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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Ruptor on 14/12/2020 15:56:16

Title: The Little Pop Theory and The Time Universe or not?
Post by: Ruptor on 14/12/2020 15:56:16
I sent this to a few physicists and the Gravity Foundation over the last year but had zero feedback so I thought I would post it here to see what anybody thinks about it. Any feedback would be appreciated. :)

The Little Pop Theory and The Time Universe

Submitted on 30/01/2020

Physics cannot connect quantum forces with gravity. This theory presents an alternative view of the Universe that shows all the forces use the same medium so are fundamentally the same. The method of thinking used is the classical method that is actually thought of reality since you can understand all aspects of the results and leave nothing to probability. This view of the Universe results in one fundamental particle that forms the basis of all matter. This particle is formed by one field that is Time the first thing to exist and it forms the Universe as a four dimensional environment where distance does not exist. Unfortunately it requires physics to eliminate distance from all the equations and embrace a four dimensional Time Universe.


The current view of the Universe is all based on matter that we can see but if it is all removed the Universe still exists and time still flows from our perspective. The obsession with matter we can see has driven physicists, cosmologists and Astronomers to smash matter to its smallest components and view all the objects in the Universe and yet the quantum level is not connected to Gravity. Now that we know the structure of matter it gives us the opportunity to theorise the fabric of space and continue our journey of understanding the Universe by connecting Gravity with the quantum level.
Einstein [ref 2]showed us the connection between matter and time and Dirac [ref 3] incorporated the ideas in to Quantum mechanics. Then The Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox [ref 4] that has been proven by many experiments pushed the boundaries of understanding by showing matter as entangled particles can pass information without delay. Clearly there is more to matter than we can see and we need to stand outside the Universe to understand.
To unite the very small with the very large a model for the fabric of the Universe is proposed by establishing one particle as the basis of all matter that exists in one field that forms what we perceive as space. This approach yields the result that distance does not exist hence small and large distances do not separate forces they are all working in the same medium where entanglement is explained.

The Single Particle of Matter

By looking at how stars collapse we can see the stable states of matter that result in the different types of star from the White Dwarf and Neutron stars, made of matter we can understand, to the black hole that is the most dense. A couple of the macro characteristics of the Neutron star show us the density is that of Neutrons and it has no charge so we conclude it is made of Neutrons. Applying this to a Black hole that is even more dense and does not have charge the only fundamental particle that fits the bill is the Neutrino. The Black Hole does not care about what form of matter is sucked in it all ends up in the same state with neutralised charge as the most dense matter observed so it follows that all matter must be based on the same particle. Other forms of matter like charged particles are just different vibrations on the Neutrino.
Since the Neutrino and the Black Hole have the same characteristics it also follows that the Neutrino has zero time at its centre and can be thought of as a hole in time that shall be discussed later.

The Fabric of Space

The vacuum clearly exists because with everything we can detect removed we still perceive volume or space so it must be a fabric of something.
Maxwell [ref 1] could see that his displacement current was a flow or movement of particles in the aether between the plates of a capacitor and posed the question if particles exist in the aether then what is in between the particles?
Physics over the last century has smashed matter in to its basic constituents and identified all the particles so the space particles that Maxwell pointed to have to be one of the identified particles. Since Space exists but we cannot see or interact with it the particles of space must be very small, have practically no mass and no charge. The only particle that fits this description is the Neutrino and we know this is the most abundant particle that formed first. This gives us a fabric for space as Neutrinos with time in between and this sets the realm of normal time compared to the realm of zero time at the centre of the Neutrino. This implies that the Neutrinos are setting or pinning the time field down to set normal time flow so if they can be moved out of the way time would run faster. A suggestion for testing this is given later after the full description of the Universe.

The Single field Universe

If we look at all the mechanisms of attraction and repulsion in the Universe they exhibit the same characteristics of the square law like the attraction between two charged particles or two uncharged masses it is just the magnitude that is different. This means the mechanisms must be fundamentally the same and since they all take place in space the common element is the fabric of space that dictates the mechanism. Another fundamental feature of the Universe is that everything seems to grow or form with the Fibonacci sequence from the number of quarks in a Hadron, the Electrons in the shells and the growth of life itself. It seems reasonable to assume therefore that the Universe has started and grows with the Fibonacci sequence. First within the zero time realm outside of our Universe a ripple or spin occurred causing a moment of time to pop up and formed a Neutrino. This pulled another spin giving two Neutrinos and the Fibonacci sequence of Neutrino production began continuing as the flow of time making time the single field of the Universe. The single tiny Neutrino at the start is the reason for the title “The Little Pop Theory”.
One can see that if Neutrinos are holes in time there is no need to imagine matter as solid objects making it easy to imagine how they can come from a point and understand how the Universe is still expanding since time is still flowing making more Neutrinos with the Fibonacci sequence. As a model one can imagine a Neutrino as a whirlpool. A fish would see it as a solid object because he cannot get in to it due to spin or swim across air in the centre for that matter. One can also see how anti particles annihilate particles leaving nothing since two opposite spinning holes would cancel each other. If the Universe is a single time field then a different view of our three dimensional space is required.

The Time View of the Universe

The current name for Space is Space Time but if the Universe is a time field then Space or more precisely distance does not exist. We see the Universe by looking at light but as we know light takes time to travel to our eyes so we are always looking at the past. It is even more fundamental in that every electrical signal in our body takes time to reach its destination and that means our bodies are spread out in time. If we look at one foot then the other we have seen them at different points in time and cannot view both feet at the same point in time. Quantum entanglement is a good example that shows distance does not exist. Two entangled particles can be put any distance apart and yet pass information instantly. When the two particles were entangled they were put very close together at the same point in time and it is that point that links them in the future. This also means the particles have a time memory since they hold the time position link in to the future. All this information is held in a particle that to us appears to be a point with no dimensions again showing that distance is just our interpretation and not a real quantity of the Universe.
Physics equations are currently based on the MKS system but M definitely does not exist and in fact both M and K are arbitrary values from our initial light view of the Universe. Time was the first quantity to exist and forms everything in the Universe so it should form the basis of physics equations and not be tacked on as an after thought to make things fit our light view.
Because distance does not exist the differentiation of forces based on distance does not apply so for instance the weak force between Neutrinos is the same as gravity. The common factor as stated earlier is time and the forces are the cessation of time as the centre of the particles or the centre of masses are approached from our point of view according to relativity described by Einstein [ref 2].
Due to the non existence of distance and hence three dimensional space it means that time is not the fourth dimension it is the four dimensions that make the Universe one dimension being the fixed past and the other three are our variable choice in to the future. Particles are therefore four dimensional time quantities existing in the past and visible in our time continuously travelling with us in to our future. Although four dimensions does not fit the Fibonacci sequence any point in four dimensions has eight possible vectors that is a Fibonacci number.
One can see charge is a vibration of our new four dimensional time Universe because a Black Hole eliminates time thus eliminating any vibrations in the time field reducing charge to its fundamental state of the spin of the Neutrino that adds to the Black hole. It has been shown that particles can move in to the past [ref 5] and therefore the past and maybe the future are possible degrees of freedom for charge vibrations that give rise to the apparent fuzzy orbits of Electrons.

Space Density Reduction Experiment

 A simple experiment to determine if the density of Neutrinos in space can be reduced by replacing them with Electrons and hence alter the rate of time is to pass a split pulsed light beam along equal length paths with one passing through normal space and the other passing through a very high voltage electric field. Measuring any difference in the time taken for the light to reach the detectors will demonstrate a change in the rate of time running in the space between the plates and show if a lower density of particles lets time run faster. The premise is that no particle can occupy the same point in four dimensional time and Electrons separate more than Neutrinos due to charge repulsion resulting in less particles in a given four dimensional time volume hence less pinning of the time field. Positive charges may produce a bigger effect due to them having three particles per package as quarks. Pulsing or rotating the charges could enhance the displacement of Neutrinos giving a larger effect.


The first and fundamental element that forms the Universe is a four dimensional time field that is the source of energy creating everything else. The fundamental particle that all others are based on is the Neutrino that is a four dimensional hole or Spinor in time. The Neutrinos slug or pin time to give us what we view as the normal rate of flow of time so increasing the Neutrino density slows time and reducing the density of Neutrinos increases the rate of flow of time. What we see as forces not involving charges are the cessation of time so gravity and sub atomic forces are due to the cessation of time. Charges and other particles or particle combinations are different vibrations of four dimensional time that are still altering the time field but in different directions or planes to the particle spin of our time view. Distance does not exist it is just our interpretation because we use light to view the Universe. Therefore the expansion of space is a mirage it is the increase in time between objects that we view with light. If Neutrinos set the rate of time flow then the same density of Neutrinos must exist everywhere in the Universe that means Neutrinos must be continuously created as time is added to the Universe.
Although the assumption the Universe is expanding in time with the Fibonacci sequence is a bit of artistic license the reality that distance does not exist has ramifications for the existing equations of physics that need to be adjusted to get a true view of the Universe. Using time and eliminating distance gives a simplified and more elegant view of the Universe that unites everything within the time field that we currently refer to as the small and large scales. The time view of the Universe shows us that we need to increase time flow above that of normal for space to overcome gravity and if applied to a spaceship it would make it invisible due to light passing around the bent time field.     The philosophical question is if the Universe is time what have we been given time to do?

1) A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism
     by James Clerk Maxwell
2) Special Relativity
     by Albert Einstein
3) Principles of Quantum Mechanics
     by Paul Dirac
     ISBN 978-1-60796-446-9
4) The Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox
     by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen.
5) Arrow of time and its reversal on the IBM quantum computer
     by Lesovik, G. B. ,Sadovskyy, I. A. ,Suslov, M. V. ,Lebedev, A. V ,Vinokur, V. M.
Title: Re: The Little Pop Theory and The Time Universe or not?
Post by: Halc on 15/12/2020 18:46:21
I sent this to a few physicists and the Gravity Foundation over the last year but had zero feedback
Physicists are interested in models that fit empirical data better than the current models.
Said physicists get unsolicited ideas all the time and don’t have staff to respond to most of them.

Physics cannot connect quantum forces with gravity.
You speak of unification of quantum field theory and gravitational field theory, yet you reference a 90 year old paper on quantum mechanics and a 110 year old paper on relativity which explicitly excludes gravitational effects. You seem not to reference any of the content of either of these papers, but include them seemingly to demonstrate that you know these people exist. This hardly seems a valid base to begin one’s own speculations. There have been attempts at unification of the models, but you reference none of that.

The current view of the Universe is all based on matter that we can see but if it is all removed the Universe still exists and time still flows from our perspective.
On the contrary, if all matter we can see was eliminated, there’d be nothing to have a perspective.

Einstein [ref 2]showed us the connection between matter and time
That paper mostly showed the connection between space and time. Matter doesn’t really come into play in the paper, except as serving the purpose of forming instruments to take measurements. The matter has no effect on spacetime in the SR theory.

hen The Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox [ref 4] that has been proven by many experiments pushed the boundaries of understanding by showing matter as entangled particles can pass information without delay.
This is false. No demonstration of faster than light information transfer has ever been made, else it would be pressed into service in useful areas like talking to probes sent to other planets.
There are valid quantum interpretations hold to the principle of locality and thus forbid information transfer faster than light, and these interpretations would be falsified immediately by such a demonstration were it to be made.

A couple of the macro characteristics of the Neutron star show us the density is that of Neutrons and it has no charge so we conclude it is made of Neutrons. Applying this to a Black hole that is even more dense and does not have charge
Both these objects obey conservation laws and conserve charge, mass, and angular momentum.

The Black Hole does not care about what form of matter is sucked in it all ends up in the same state with neutralised charge
It has no way of neutralizing charge. If you drop only positively charged particles into it, you get a more positively charged black hole. Look up the no-hair theorem.

Since the Neutrino and the Black Hole have the same characteristics
They have very very different mass, charge, and angular momentum. A black hole does not behave like a neutrino.

Maxwell [ref 1] could see that his displacement current was a flow or movement of particles in the aether between the plates of a capacitor and posed the question if particles exist in the aether then what is in between the particles?
Is your idea some kind of variant of aether theory? No wonder you don’t get replies. All attempts to measure aether have failed, and if it cannot be measured, it does not meaningfully exist. Here’s where the introduction of some kind of falsification test for the lack of aether seems mandatory.
Since Space exists but we cannot see or interact with it the particles of space must be very small, have practically no mass and no charge. The only particle that fits this description is the Neutrino and we know this is the most abundant particle that formed first. This gives us a fabric for space as Neutrinos with time in between and this sets the realm of normal time compared to the realm of zero time at the centre of the Neutrino. This implies that the Neutrinos are setting or pinning the time field down to set normal time flow so if they can be moved out of the way time would run faster.
You seem to suggest that neutrinos are the aether and distance is what, a count of neutrinos between x and y?You’d be able to change distance then by adding more neutrinos. That seems a quick falsification of what you’re suggesting. I know some locations of very high neutrino density. If space doesn't exist, then 'between x and y' has no meaning, so maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying.

Without quantification of anything, the above paragraph seems only amateurishly speculative at best. Learn your physics first instead of asserting wrong things about what actual experiments have shown.

If we look at all the mechanisms of attraction and repulsion in the Universe they exhibit the same characteristics of the square law like the attraction between two charged particles or two uncharged masses it is just the magnitude that is different.
The two strongest forces do not obey the inverse square law, else they’d overpower the lesser forces.

The current name for Space is Space Time
Space and spacetime are different things. The typical aether theory is often in denial of the latter.

if the Universe is a time field then Space or more precisely distance does not exist.

Two entangled particles can be put any distance apart and yet pass information instantly.
If distance doesn’t exist, what does a tape measure do?  And again, information has never been passed via entanglement. If you disagree, then show a way that somebody on Pluto can know the final score of some sporting event within an hour of it being known on Earth. Pretend resource availability is not an obstacle. Fill a garden hose with electrons and run it to Pluto, sending light signals through that?

When the two particles were entangled they were put very close together at the same point in time and it is that point that links them in the future.
Sounds like information is moving only as fast as these particles can be carried away from each other.

This also means the particles have a time memory since they hold the time position link in to the future.
There’s no measurement that can be done on entangled particles that will yield the time at which the entangled state was produced.

Physics equations are currently based on the MKS system
Most do not specify. For instance, F=ma (one of Newton’s laws) works in MKS, but also any arbitrary set of units one might choose. Constants (speed of light say) can also be expressed as approximately 1.8 terafurlongs per fortnight if you so choose. Physics still works fine. There’s nothing fundamental about MKS, so there’s no reason why say aliens might adopt the same standards.

The common factor as stated earlier is time and the forces are the cessation of time as the centre of the particles or the centre of masses are approached from our point of view according to relativity described by Einstein [ref 2].
ref 2 makes no mention of anything like that.

It has been shown that particles can move in to the past [ref 5]
If this has actually been shown, then you can use it to get the game score to the guy on Pluto.

A simple experiment to determine if the density of Neutrinos in space can be reduced by replacing them with Electrons and hence alter the rate of time is to pass a split pulsed light beam along equal length paths with one passing through normal space and the other passing through a very high voltage electric field. Measuring any difference in the time taken for the light to reach the detectors will demonstrate a change in the rate of time running in the space between the plates and show if a lower density of particles lets time run faster.
It would seem to actually demonstrate that a volume filled with electrons has a different refraction index than a vacuum, as expected.  Or are you suggesting that it goes faster through the electrons (which have displaced neutrinos and thus reduced the space through which light must travel)? It’s hard to tell when expressed as a change in the rate of passage of time like that. In that case, light should move faster through glass since there’s lots of assorted particles displacing the neutrinos and thus reducing the space between one end of the glass and the other. But no, light slows down through the glass.
Title: Re: The Little Pop Theory and The Time Universe or not?
Post by: Ruptor on 16/12/2020 01:15:02
Thanks for the reply that shows me how difficult it is to get people to grasp what I am trying to explain so I will try and elaborate. Sometimes it is necessary to double back to get out of a dead end  like physics finds itself in now. Hence the reminder about what Maxwell thought about his displacement current being unknown particles between the capacitor plates that relates to my suggestion they are Neutrinos. We use light to look at the Universe but everywhere we look is the past whether it be a distant star 4 light years away or our finger tips nano seconds away. What I am saying is we can’t use light to describe the Universe it can only be used locally where the delay is insignificant. We have to use time to describe the Universe because that is what we are looking at, it was the first thing and we have the datum of zero time at the centre of Black holes, particles and the start of the Universe. One can see distance doesn’t exist because it can’t be quantified. Ask a physicist what the size of a particle is and they claim it is a point with no size and they also quote stellar distances as time in light years.
The EPR and its experimental proof where entangled particles have been distanced then affected instantaneously shows that distance doesn’t exist and that the particles have a time memory because the past entanglement connection persists that also means they are four dimensional. 
One point to clear up is that light speed is constant and does not change in glass it gets delayed since light travels in the gaps between atoms and doesn’t require matter of any kind to travel.
We know what we perceive as gaps between atoms and planets exists and that the soup of space can be distorted with concentrated matter therefore invisible matter, Neutrinos, must be present for visible matter to interact. 
The time view of the Universe doesn’t contradict Physics it just asks that quantities are described by time that is a real quantity and the fabric of the Universe. All the particles are formed of and in the four dimensional time field that came first.
On the contrary, if all matter we can see was eliminated, there’d be nothing to have a perspective.
Obviously but time and the Universe would still exist.
This is false. No demonstration of faster than light information transfer has ever been made, else it would be pressed into service in useful areas like talking to probes sent to other planets.
Quantum entanglement and instant particle phase change have been demonstrated which is what quantum computers are being based on and what Einstein called spooky.
light slows down through the glass.
Delayed since light speed is a constant.
Title: Re: The Little Pop Theory and The Time Universe or not?
Post by: Halc on 16/12/2020 05:56:32
One can see distance doesn’t exist because it can’t be quantified. Ask a physicist what the size of a particle is and they claim it is a point with no size and they also quote stellar distances as time in light years.
Those both sound like quantified distance to me. A light year is a quantified distance.
The fundamental particle cannot have a nonzero size else it would have a left and right half, making those halves more fundamental. On the other hand, they don’t really have a location, so to say that they are located at a point in space is misrepresentative of the situation, so looking at it that way, they have nonzero sized volume where they’re most likely to be measured.

The EPR and its experimental proof where entangled particles have been distanced then affected instantaneously
Affected by what?  Instantaneously as determined by what else? I can take two wine glasses (that were never together even) and ‘affect’ them (with hammers say) both simultaneously as determined by some arbitrary selection of coordinate system. That doesn’t mean the glasses were ever entangled or that information traveling faster than light is required.

You’re apparently not reading my comments in the prior posts because you’re asserting many of the same misconceptions. I see little point in replying then. You don’t want feedback, you want a yes man. Some will come along. The site is full of them.

since light travels in the gaps between atoms and doesn’t require matter of any kind to travel.
I thought you said it traveled via/using the neutrinos.  Now it doesn’t require matter?

On the contrary, if all matter we can see was eliminated, there’d be nothing to have a perspective.
Obviously but time and the Universe would still exist.
How is that distinct from nonexistence?  More to the point, to what is it distinct from nonexistence?

This is false. No demonstration of faster than light information transfer has ever been made, else it would be pressed into service in useful areas like talking to probes sent to other planets.
Quantum entanglement and instant particle phase change have been demonstrated which is what quantum computers are being based on and what Einstein called spooky.[/quote]This is incorrect. For (instant) change to have been demonstrated, you’d need multiple measurements, at least one before and one after the change. But they only measure each thing once. If actual change could be measured like that, then a message could be sent using it. Just keep watch on the one thing until the change is noticed, which is information saying when the other particle has been ‘affected’ as you put it. I could send the score of a game instantly across vast distance with that method. I could use it to determine absolute simultaneity.

Read up on these experiments more carefully. All that is demonstrated is correlation of single measurements, not ‘change’. No information transfer is needed for correlation, which is why it cannot be used to send a message.
Title: Re: The Little Pop Theory and The Time Universe or not?
Post by: puppypower on 16/12/2020 11:58:07
Years back, I developed what I called time-space, which is complementary to the concept of space-time. Whereas space-time is (x,y,z,t), time space is (t1,t2,t3,r). T1 is one-dimensional time or a time line; velocity is d/t. T2 is 2-D time or acceleration; d/t/t.  While t3 is 3-D time or an acceleration of an acceleration; d/t/t/t, such as the expansion of the universe. 

Our position in time-space, takes into account these three time vectors and the affects they create in time and space, These tells us about things such as velocity, inertia, gravitational force and others accelerations, as well as the state of the universal expansion at this point in time.

Time-Space complements space-time, which is more about position in space at a point in time. Time-space gives us more data about the dynamics the universe, at any given reference point in space-time. If we combine these we get a 6-D model of the universe (x,y,z, t1,t2,t3), that takes into account the universe around us at any reference point in time and space.

Quantum affects are connected to time-space. This is where extra time vectors are added or subtracted from local space-time. Quantum steps and jumps save time. They use time potential to create skips in space-time.

Title: Re: The Little Pop Theory and The Time Universe or not?
Post by: Ruptor on 22/12/2020 14:41:16
You’re apparently not reading my comments in the prior posts because you’re asserting many of the same misconceptions.
I can't understand what is so difficult to grasp about the fact that viewing everything with light is looking at the past and that means looking at time not distance. Let us assume I am blind how would distance be demonstrated or described to me? A measuring stick is not a lot of use. Even to the sighted a measuring stick placed against something is only useful if it persists in to the future. If it disintegrated as it was being placed it would still be there in the past but be nonexistent in the present. I don't think distance can be part of any theory that describes the Universe.