New Theories / Re: Can a photon escape from inside the event horizon of two black holes?
« on: 27/07/2022 18:20:20 »Sorry to bring sad news, Pete died after a long illness.
I thought that was likely the case as he had lots of medical problems and suffered a lot, but I'd have liked to have got in touch with him if he was still hanging on just to try and give him a boost.
Glad to hear you are improving, had intended to reply to your other post, but the covid hit and I’m just recovering.
Hope your recovery is good - it can still be a rough ride even with the vaccines.
One of the other things I've been up to recently is redesigning the wheel so that it can roll up and down stairs easily by adapting to the shape of the stairs in such a way that the hub follows an approximately straight path at a constant speed, so I now have to try and build a working model. I can't describe it until it's patented, but it could make a big difference for disabled people and for robotics, while ideally the royalties would all go from the latter application to subsidise the former. I'd like to hand the idea over to a university that can develop a complete demonstration device (ideally an electric wheelchair). First to ask will be first to get.