Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Re: Why Does Light NOT Experience Time When It Slows Down ?
« on: 04/02/2025 04:27:45 »
I've got to ask why it is that you ( @neilep ) ask a variety of fairly sensible, interesting and well informed questions?
I'm suspicious that you are deliberately giving people something to do. This is meant in the nicest possible way: It really can be nice for others to have some sensible thing to discuss.
You could ask questions that are relevant to your everyday life: For example, "why does my wooly coat get stuck on the fence?" However, you don't. Instead you've gone to some effort to find suitable topics. Why would you spend some time seeking out suitable questions? Perhaps you just already knew some issues and ideas that are currently being debated or are worthy of debate? Are you an expert taking pitty on others seeking something to do - allowing them to write replies that they can imagine as being useful?
Finally, you pretend to be a fairly simple sort of person or even a sheep. Is that a metaphor? Is it important that we perceive you as being an easily lead and influenced reader? Perhaps, we (anyone who replies) are the ones actually behaving like sheep? i.d.k.
Anyway, it really can be nice to have some sensible questions and topics for discussion raised, so thank you very much. I just have to ask the question that I'm sure a few other people have also considered - why are you posting these sorts of questions in this sort of style? What motive exists?
Best Wishes.
I've got to ask why it is that you ( @neilep ) ask a variety of fairly sensible, interesting and well informed questions?
I'm suspicious that you are deliberately giving people something to do. This is meant in the nicest possible way: It really can be nice for others to have some sensible thing to discuss.
You could ask questions that are relevant to your everyday life: For example, "why does my wooly coat get stuck on the fence?" However, you don't. Instead you've gone to some effort to find suitable topics. Why would you spend some time seeking out suitable questions? Perhaps you just already knew some issues and ideas that are currently being debated or are worthy of debate? Are you an expert taking pitty on others seeking something to do - allowing them to write replies that they can imagine as being useful?
Finally, you pretend to be a fairly simple sort of person or even a sheep. Is that a metaphor? Is it important that we perceive you as being an easily lead and influenced reader? Perhaps, we (anyone who replies) are the ones actually behaving like sheep? i.d.k.
Anyway, it really can be nice to have some sensible questions and topics for discussion raised, so thank you very much. I just have to ask the question that I'm sure a few other people have also considered - why are you posting these sorts of questions in this sort of style? What motive exists?
Best Wishes.