Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Re: Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem
« on: 17/09/2013 20:24:01 »Thanks Pete. I think it might be too technical for me - doing three online courses at present and not sure I have the time for a book that whilst it looks great would require a huge investment of time for an layman like me.If you don't mind me asking, what is your major? Is it math, physics or both? If so then it might naturally come up as par for the course. If you take math then it would be a good idea to study this anyway somewhere along the road. Especially if you enjoy physics since it will be helpful somewhere along the road.
My degrees are both in Law - physics is only a hobby to stave of the grind of work (I wish I was the age to be deciding on a degree course again - but that was last millennium). The online courses I refer to are mostly physics-based, but also a comp-sci course, and an energy course - these are at edx.org The physics courses are basically 1st year undergrad (8Mrev, 802 from MITx etc) good fun and challenging as you get weekly assignments and midterm/final exams