Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Re: Scientific Oddities
« on: 28/07/2005 18:26:24 »
I agree that life will be common if we ever get out of our solar system to look for it. We are finding how common planets are, and just the shear number of stars suggest that there may be tens of thousands of planets just in the Milky Way that have similar temperature zones as we have on Earth that would develope life that we might recognize as similar.
Thought processes as we know them, depend on energy and therefore chemistry. Different life forms may develope based on different chemical reactions. The speed of thought of a rock has got to be a whole lot slower than a human. Also the great distances probabily protect us from more agressive species. Can't always choose your neighbors.
Remember the Rabbi's blessing in Fiddler on the Roof "May the Lord bless and keep the Tsar far from Anatefka". Maybe the speed of light is a good thing.
Thought processes as we know them, depend on energy and therefore chemistry. Different life forms may develope based on different chemical reactions. The speed of thought of a rock has got to be a whole lot slower than a human. Also the great distances probabily protect us from more agressive species. Can't always choose your neighbors.
Remember the Rabbi's blessing in Fiddler on the Roof "May the Lord bless and keep the Tsar far from Anatefka". Maybe the speed of light is a good thing.