Just Chat! / Is there a conflict between science and religion?
« on: 12/05/2020 13:44:49 »
Naked 5.12.2020 9am
Is there a conflict between science and religion?
Religion looks at the universe from encounters between man and the spiritual world. Science looks at the universe from observation, measurements, logic, and reasoning. There are two different world views. Is there a conflict? Can both viewpoints simultaneously exist?
In America today we have ordinary people and we have Trumpians. They both look at the world using different set of facts. The Trumpians tend to make up their own facts. Yet both sets of people live their lives based upon their own beliefs. Some people are quite happy believing a set of lies as truth.
Do religious people believe a set of lies and scientific people believe only scientific truth? Scientific truth is limited to what we can see and measure. Scientists build upon scientific facts that are proven to produce a universe that denies the creation of the universe by a magical God. Science has destroyed the supernatural God. The Darwinian evolutionary process is self-evident to most scientists. A universe that self creates itself is also quite evident. No God is necessary for the production of the universe.
What does God say about how the universe was made? Nothing at all. What do we know about God from the religious encounter? “I am that I am”. These words entered the minds of the early Jews. What did they encounter? Moses spoke to God who appeared as a flame. What does this tell us?
From a religious perspective it tells us that God exists and God is a form of energy. For me the most important thing I learned about God is that “I evolved”.
From this it is clear to me that God exists and God is an energy source and finally that God did not exist before the universe but was created by the universe. Science is very good at destroying the concept of a supernatural God that created the universe. Yet they have a long way to go to understand that there are other dimensions that coexists with us. Yet we are making progress in that regard.
My God is a natural God. It is an evolved higher level of life in the spiritual dimension. It is just a natural development leading toward higher life and higher man. It will lead us to new life upon new planets. That is our future destiny.
Is there a conflict between science and religion?
Religion looks at the universe from encounters between man and the spiritual world. Science looks at the universe from observation, measurements, logic, and reasoning. There are two different world views. Is there a conflict? Can both viewpoints simultaneously exist?
In America today we have ordinary people and we have Trumpians. They both look at the world using different set of facts. The Trumpians tend to make up their own facts. Yet both sets of people live their lives based upon their own beliefs. Some people are quite happy believing a set of lies as truth.
Do religious people believe a set of lies and scientific people believe only scientific truth? Scientific truth is limited to what we can see and measure. Scientists build upon scientific facts that are proven to produce a universe that denies the creation of the universe by a magical God. Science has destroyed the supernatural God. The Darwinian evolutionary process is self-evident to most scientists. A universe that self creates itself is also quite evident. No God is necessary for the production of the universe.
What does God say about how the universe was made? Nothing at all. What do we know about God from the religious encounter? “I am that I am”. These words entered the minds of the early Jews. What did they encounter? Moses spoke to God who appeared as a flame. What does this tell us?
From a religious perspective it tells us that God exists and God is a form of energy. For me the most important thing I learned about God is that “I evolved”.
From this it is clear to me that God exists and God is an energy source and finally that God did not exist before the universe but was created by the universe. Science is very good at destroying the concept of a supernatural God that created the universe. Yet they have a long way to go to understand that there are other dimensions that coexists with us. Yet we are making progress in that regard.
My God is a natural God. It is an evolved higher level of life in the spiritual dimension. It is just a natural development leading toward higher life and higher man. It will lead us to new life upon new planets. That is our future destiny.