Just Chat! / Share your favorite quotes about life
« on: 24/04/2015 08:14:19 »
found it on a statue in the local park. forgot his name. a black dude. not peaceful Obama.
If I ever helped someone along life's way, then my living is not in vain.
add another 1, maybe 20 years ago, a street drunker friend told me his wisdom about life.
Roll with the punches.
here's my own favor quote
life is but a dream, live day by day, dance all night long.
If I ever helped someone along life's way, then my living is not in vain.
add another 1, maybe 20 years ago, a street drunker friend told me his wisdom about life.
Roll with the punches.
here's my own favor quote
life is but a dream, live day by day, dance all night long.
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