New Theories / Re: Is alzheimer a concequence or a cause ?
« on: 21/09/2022 22:16:10 »It's a consequence of a buildup of odd proteins in the brain.
And you know that the production of the proteins responsible of the death of the cells is not a mechanism used by the brain to delete unused cells ? Or you prefer to think that those proteins are the initial cause of the disease ?
While education can often postpone the symptoms, it can't prevent them, so the analogy with losing muscle tone is not reliable.
How do you evaluate the effectivness of the "education" ?
People who keep exercising maintain muscle mass, but people who stay educated and informed still get Alzheimer's.
Probably because they think that they stay educated, but in fact the effectivness of the education was bad.
Its like people who try to train their brain using sudoku and other more sophisticated training sessions : The effectivness is almost null.
A brain with good fonctionning sensors (eyes, ears, touch etc) in a natural environment is perhaps what permit to the brain "to remain young".
Repeating the knowlegde you have acquired (the more you have, the more you can learn...because there is less change in the brain...) is not very efffective.