Physiology & Medicine / Re: How Does Belly Differentiate Between Recently Eaten Food & Earlier Eaten Food ?
« on: 05/02/2025 14:13:24 »If the E-coli in faeces is harmful when introduced in the mouth, how did it get there in the first place?Through the mouth. Like most harmful materials it?s a question of dosage and if you only ingest a small amount your body can cope, but it will still grow in the gut and be concentrated in the faeces to infect someone else.
There are lots of potentially harmful bacteria around that we cope with everyday. For example Honey contains the bacteria that causes botulism, but in such small amounts that we easily cope. However, honey shouldn?t be fed to children under 1 year as they can?t cope - similarly corn syrup.
Don?t know about feeding it to sheep however !
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