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?Our question is based on the law of conservation of mass. Therefore, we take it that when a light particle is brought to rest, its mass remains unchanged.
?The Lorentz contraction equation predicts that light particles have zero length in the direction of their velocity and hence zero volume. Consequently, we suggest that light particles have the mass density of black holes (mass density = mass / zero volume).?
Our question is based on the law of conservation of mass.
Therefore, we take it that when a light particle is brought to rest, its mass remains unchanged.
The Lorentz contraction equation predicts that light particles have zero length in the direction of their velocity and hence zero volume.
Consequently, we suggest that light particles have the mass density of black holes
(mass density = mass / zero volume).
One problem is that you seem to be conflating between at least four very different theories
As noted earlier photons have no mass and can ONLY move at c
The synthesis suggests that when material particles are accelerating toward the velocity of light they are losing volume (Lorentz) and so are increasingly behaving more like waves than particles (Broglie).