New Theories / Re: This is definitely the first Perpetual motion
« on: 03/10/2022 20:51:58 »Despite sounding similar, theorems and theories aren't the same thing in science
I am glad you agree that the Noether thorem is not a theory, so it only apply to mathematic.
The mathematic of physic of course, so it remains a theorem, not applicable without verifying the physic with experiments.
Noether's theorem holds for all kinds of energy.
It holds for some Lagrangian, thats all.
In order for Noether's theorem to not hold, you need a circumstance where time symmetry is violated. A capillary/buoyancy-driven invention like the one talked about here cannot do that, so it cannot violate Noether's theorem.
You cant say anything about the transfer of energy from some kind of phenomenom to another without doing the real experimention.
Mathematic cant say anything about it.