New Theories / Re: The N-field
« on: 27/02/2018 22:31:45 »I cannot think of any experiment that does show electrons are composed of multipoints, however that being said...
Is it possible for electrons to by composed of multiple points?
Yes. That is called the "preon model".
If so, how would that be either tested, or expounded upon?
Scattering experiments. If electrons are made up of three preons, then sufficiently energetic collider experiments would demonstrate that there are three objects that other particles are scattering off of in electrons instead of just one. That is how we experimentally determined that protons are composed of quarks. So far, no evidence for scattering due to preons has showed up.
It does not need an experiment , a point is 0 dimension, so for something to exist and have dimension, it has to be surrounding points of a point.
0 point + 0 point = r=1x
4/3π(1x)³ = 3d
What experiment demonstrated that electrons have dimension?
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