New Theories / What would aliens do?
« on: 26/10/2013 02:10:16 »
We can assume that any alien species advanced enough and sentient to explore the cosmos and discover earth would be morally too advanced to wipe us out and claim our home. The technological advances they would have made would make it suicide to battle with such technology, so wars would not be an option. If they discovered our planet tens of thousands of years ago, they would have realized that we were a sentient species and likely to inhabit the planet for tens or hundreds of millions of years, as many earth species have. But if we were introduced to religion, politics, witch doctors etc. (civilization), it could be predicted that we would eugenically modify our species into something nature did not create, and extinction would be only a matter of a short time. True to form, most religious and political entities have eugenically modified their adherents into slaves of the administration and wiped themselves out in political/religious wars. So if the aliens come by needing a planet in the future and this one is freshly sentience-free and available, well, I'm not saying they had anything to do with it, but it's awfully convenient. Like they say, "Follow the Money".