Complementary Medicine / Re: Poor Eye Sight?
« on: 19/09/2005 01:30:07 »
Thanks for the suggestion Inga, I do have a lot of vision problems due to high blood sugar. At times, like now, I can read the screen, but if I shake my head, it can take several minutes to be able to read characters again, and there are times during the day when no reading is possible.
I came up with a surprising and evil tasting cure of oregano oil. Take two drops beneath the tongue, and in a minute or less my vision clears. Of course it is the most disgusting thing you will ever take burning like pepper and leaving a bad taste in your mouth. They do make capsules of the stuff that don't taste as bad, but they don't get it in your blood stream as fast or as efficiently. But it works for me quite well.
p.s. don't kiss your wife after a dose.
I came up with a surprising and evil tasting cure of oregano oil. Take two drops beneath the tongue, and in a minute or less my vision clears. Of course it is the most disgusting thing you will ever take burning like pepper and leaving a bad taste in your mouth. They do make capsules of the stuff that don't taste as bad, but they don't get it in your blood stream as fast or as efficiently. But it works for me quite well.
p.s. don't kiss your wife after a dose.