The Environment / Re: Global Warming. long term effects.
« on: 01/02/2025 23:46:27 »
Both cause and effect just show that an expanding population leads to much more CO2 being emitted not only by us but the animals we eat and the energy we use to build houses, roads, water mains, sewers to service the expansion.
If a country has a fertility rate that exceeds 4 it must double its houses every 20 years which is economically almost impossible to sustain. Failure to keep up will lead to homelessness, shanty towns and huge public discontent with people blaming the government of failure or favouritism .
This will lead to ethnic groups competing for land and water rights which if armed groups emerge as we are seeing in the Sahara and middle east is disastrous.
Thousands of people are displaced and move into refugee camps with no future which is tragic but is the result of too many children. A disaster which surely the UN must solve and quickly.
If a country has a fertility rate that exceeds 4 it must double its houses every 20 years which is economically almost impossible to sustain. Failure to keep up will lead to homelessness, shanty towns and huge public discontent with people blaming the government of failure or favouritism .
This will lead to ethnic groups competing for land and water rights which if armed groups emerge as we are seeing in the Sahara and middle east is disastrous.
Thousands of people are displaced and move into refugee camps with no future which is tragic but is the result of too many children. A disaster which surely the UN must solve and quickly.