Cells, Microbes & Viruses / Re: Can dogs really smell cancer?
« on: 28/10/2015 00:32:52 »So is the lady smelling a kind of waste product? Is sweat a way for the body to get rid of toxins and wastes from the whole body including the brain?This article about the Milton Keynes trial on prostrate cancer suggests that cancer cells could produce volatile (smelly) compounds in urine
. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/08/26/us-cancer-dogs-idUKKCN0QV1RR20150826
The current test for prostrate cancer PSA looks for a protein which may well have a smell passed to urine.
Diabetics can produce ketones which makes the breath smell of rotten apples.
I suspect there are many processes in the body during illness that will produce a scent a dog would detect as being unusual. Whether the scent is in sweat, breath, urine would depend on the chemicals and how they are released.
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