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Here's why:Because photons are made of Riemann Spheres and being the same as space, photons experience a resistive force that cancels the propelling force just at the speed of light.
Gravity can affect matter because particles are Riemann Spheres, therefore are spacetime. So gravity causes spacetime to warp and this causes "spacetime" to move. Gravity is just spacetime acting on spacetime. Believing matter is more than spacetime, one sits with the problem of how spacetime communicates forces to it.
You've done nothing to provide proof of your claims.
Do you see the contradiction there?Incidentally, if I asked you for the secret recipe for Coca Cola, would you try to tell me that it's a Riemann sphere?
I have proof: I made a Riemann Sphere with my mind, then Earth tells me I made a photon. My mind knows how to make Riemann Spheres and I know Earth's voice.
Since when can the Earth talk?
OK, so now the science bit.Post some evidence.
then listen for a result.
Mother Earth. Earth can talk since Earth has conscious beings on it.
Even auditory hallucinations have a logic of itself.
Give evidence that Earth can talk.
By definition, hallucinations aren't real.
Life having arose on Earth is evidence that Earth can talk.
It may not be physically real but it is spiritually real.
I take hallucinations as real since it saves me from loneliness.
The speed of light is not the celling of the universe; fastest speed, but it is actually the floor of the universe. The speed of light is the actually connected to the ground state of the universe and therefore defines the zero reference of the universe. The analogy is sea level is the same for all the water references of the earth, at all elevations. If we stood on our head, while being in a cloud, sea level will look like the ceiling. This is what we have done. We, as humans, assume reference is relative. Through hundreds of years of convention, we have used the earth reference as the universal relative ground state. If we assume this, the speed of light will indeed appear to be the ceiling. The problem is the speed of light is not part of relative reference, since it is the same for all relative references. The speed of light is part of an absolute reference system. It is not defined by relative reference. One way to prove the speed of light is the floor of the universe is with some lab experiments. We first start with very low energy photons; radio waves. Matter and anti-matter pairs will never form from radio waves. We need to keep cranking up the energy value, before we can make matter and anti-matter appear. When we finally reach gamma and beyond, matter and antimatter pairs begin to appear from photons. Matter and anti-matter only appear, in as a spontaneous equilibrium with potions, at the upper limits of energy. If we plot this on a relative energy scale, using E=MC2, matter appears only at the highest potentials Some photons, on the other hand, can exist without matter/antimatter equilibria, at very lower energy values. Energy, which moves at the speed of light touches the lowest potential energy floor, while matter, which cannot move at the speed of light appears near the energy ceiling. Matter/mass cannot move at the speed of light, since to do so it would have to lower potential to below the equilibrium energy threshold of the photons where matter and anti-matter can appear. Matter would have to come down from the ceiling and move toward floor of the matter/energy diagram, where it would need to phase change into pure energy without any matter before it can go the speed of light. At the ceiling we have matter and energy; ice and water, but to reach the floor at the speed of light, matter needs to melts into pure energy; only water. This does not happen very easily and spontaneously, because the easy path would be anti-matter and matter annihilation. But there is not enough antimatter left in the universe to do this for all the matter of the universe. The result is the path that is left, lacks the key anti-matter catalysts. The activation energy becomes infinite. Matter stays at the ceiling. We would need infinite energy; high level energy, to generate even more matter and antimatter so we could destroy the original matter with a catalytic chain reaction. However, due to the continued imbalance of matter and anti-matter some matter will still be left over, due to the original matter imbalance. As the energy approaches infinite, the left matter over becomes a negligible percent and can be called zero for all practical purposes. The science community can see this but the science swamp does not want to undertake the redo of the entire system. There would be a short term disruptive of the status quo. It would be the new wild west of science, since when everyone stops standing on their head, the blood with rush to their feet and make everyone dizzy. However, once this wild west stage is done, it would simplify everything. For example, the universal red shift, by making energy wavelength longer, is heading to the ground state floor; place of lowest energy quanta and no matter. Gravity via General Relativity causes space-time to contract. In the limit of the black hole this contracts towards the point-instant. Gravity is also heading in the direction of the speed of light reference floor of the ground state.All the forces of nature give off energy as they partially and piece meal covert matter to energy. This is also heading toward the floor of more energy and less matter. All roads lead the same place. Upside down is too complicated for a just a rough approximation of right side up.
The photon is a tiny little thing that has almost no area . Having almost no area allows the photon to travel through the Higgs field ''ether'' without being impeded by the ''ether'' . This allows the photon to travel at light speed , the maximum speed light can travel but not the maximum speed atomic matter can travel .