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Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: Karen W. on 10/05/2009 07:42:24

Title: Can I start a new maple tree from cuttings?
Post by: Karen W. on 10/05/2009 07:42:24
I have started roses from cuttings and fushia's but wonder about my maple. What do you think Stuart or someone else who may know?
Title: Can I start a new maple tree from cuttings?
Post by: RD on 10/05/2009 09:00:23
Apparently vegetative propagation (from cuttings) is possible ...

Cuttings are usually collected from mature trees during the last 2 weeks ofJune, At this time, the terminal buds have formed and the leaves are fullyexpanded, The cuttings are transferred in plastic bags from the field to aheadhouse adjacent to the rooting bed. There all leaves except the terminalthree or four are removed and any hardwood that may be present on the base ofthe cutting is cut off. The basal end of each cutting is then wounded by re-moving strips of epidermis and phloem about an inch long on two opposite sides.After preparation, the cuttings are stuck in flats containing peastone graveland perlite.
While in the rooting bed the cuttings are hand-sprayed twice a week withfoliar applications of a complete, water soluble fertilizer. Future plans callfor applications of nutrients intermittently through the mist system. Thecuttings are illuminated for an hour in the middle of the dark period to delaythe onset of leaf abscission until lateral roots have formed or until frostsoccur. From our observations, it appears that neither extended day nor aninterrupted dark period prevents the onset of leaf abscission once the cuttingshave been subjected to one or two frosts.
Roots appear on the cuttings in 8 to 10 weeks, If the rooting medium iswell drained, lateral or side roots will be present on most cuttings 2 to 3weeks later. At that time, the shade is removed...
Title: Can I start a new maple tree from cuttings?
Post by: Karen W. on 10/05/2009 09:11:59
Thanks RD...Very good information.I will try them....soon.June it seems.
Title: Can I start a new maple tree from cuttings?
Post by: dentstudent on 11/05/2009 08:27:55
RD's just too quick!

I took some Oleander cuttings last year and just put them into water - no rooting powder, etc. After about 6 weeks, there was new root growth which I let grow for month or so until the roots were about 10cm long. I then transplanted into soil. They are now growing very nicely on my front balcony.
Title: Can I start a new maple tree from cuttings?
Post by: Karen W. on 11/05/2009 09:55:23
That is how I have always started other plants.. like fushia's, rose's etc.. I have never tried a tree in water..I will ty it!

Thanks Stuart!