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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: kdlynn on 03/09/2007 05:41:17

Title: happy labor day!
Post by: kdlynn on 03/09/2007 05:41:17
... to all of my american and canadien friends! enjoy your day off! i'll be at work...
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: kdlynn on 03/09/2007 05:42:27
canadian... i can't spell today!
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: on 03/09/2007 05:46:58
Why is there no "u" in labor?


Labor Day was a holiday conceived in 1882, at a meeting of the Central Labor Union in New York City.

At the time, the average American worker worked 12-hour days, six and sometimes seven days a week. There were no watchdog agencies dedicated to worker safety or worker rights.

It actually took Congress 12 years after that 1882 union meeting to declare an official Labor Day holiday. In 1894, President Grover Cleveland, himself no fan of organized labor, signed it into law.

I would guess a lot of Americans are working the same hours.
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: kdlynn on 03/09/2007 05:52:48
because we, as americans, felt that the english used unnecessary letters in some words, such as labor, color, favorite, and so on, so we stopped using them a long time ago.
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: kdlynn on 03/09/2007 05:55:57
we're also big fans of z's in a lot of words that the english use s's in. it's really a totally different language
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 03/09/2007 08:25:09
because we, as americans, felt that the english used unnecessary letters in some words, such as labor, color, favorite, and so on, so we stopped using them a long time ago.

That's not the reason. Putting the U in words means they take longer to write. Longer to write means less time to eat Super-XXXL-Double-Whamo burgers  [:D]
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: nothingnobody on 03/09/2007 11:12:33
because sometimes less is more....
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: Simulated on 03/09/2007 14:32:17
Change the title to (And Sims B-Day) Please! LoL.

Happy Labor day everyone.
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: kdlynn on 03/09/2007 19:51:36
i hate work!!
Title: happy labor day!
Post by: Simulated on 03/09/2007 20:02:01
You had to work today? That'd stink.