Chemistry / A Question of oxidization in grape wine and not wine made from oranges.
« on: 10/02/2021 17:55:30 »
I made wines from grapes and citrus fruits last year, I had a lot of oranges, so have a lot of orange wine, as well as other types of wines.
All grape wine oxidizes over night if left exposed to the air. My Orange wine does not appear to oxidize if left exposed to the air. Why is this the case?
Has it anything to do with the level of antioxidants in oranges being greater than those in grapes, or is there more too it? My Orange wine is quite strong, could the extra alcohol have something to do with it?
All grape wine oxidizes over night if left exposed to the air. My Orange wine does not appear to oxidize if left exposed to the air. Why is this the case?
Has it anything to do with the level of antioxidants in oranges being greater than those in grapes, or is there more too it? My Orange wine is quite strong, could the extra alcohol have something to do with it?