Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Re: Do you believe in possibility of life in other galaxies?
« on: 31/07/2021 08:21:28 »Although, many people assume that Proxima B might have the same Environment as Earth. I guess we will have more detailed information when the James Webb Space Telescope will be launchedI wanna add a few words about the possibility of life in other galaxies. There is one theory about Proxima BYes, you are right. At that time even if we detact such planet with the help of super powerful telescopes, we cannot define if it`s exactly the planet we are looking for. Not even taking into consideration the fact that we cannot reach it and we have no ideas how to do it.But still, there is a possibility that in some galaxy and in some exoplanet there are some forms of life or this planet can be similar to Earth in conditions for living for humans.By the logic spelled out above, it is essentially a certainty, yes.
The beings living there will probably not be particularly human-like, but perhaps the chemistry will be somewhat similar such that we might be able to eat the local vegetables.
OK, so such a place likely exists. So what? We can't sense it.
If we only consider planets within our visible universe, less than 2.5% of them are within the Hubble radius, and far less than 1% of those are within 2 billion light years distance. So suppose somebody a mere couple billion light years away has fantastic sensing technology and notices Earth has the right atmosphere and environment for them. They also have ships that can move at nearly light speed. By the time they get here (4 G-year minimum), the Earth will be a charred smoking husk, certainly not the friendly environment they sensed from afar. Such environments are temporary. Maybe some life here has evolved to a hot dry planet, but it won't be what the visitors came here for.
So the existence of some planet habitable to us without modification is of little interest to humans even if we could somehow know where it is. It has to be reasonably close by.. I have heard some interesting ideas about Proxima B and some scientists are convinced that this exoplanet might be the second Earth. What do you think about that?