Physiology & Medicine / Is counselling beneficial?
« on: 24/03/2009 22:36:55 »
From the British Medical Journal
Is the usual decision to wheel out counsellors shortly after a traumatic event upheld by the scientific literature? A systematic review identified 25 suitable studies. The researchers found no difference between any intervention and usual care for individuals exposed to trauma, irrespective of their symptoms. For people with symptoms of post-traumatic stress, trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy was more effective than a waiting list or supportive counselling (American Journal of Psychiatry 2009;166:293-301, doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.08040590).
Is the usual decision to wheel out counsellors shortly after a traumatic event upheld by the scientific literature? A systematic review identified 25 suitable studies. The researchers found no difference between any intervention and usual care for individuals exposed to trauma, irrespective of their symptoms. For people with symptoms of post-traumatic stress, trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy was more effective than a waiting list or supportive counselling (American Journal of Psychiatry 2009;166:293-301, doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.08040590).