Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: EvaH on 22/07/2020 15:34:17

Title: What is the polyvagal theory?
Post by: EvaH on 22/07/2020 15:34:17
Karin asks:

Could you please explain why Stephan Porges' polyvagal theory is wrong? If so, how does nervous system shut down happen? Is he onto something with the "social engagement system" (ventral vagal) and shutdown/ immobilisation (dorsal vagal)? If not, how does the nervous system "decide" to go into freeze/ shutdown? Many trauma therapists use his principles (of which some are very effective), and the explanations make sense to traumatised patients. But if the explanation is wrong, then what is the correct one?

Can you help?