New Theories / Are we constantly shifting dimensions?
« on: 01/07/2015 18:32:35 »
Have you ever noticed some small thing you were certain of was different? Is it just a fluke of memory? Or if we are a hundred percent certain, could it be that we shifted into an alternate dimension and didn't even realize we had, the other dimension being so like our own except for the one thing that was different? Could we be shifting arbitrarily between these alternate realities? This plays somewhat into the idea of intention, and whether intention doesn't really change the world, but is the mechanism or sense to allow us to shift to that other dimension. Do we shift to that other place because that place has the prize we have been seeking, and our intention sniffs it out, and draws us into the alternate reality. The only problem is the law of unintended consequences. If you shift into another reality what do you leave behind? Maybe people don't really die they just become separated from those they knew, entering the other reality.