COVID-19 / Re: Is it all over in Brazil?
« on: 18/06/2023 01:03:33 »Who expected it? You didFor the benefit of poor readers, I have emboldened and italicised two rather important words. The question wasn't "will it..." but "can it....."QuoteQuote from: alancalverd on 24/05/2021 15:29:45
Yes and yes, because herd immunity isn't the same as inherent tolerance or immunity. If 80% of the population is immune through vaccination or prior infection, the probability of anyone else being infected becomes very small (herd immunity) but those that are infected can indeed breed mutants.
But the "if" had already come true by the time you made your post - 80% seropositivity by early May 2021 ( see graph on page 37 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1101870/vaccine-surveillance-report-week-35.pdf ) , the UK reached 95% seropositivity by week 41 2021 ( last sentence page 20 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1025358/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-41.pdf ) and there never was herd immunity and there were no new variants in the UK between when you posted and Omicron in december. In fact in october 2021 we reached record numbers of new cases.