Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Re: What is the size and shape of single optical photon?
« on: 08/05/2021 05:07:25 »
Indeed, it shows to be careful about the basic quantum idealization of wavefunction collapse being instant - they have some hidden dynamics we should search for ... like EM wave of single photon being produced by electron dynamics - such photon carries energy difference and angular momentum (orbital or spin) of electron.
~1000 articles citing 2010 Science "Delay in photoemission": https://scholar.google.pl/scholar?cites=15193546925951882986&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=en
E.g. 2020 "Probing molecular environment through photoemission delays" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-020-0887-8
~1000 articles citing 2010 Science "Delay in photoemission": https://scholar.google.pl/scholar?cites=15193546925951882986&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=en
E.g. 2020 "Probing molecular environment through photoemission delays" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-020-0887-8
Attosecond chronoscopy has revealed small but measurable delays in photoionization, characterized by the ejection of an electron on absorption of a single photon. Ionization-delay measurements in atomic targets provide a wealth of information about the timing of the photoelectric effect, resonances, electron correlations and transport.