulting energy is:

     Ed = K Qd Qd / R(pl)                      (1-6)

      Equating Equations 1-5 and 1-6, we get:

      Ed   = Qd C = K Qd Qd / R(pl)                   (1-7)

   Solving for the dot charge, we get:

     Qd = C R(pl) / K                        (1-8)

   Using C=2.997925E8, R(pl) = 1.616252E-35, and K = 8.987552E9, we get:

     Qd = 5.391237E-37                        (1-9)

   Using Equation 1-7, the dot energy is:

     Ed = 1.616252E-28                        (1-10)


   Ed = R(pl) C^2/K = 1.616252E-28                  (1-11)

   Notice that the number for the dot energy and the Plank length 1.616252 are identical except for the exponent. This is because:

   C^2 / K = 1.00000000E7                     (1-12)

   The corresponding mass of a dot is:

       Md =   Ed / C^2                         (1-13)


       Md =  Qd/C                        (1-14)

       Md = 1.798323E-45                     (1-15)

   Equation 1-13 is Einstein’s formula where mass is really energy moving at the speed of light C. Mass does not produce energy.  It is energy, which produces mass. Therefore when we try to define what mass is, we cannot specify what mass is by itself. Mass is merely concentrated energy. In addition, everything is electrical energy in one form or another.

Equation 1-14 is the equivalent equation for mass, which is charge over the speed of light C. Equation 1-14 provides us with the conversion from charge to mass.

   We can now find the longest photonic wavelength in the universe. This is the wavelength of the bipolar dot-wave. The equivalent mass of a single plus or minus dot is shown in Equation 1-15. The longest wavelength photon has an equivalent mass of twice this amount. Thus:

     Photon rest mass =  2Md  =  3.596646E-45               (1-16)

    Using h= 6.626069E-34, the wavelength is:

   λpd = h/ 2Mpd C = 6.145221E2 meters                  (1-17)

   Equation 1-17 specifies that the longest wavelength of a photon is over 600 meters. The energy of this photon is:

     Photon energy = 3.232505E-28 Joules               (1-18)

   The frequency of the photon would be:

      f = C/ λ = 4.878466E5 cycles per second               (1-19)

   Equation 1-19 shows that the lowest bipolar dot wave traveling at light speed has a frequency of 488,000 hertz. Thus the lowest frequency emitted by a single electron is in the band of the AM radio waves. From Wikipedia data:

  AM medium wave radio band frequency = 300KHz – 3000KHz      (1-20)

   AM medium wave radio wavelength = 1Kilometer – 100meters      (1-21)

  We see that the longest wavelength of a medium band radio wave is approximately one kilometer. The wavelength of a single plus or minus high-energy dot-wave is:

    λd = h / Md C = 1.229044E3 meters                  (1-22)

   Equation 1-22 states that the longest radio wavelength, which comes directly from the single electron radiating a single high-energy plus or minus dot-wave, equals 1.23 kilometers. This agrees with the Wikipedia data.

     A sixty-cycle power line has a much slower frequency and a much longer wavelength. The electric and magnetic fields go through the air but the frequency is too slow for individual high-energy dot-waves photons at a 60-hertz wavelength. Therefore the radiation of the low frequency electrical energy cannot be by direct radiation of singular high-energy electro-photons.

    The high-energy dot-waves moving at light speed C, were produced at the compression of the big bang where huge amounts of low-energy dot waves were crushed together. The low energy dot-waves depend upon the radius of the universe. Throughout space-time the universe is filled with dot-waves which vary in speed from near zero to light speed C. They also vary in charge from near zero to Qd.

   The electric and magnetic fields are composed of both high-energy dot-waves and low energy dot-waves. The low energy dot-waves can be responsible for the band of radio frequencies. Thus low energy dot-waves added to high-energy dot-waves will change the radiation frequency.

   Electrical energy can be transmitted by the conduction of dot-waves in space rather than the radiation of electro-photonic dot-waves. Therefore very low frequency electro-magnetic radiation occurs in a manner similar to electric flow in a copper wire except that space itself is the conductor. Low frequency dot-waves will be discussed in detail in section 1-3.

     We can now calculate the number of positive and bipolar dots within a proton. The bipolar dots account for the mass of the proton. They carry no net charge. The plus dots account for the charge of the proton, they possess no mass.

   The proton has a charge of 1.602176E-19 coulombs. The dot charge is 5.391237E-37 coulombs. The amount of plus dots within the proton is:

     # Plus dots = 1.602176E-19 / Qd                  (1-23)

    # Plus dots in proton = 2.971815E17                  (1-24)

   The proton has a mass of 1.672622E-27 while the mass of a bipolar dot is 3.596646E-45. The amount of bipolar dots within the proton is:

    # Bipolar dots = 1.672622E-27/ 2 Md               (1-25)

    # Bipolar dots in proton = 4.650505E17               (1-26)

  The number of plus dots and minus dots within the mass dots is:

    # Plus dots = Minus dots = 4.650505E17               (1-27)

   The sum of the plus and minus dots is twice this amount. Thus:

   Sum of plus and minus dots = 9.301010E17               (1-28)

   The number of charge Q’s within the proton is:

   # Charge Q’s = 9.301010E17/ 2.971815E17 = 3.129741         (1-29)

   Therefore the proton has 3.129741 charge Q’s within it. We can now look at the equation:

   Mp C = 3.129741Q                        (1-30)

   Mp C = 5.014396E-19                        (1-31)

   3.129741Q = 5.014396E-19                     (1-32)

  We now understand the equation:

   Mp C = π Q                           (1-33)

  In Equation 1-30 we see that the answer is not pi but 3.129741, where the second number is the number of charges within the proton.

   We see that the proton has over three times the number of dots within the bipolar masses as compared to the number of massless positive charge dots. The electron is different. The electron has the same number of charge dots as the proton.

  # Minus dots per electron = 2.971815E17               (1-34)

  The electron has a mass of 0.9109382E-30 while the mass of the bipolar dot is 3.596646E-45. The number of bipolar dots is:

    # bipolar dots = 0.9109382E-30 / 3.596646E-45            (1-35)

    # bipolar dots in electron = 2.532744E14               (1-36)

  The total number of plus and minus dots within the bipolar dots is:

    Total # plus and minus dots = 5.065488E14            (1-37)

  We see that the electron has more charge dots than bipolar dots. Therefore the electron cannot produce more than the single charge Q when broken apart. The proton can produce three charges Q when split. The electron only has enough bipolar dots to produce some mass. It cannot produce any more whole charge than it already has. When the electron is broken into quarks, each quark must have a charge less than the charge Q. The proton can have quarks with more than the charge Q but the electron cannot.

   The ratio of the number of bipolar dots in the proton to the number of bipolar dots in the electron is:

   Ratio of bipolar dots = 4.650505E17 / 2.532744E14         (1-38)

   Ratio of bipolar dots = 1836.153                  (1-39)

   Equation 1-39 is the ratio of the mass of the proton to the mass of the electron. This is merely a checking equation to insure the calculations were correct.

   We see that the electron is starved for mass. It may very well be that after the big bang, the mass of the electron was equal to the mass of the proton. Over the years, the electron slowly radiated away. The loss of bipolar dots within the electron produces an energy loss and a gravitational backpressure upon matter.

   We can now calculate the number of bipolar dot-waves within the neutron. The mass of the neutron is 1.674927E-27 while the mass of a bipolar dot-wave is 3.596646E-45. Thus:

  #Bipolar Dot-waves in neutron = 1.674927E-27/ 3.596646E-45      (1-40)

  # Bipolar Dot-Waves in neutron = 4.656914E17            (1-41)

   Let us now look at the composition of the photons. Let us look at the amount of bipolar dot-waves within the Red Fraunhofer Line, which has a wavelength of 0.6563 micron or 0.6563E-6 meters. The energy of the Red Photon is:

   E = hc/λ = 6.626069E-34 x 2.997925E8 / 0.6563E-6  =3.02673E-19      (1-42)

      Since the energy of a bipolar dot-wave is 1.616252E-28, the numbers of bipolar dot-waves, which are within the Red Photon, are:

   # Bipolar dot waves = 3.02673E-19 / 1.616252E-28 = 1.872684E9       (1-43)

  In equations 1-43 we see that there are over a billion bipolar dot-waves within a single Red photon. This insures that light can transmit tremendous amounts of information due to the large bandwidth. In the process the neutral bipolar grav-photons change into packets of positive and negative electro-photons and visa versa.

   The electro-photons are combinations of plus and minus dot-waves mixed with bipolar dot waves. For a complete breakdown of the photon to individual positive and negative dot-waves we get:

   # Plus dot-waves = # minus dot-waves = 1.872684E9         (1-44)

   Comparing Equations 1-42 and 1-43, we see that light can produce electrical energy and electrical energy can produce light. The grav-photons travel through a photoelectric device and transform into electro-photons. These in turn drive the electrons to produce electrical energy.

   In the reverse direction, moving electrons produce electro-photons in a light bulb. The light bulb converts the electro-photons into grav-photons. These radiate from the light bulb.

   In general Equation 1-43 represents a complete breakdown of the photon into its basic parts. For the most cases, only a partial breakdown occurs to produce positive and negative electro-photons rather than the plus and minus dot-waves themselves.

  At this point we now know the basic dot-wave makeup of the proton, electron, neutron, and the photon in terms of the dot wave theory. In Chapters 2 through 5, we will look at the details of the proton, electron, and neutron from Bohr/ Quark perspective. Plank’s equations will be combined with the Bohr equations to form a new understanding of the particles.

Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 06/06/2009 13:39:11
                               SECTION 1-2: ADDITION OF DOT-WAVES

   In the Dot-Wave theory, the entire universe is both electrical and mechanical in nature. However electrical energy and mechanical energy are not independent properties. This means that mechanical energy is a transformed property of electrical energy and electrical energy is a transformed property of mechanical energy. Therefore there is a direct relationship equation relating mechanical energy and electrical energy.

   As shown in Equation 1-5, a moving charge at light speed C has photonic energy. It also has an electrical current and a magnetic field.
    Electrical energy = Q C = Coulombs per second times distance      (1-45)

   Equation 1-45 specifies that charge momentum is identical with energy. A moving charge at light speed C is part of a photon. Thus charge has the mechanical units of momentum. Equation 1-45 also states that electrical energy is a current flow times distance. Therefore a moving charge has the property of spin of magnetic moment.

   Electrical Energy = QC = Coulomb meters per second         (1-46)

   Equation 1-46 is another way of looking at the moving charge. It is charge at a distance per second. Therefore we are looking at charge times a distance per second. Therefore it appears that everything has a spin term.

    At a distance plus dot-waves attract minus dot-waves and repel other positive dot-waves. Plus and minus dot waves exist in different universes so they can never annihilate each other. Within the Plank radius a plus dot-wave and a minus dot wave combine to form a massy dot-wave in the center mechanical universe.

    The massy dot-wave can take the form of a stationary mass or a photonic wave. A stationary dot wave exists within the Plank radius and looks like a dot. However the dot wave will oscillate from the Plank radius to an external radius. In addition the dot-wave at the external radius will spin. Therefore the dot-wave looks like a dot which flows into a circular spinning wave on a planar surface.

  If we look at a plus and minus dot wave spinning around each other, we find they produce both a moving electrical and magnetic field within a plane. The force vectors are perpendicular to the plane. Thus:

    Force = Qd V B                        (1-47)

  The force acting upon the two dots is the charge of the dots times the velocity times the magnetic flux B. The direction of the force is perpendicular to the spin of the dots. The dots form a gyroscopic device. If you take a gyroscope and spin it rapidly, it will resist any motion at any angle relative to the plane of the spin except perpendicular to the spin. The spinning gyroscope does not resist motion in the perpendicular direction.

   Therefore the two spinning dots have mass and energy in the plane of the spin and at various angles relative to the plane of the spin.

    Mass = Mo Sin θ                        (1-48)

   When theta equals zero, the mass is zero and the force is a maximum. The acceleration is:

    Acceleration = Force / Mass                     (1-49)

   Acceleration = Force / 0 = Infinite                  (1-50)

   From equation 1-50 we find that two spinning dots within a photon have a mass perpendicular to the motion. The photon accelerates at near infinite acceleration. The velocity of the photon meets no resistance and therefore the photon reaches the highest speed possible.

    A photon goes from nearly zero linear speed within the electron and flows outward at light speed C. The photon is a gyroscopic device which has a driving force in a direction perpendicular to the plane which is not resisted by any motion of the gyroscopic action.

   The proton has billions of billions of dot-waves. However when we look inside the proton, we will not find a cloud of dot-waves. Although negative dot-waves repel other negative dot-waves at a distance, they do not repel each other at the Plank radius. Thus once negative dot-waves coexist simultaneously with other negative dot-waves, no repulsion occurs. In effect two negative dot waves repel each other when the distance between them is R.

    F = K Qd Qd/ R^2                        (1-51)

   In equation 1-51 we find that the force between two positive dot-waves at a distance R gets stronger the smaller R becomes. Once we bring the distance R down to the Plank radius, the two charges fit inside each other. The forces are now equal in all directions. Therefore once you insert positive dot-charges inside each other, you have no repulsive forces.

   The same is true of two negative dot charges. In fact you can fit billions of positive dot charges inside each other. You could also insert billions of negative dot-charges inside each other.

   In addition you can insert billions of positive and negative dot charges inside each other. The net result is that it is possible to produce huge amounts of positive and negative dot-charges inside the same Plank radius. This enables any amount of positive and negative dot charges to coexist with any amount of surplus positive and negative dot charges in the same Plank radius.

  Of course in the universe today, plus and minus dot-charges are very happy to be free. The big bang squeezed them together. However even today, concentrations of positive dot charges within bipolar dot charges will attract free negative dot charges and build up to a balanced configuration.

   A balanced configuration of plus and minus dot charges can collide with another balanced configuration to split the structure. Therefore there is a continuous building up and destruction of dot-charge structures at the Plank radius.

   A black hole can suck up more and more dot waves to produce huge amounts of particles full of energy at the Plank radius. Most likely the black holes will be composed of huge amounts of heavy sub-particles. The cosmology of the universe will be discussed in Chapter 8.

   The dot-waves are basically point charges. At the minimum size of their oscillation they reach the Plank radius. Yet they can expand from the Plank radius to the radius of the particle or photon they are part of.

   As calculated in section 1-1, a single high-energy dot-wave expands to over 600 meters. However most dot-waves are part of higher energy photons and particles. Billions of plus dot-waves mixed with billions of bi-polar dot-waves will join together to form spinning and oscillating planes of positive/bipolar dot waves which will oscillate from a maximum radius to the Plank radius. The same is true of the negative/bipolar dot-waves.

    Huge amounts of positive/bipolar dot-waves will produce gyroscopic surfaces. These will oscillate from the Plank radius to the radius of the sub-particle.

   When we look for the individual dot-waves we must look for positive and negative photons with a wavelength of 600 meters. We could also look for positive and negative electro-photons of 300, 150, 75, etc. meters. Thus it should be possible to observe some positive and negative photons. The 600-meter bipolar photon would be the graviton. This would be the smallest amount of radiated energy coming from the hydrogen atom.

   This amount of energy may initially be mixed within the photon spectra. Thus:

   Photon Energy = h (f1 + f2)                     (1-52)

  Equation 1-52 specifies that the gravitational radiation may take the form of a slightly higher frequency of the light waves. This would make the gravitational radiation very hard to detect. However eventually the photons will break down and we may be able to spot the gravitational waves coming from the stars.

   Equation 1-51 tells us that part of the red shift we see from the far stars is due to gravitational energy being radiated within the light we see. This will be discussed more in Chapter 8.

    In order to produce a three-dimensional mass as we know, such as the proton or the electron, we need to have a three dimensional gyroscope. Therefore the proton must contain at least three different sub-particles. The gyroscopic vectors must balance for a stationary proton. As photons are added to the proton, the gyroscopic vectors will temporally unbalance and the proton will accelerate in the direction of the force. Then the vectors will balance again and the proton will move in a constant velocity mode.

   There is no such thing as mass as such. All we have are gyroscopic fields, which resist motion. Plus dot-waves spinning in the same direction as minus dot-waves will have a net zero magnetic field. Plus dot-waves spinning in opposite direction as minus dot-waves will have a strong magnetic field.

Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: Bored chemist on 06/06/2009 15:45:29
I'm not sure this counts as a theory.
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 06/06/2009 16:15:01
I'm not sure this counts as a theory.

 Why do you think that?
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: Bored chemist on 06/06/2009 16:58:22
As far as I'm aware it hasn't been tested. At best it's a hypothesis.
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: witsend on 06/06/2009 17:49:30
At last, something expressed in simple english. 

Your concept of high energy and low energy dot waves is intriguing.  But I have a problem with your opening para.  Isn't photonic energy, as you put it, exactly the same as electromagnetic energy.  Wasn't that Maxwell?  How do you separate the two?  Is it a nascent potential of some kind?

I like the concept of neutral bipolar dot waves.  But how does the spin produce a particle?  And why three gyroscopic planes?  If they're neutral waves, then wouldn't they just move in synch? 

And why then are stable particles composed of not less than three sub-particles?  Is it because they somehow attenuated by those planes?
Every particle, sub-particle, plus charge, minus charge, plus magnetic photon, minus magnetic photon, gravitational photon, and photon is composed of the dot-waves. Empty space itself is packed with dot-waves.

I'm absolutely with you here.  It sort of fits with my own idea - that particles are composites of a fundamental particle.  For some reason you need that fundamental 'thing' to be a wave? Is there a reason for this?

You've lost me with these dimensions.  If there's a separation between these dimensions it must surely be defined?  What I'm actually asking is this.  A tiny difference in their time dimensions would not account for the known paradox of paired particles' simultaneous adjustment of spin - a non-local effect?

I can sort of buy that the world is sandwiched between t- and t+ but if they both have three dimensions of space we're left with twelve dimensions, the mechanical (us) having its own time and three space dimensions.  Does that fit with string theories?  I would have thought it's at least 2 dimensions too many.  I know that there is one theory where 11 dimensions are used.  I've never heard of 12? 
The bipolar dot-waves live within the mechanical universe. The plus dot-waves live within the plus electrical universe and the minus dot-waves live within the minus electrical universe. There is a constant flow of plus and minus dots into the mechanical universe and visa-versa. The dot-waves exhibit different characteristics depending upon which universe they are operating in.

I like those symmetries.

I can't get my head around the thought that electic or mangnetic fields could be stationary.  And what is a photonic field?

JerryGG38 - I think I see where you're going with this.   I have no idea how to guage whether it's right or wrong because I cannot understand your equations.  In effect the manfest - our world - is forever being 'coupled and decoupled' from what you term those gyroscopic planes. I'm in no position to argue it's merits.  But it does seem to lack a certain logical cohesion.  Perhaps it's in the math?

Still struggling with this.
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 06/06/2009 18:08:20
As far as I'm aware it hasn't been tested. At best it's a hypothesis.

Well I do not know. I will have to check Webster because I always call my
work theories.
  1) contemplation
   2) speculation
  3) systematic statement of principles
   4)a formulation of apparent relationships which has been verified to some degree.

  A hypothesis has not yet been varified.

   Therefore for definitions 1-3 I am okay. For definition 4,you probably are more correct. However does it really matter?
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: Vern on 06/06/2009 18:17:23
I think that as engineers we tend to use the term, theory, much as the general population thinks of it. Physicists place more importance on tests and acceptance by other physicists. The last paragraph in the quoted text says it.

This is Wiki on Scientific Theory (

Quote from: the article
In the sciences generally, a scientific theory (the same as an empirical theory) is constructed from elementary theorems that consist in empirical data about observable phenomena. A scientific theory is used as a plausible general principle or body of principles offered to explain a phenomenon.[1]

A scientific theory is a deductive theory, in that, its content is based on some formal system of logic and that some of its elementary theorems are taken as axioms. In a deductive theory, any sentence which is a logical consequence of one or more of the axioms is also a sentence of that theory.[2]

A major concern in construction of scientific theories is the problem of demarcation, i.e., distinguishing those ideas that are properly studied by the sciences and those that are not.
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 06/06/2009 18:28:39
I think that as engineers we tend to use the term, theory, much as the general population thinks of it. Physicists place more importance tests and acceptance by other physicists. The last paragraph in the quoted text says it.

This is Wiki on Scientific Theory (

Quote from: the article
In the sciences generally, a scientific theory (the same as an empirical theory) is constructed from elementary theorems that consist in empirical data about observable phenomena. A scientific theory is used as a plausible general principle or body of principles offered to explain a phenomenon.[1]

A scientific theory is a deductive theory, in that, its content is based on some formal system of logic and that some of its elementary theorems are taken as axioms. In a deductive theory, any sentence which is a logical consequence of one or more of the axioms is also a sentence of that theory.[2]

A major concern in construction of scientific theories is the problem of demarcation, i.e., distinguishing those ideas that are properly studied by the sciences and those that are not.

Thanks vern. As you see I have finally finished my corrections. I am down to the wire. Yesterday I applied for a business license in Cary. I am going back into the handyman business part time. I thought that I could get an Engineering job but as everyone knows things are rough.
  In Virginia Beach I had a nice part time business with one good helper. Well perhaps I will find someone else. But right now I will only do very small jobs.
  Anyway the theory is done and I will discuss it here for some time and then send out copies to a few professors who responded to my prior work.
I have gone full circle with my mass to charge transformations. So far it has not been destroyed in my mind. But as I discuss it it may self
destruct. Hope not!
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 06/06/2009 19:14:22
At last, something expressed in simple english. 

Your concept of high energy and low energy dot waves is intriguing.  But I have a problem with your opening para.  Isn't photonic energy, as you put it, exactly the same as electromagnetic energy.  Wasn't that Maxwell?  How do you separate the two?  Is it a nascent potential of some kind?

I like the concept of neutral bipolar dot waves.  But how does the spin produce a particle?  And why three gyroscopic planes?  If they're neutral waves, then wouldn't they just move in synch? 

And why then are stable particles composed of not less than three sub-particles?  Is it because they somehow attenuated by those planes?
Every particle, sub-particle, plus charge, minus charge, plus magnetic photon, minus magnetic photon, gravitational photon, and photon is composed of the dot-waves. Empty space itself is packed with dot-waves.

I'm absolutely with you here.  It sort of fits with my own idea - that particles are composites of a fundamental particle.  For some reason you need that fundamental 'thing' to be a wave? Is there a reason for this?

You've lost me with these dimensions.  If there's a separation between these dimensions it must surely be defined?  What I'm actually asking is this.  A tiny difference in their time dimensions would not account for the known paradox of paired particles' simultaneous adjustment of spin - a non-local effect?

I can sort of buy that the world is sandwiched between t- and t+ but if they both have three dimensions of space we're left with twelve dimensions, the mechanical (us) having its own time and three space dimensions.  Does that fit with string theories?  I would have thought it's at least 2 dimensions too many.  I know that there is one theory where 11 dimensions are used.  I've never heard of 12? 
The bipolar dot-waves live within the mechanical universe. The plus dot-waves live within the plus electrical universe and the minus dot-waves live within the minus electrical universe. There is a constant flow of plus and minus dots into the mechanical universe and visa-versa. The dot-waves exhibit different characteristics depending upon which universe they are operating in.

I like those symmetries.

I can't get my head around the thought that electic or mangnetic fields could be stationary.  And what is a photonic field?

JerryGG38 - I think I see where you're going with this.   I have no idea how to guage whether it's right or wrong because I cannot understand your equations.  In effect the manfest - our world - is forever being 'coupled and decoupled' from what you term those gyroscopic planes. I'm in no position to argue it's merits.  But it does seem to lack a certain logical cohesion.  Perhaps it's in the math?

Still struggling with this.

Response to W:

W: Your concept of high energy and low energy dot waves is intriguing. But I have a problem with your opening para. Isn't photonic energy, as you put it, exactly the same as electromagnetic energy. Wasn't that Maxwell? How do you separate the two? Is it a nascent potential of some kind?

GG: My photonic energy is bipolar electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy is positive or negative but photonic energy is a balanced blend of the two. The moon revolves around the Earth. The moon produces  a photonic field which cuts the earth and produced bipolar electromagnetic fields called eddy currents.
  These cause the oceans to rise and move. The Earth cuts the moon and over time slows the moon’s spin.

W:I like the concept of neutral bipolar dot waves. But how does the spin produce a particle? And why three gyroscopic planes? If they're neutral waves, then wouldn't they just move in synch?

GG: If you take a gyroscope  (buy a child’s toy gyro)  and spin it, notice that it resists motion in the plane of the spin. (I used to work for Sperry Gryro) Notice that it resists motion in the plane of the spin but does not resist motion perpendicular to the spin. If we take three gyro’s in orthogonal planes, and spin them (this is hard to do with the toys) however we now have a three dimensional gyro which will resist motion in all three dimensions.
  Mass resists motion in any direction. Therefore mass is composed of a three dimensional gyro. Three orthogonal spins produce mass. Therefore it is self-evident to me that mass is the product of three spins. Mass is not an independent property but is produced by electrical spins.

W:And why then are stable particles composed of not less than three sub-particles? Is it because they somehow attenuated by those planes?

 GG: The electron is only a singularity but splits into three sub-particles within the neutron. In general you need three sub-particles to produce a  spherical shaped particle. The electron comes and goes. It is more particle photon than particle.  In the Bohr atom it forms a spherical plane. Therefore I consider the electron to be its own quark and not a particle as such.

GG:Every particle, sub-particle, plus charge, minus charge, plus magnetic photon, minus magnetic photon, gravitational photon, and photon is composed of the dot-waves. Empty space itself is packed with dot-waves.

W: I'm absolutely with you here. It sort of fits with my own idea - that particles are composites of a fundamental particle. For some reason you need that fundamental 'thing' to be a wave? Is there a reason for this?

GG: 28 years ago I started with the plus dot and the minus dot. Over time they lost credibility in my mind. All of nature appears as particle-waves. Therefore I changed to the dot-wave. My dot wave is a point at some time and expands outward as a wave as other times. Then it returns to a point again.

W: You've lost me with these dimensions. If there's a separation between these dimensions it must surely be defined? What I'm actually asking is this. A tiny difference in their time dimensions would not account for the known paradox of paired particles' simultaneous adjustment of spin - a non-local effect?

GG: The time distance is very tiny. (Plank time). However once the dot-waves contract to the Plank radius, the time distance is huge. (PS: I am not aware of the paradox you refer to).

W:I can sort of buy that the world is sandwiched between t- and t+ but if they both have three dimensions of space we're left with twelve dimensions, the mechanical (us) having its own time and three space dimensions. Does that fit with string theories? I would have thought it's at least 2 dimensions too many. I know that there is one theory where 11 dimensions are used. I've never heard of 12?

GG: The way I look at it is that there are three physical dimensions X, Y, Z and three time dimensions T+, T-, T0 which gives us only six dimensions.  However if you are in the T+ universe you could say that there X+, Y+,Z+ dimensions and the same for the zero and the same for the minus. Then you would get nine dimensions looking that way.  Once you say you are in the X+,Y+,Z+ universe you cannot say you are also in the t+, T-, or To dimensions.
So I can say we have six or nine dimensions but not twelve. However it doesn’t matter how we define it since tiny time differences are quite feasible. We could also say tiny light speed differences are quite feasible.
  As far as never heard of twelve, I have my own independent thoughts. I am not limited by the thoughts of others. I never heard of eleven until I started to read string theory a few months ago.

GG: The bipolar dot-waves live within the mechanical universe. The plus dot-waves live within the plus electrical universe and the minus dot-waves live within the minus electrical universe. There is a constant flow of plus and minus dots into the mechanical universe and visa-versa. The dot-waves exhibit different characteristics depending upon which universe they are operating in.

W:I like those symmetries.

I can't get my head around the thought that electic or mangnetic fields could be stationary. And what is a photonic field?

GG: Most fields are always moving. However if we take a proton which is relatively stationary, It will be surrounded by  stationary patterns of  minus and then plus dots. If we move the proton, the stationary patterns will move. Thus moving dots are magnetic fields.
  The photonic field is the balanced electromagnetic field. Gravity is one example. Starlight contains moving photonic fields.

W: JerryGG38 - I think I see where you're going with this. I have no idea how to guage whether it's right or wrong because I cannot understand your equations. In effect the manfest - our world - is forever being 'coupled and decoupled' from what you term those gyroscopic planes. I'm in no position to argue it's merits. But it does seem to lack a certain logical cohesion. Perhaps it's in the math?

Still struggling with this.

GG: Thanks for the good questions.
Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: witsend on 07/06/2009 05:58:29
Thanks for the good answers.  First thing I did when I got back was check this post.  Delighted to find that you'd responded to the questions.  So patient - JerryGG38! And I'm in awe of your knowledge. But I first have to digest your answers before I can 'move on' so to speak.

For now, I'm not sure if it's appropriate on this forum - but I'd like to put on record that you have got to be the least egocentric person that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing - albeit only within this rather limited forum.  But 'limited' is way off the mark.  I'm SO learning a science forum's value.  And, at the risk of sounding absurd, what I LOVE is that it is a 'meeting of the minds' without the clutter of personal identities.

'meeting of the minds' is also a bit off keel - as that meeting often results in bullet firing and ricochets.  Anyway I'm getting off the point.  I am a great admirer.  Don't rip up any more of your ideas.  At least not until I've had a chance to try and catch up with them.

Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 07/06/2009 10:13:20
Thanks for the good answers.  First thing I did when I got back was check this post.  Delighted to find that you'd responded to the questions.  So patient - JerryGG38! And I'm in awe of your knowledge. But I first have to digest your answers before I can 'move on' so to speak.

  Don't rip up any more of your ideas.  At least not until I've had a chance to try and catch up with them.


Thanks for your nice comments. The ideas do not get ripped up as such. They get reformulated. I have a bipolar mind. I go from manic high to normal. I do not suffer depressions. In the past my mind spun so rapidly that it was a mental disability.
   My mind always finds alternatives. I think of a solution and in a short time I think of five other solutions. I always was a great problem solver in my Engineering jobs. Yet in 1981 I started on the physics of the universe and it was a very tough problem.
   My dots became dot-waves over years.Now my mind has quieted down a lot. I appreciate people like you who ask good questions. This causes my mind to think of alternatives. The forum is good. I also get some response from some physics professors around the world. Yet my work has not been good enough for most of them.
   I looked at the magnetic moment measurements for 28 years. I never had any way of calculating them. Then after a professor suggested I tackle such problems, that I began to see several possibilities.
  So I have to adjust my theory to account for the magnetic moment calculations.

Title: Dot-Wave Theory (revised)
Post by: jerrygg38 on 07/06/2009 10:18:55
                          SECTION 1-3 LOW ENERGY DOT WAVES

     The high-energy dot-waves are the product of the compression of the big bang. These dot-waves produce the material particles and the high-energy photons and electro-photons.

   The universe is also full of low-energy dot-waves. As the universe expands after the big bang, there is a huge amount of radiated energy. Many of the high-energy dot-waves break apart into lower and lower energy dot waves. Initially dot-waves travel at light speed C. Eventually many dot-waves reach near zero velocity.

    The energy of a high-energy dot-wave is:

    E = Qd C                           (1-53)

   The low energy dot-waves appear in two different forms. Some of the original positive and negative dot-waves will slow to a near zero velocity while maintaining their charge QD. The corresponding energy of a low-energy dot-wave with the same charge as the high-energy dot-wave is:

    E = Qd V                           (1-54)

   The energy level depends upon V, which will vary from the speed of light to a minimum velocity. The Debroglie wavelength of the minimum energy level is:

   E = hf = hC/λ                         (1-55)

   In equation 1-55 the low energy dot-wave has energy equal to Plank’s constant h times the speed of light C divided by the wavelength. The longest wavelength in the universe is:

    λ = 2π Ru                           (1-56)

   In equation 1-55, the longest Debroglie wavelength in the universe is 2 pi time the radius of the universe. In Chapter 8, the radius of the universe is calculated to be:

   Ru = 1.302418E26 meters.                     (1-57)

   The radius of the universe is based upon a straight-line approximation involving a four dimensional logarithmic spiral at big bang which becomes a simple sphere at the present time. The time of the universe to the center of the spiral was calculated as:

    Tu = 4.344397E17 seconds                     (1-58)

    Tu = 13.76656 billion years                     (1-59)

   The longest wavelength becomes:

    λ = 8.183334E26 meters                     (1-60)

  In equation 1-59, the longest Debroglie wavelength in the Universe equals the circumference of the universe.

     The lowest energy level is:

    E = hC/ 2πRu = 2.427429E-52 joules               (1-61)

   This lowest energy level occurs when the dot charge QD travels at a minimum velocity Vmin.  Therefore:

   Vmin = E/QD = 2.427429E-52 / 5.391237E-37            (1-62)

   Vmin = 4.502545E-16                        (1-63)

   Equation 1-63 specifies the minimum velocity of a high-energy dot-wave, which has been reduced to a minimum velocity over time. As the universe gets larger, the velocity of the high-energy dot will get less and less. In the end, the universe ends with dots at zero velocity.

   The second way the energy of the dot-wave breaks down is by the loss of charge of the dot-wave. For a dot-wave traveling at the speed of light C, the charge of the dot drops to a lower and lower value. At the present, the minimum charge is:

    Qmin = E/C = 2.427429E-52/ 2.997925E8               (1-64)

    Qmin = 8.097030E-61 coulombs                  (1-65)

   In equation 1-65 we find that a high charge dot-wave can degenerate into a spectrum of much lower charges as the universe expands from the big bang.

   These equations provide us with a little understanding of the cosmology of the universe. One possibility is that as the universe compressed from infinity toward a pinpoint at light speed C, charge was created in the process. The dual electrical universe was created by the compression of space-time.   

   In any event, the universe is full of low energy dot-waves. Some of which may be moving at very slow velocities while others still maintain light speed C while having a very tiny charge.

   Our universe then is filled with high energy dot-waves and low energy dot-waves. The big bang created the high-energy dot-waves. The expansion of the universe slowly destroys the high-energy dot-waves and we are left with low energy dot-waves. Eventually they will disappear and the dual electrical universe will disappear. Eventually charge will be gone. Then the universe will become pure potential energy.   

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