Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Is the energy destroyed in this experiment?
« on: 29/06/2023 17:20:48 »
Suppose you stand on a spherical permanent magnet in space and you hold an iron ball in your hand, you can neglect the gravity force by this magnet mass. You stand and throw the iron ball upwards with some kinetic energy, the ball will eventually stops at some height because it is attracted by the magnet you stand on , now at that exact moment we heated the magnet and the magnet lost its force, so at that exact moment when the ball stops " v=0" no force is acting on the ball the permanent magnet was demagnetized. The iron ball will remain at stationary as Newton first law states, the iron ball has no any kind of energy, neither kinetic energy"since v=0 at the highest point" nor potential energy" magnetic force dropped to zero" however you actually exerted kinetic energy to throw the ball to reach that height " what is supposed to happen is the ball should return back to the magnet with the same kinetic energy you exerted or at least it should have the capability to do the work at any time so your kinetic energy was stored not consumed and destroyed .