Dinosaur evolution - were they warm blooded ?
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Tags: dino-mess ! / mars / spirit rover / opportunity rover / opportunity lander / mars crater / mars man
Just read "Evolution Through the Looking Glass", I do not agree...
Started by MangalmurtiBoard Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution |
Replies: 5 Views: 11857 |
03/10/2018 20:03:37 by Bored chemist |
When does evolution turn "choice" into speciation
Started by nismo1Board Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution |
Replies: 3 Views: 5763 |
29/09/2011 15:07:26 by nismo1 |
The evolution of man "Homo Sapiens" 200 thousand years into the future
Started by Alan McDougallBoard Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution |
Replies: 6 Views: 22563 |
18/11/2008 18:57:49 by Alan McDougall |
Can DNA evolution switches in transparent animals change electron energy levels?
Started by Nicholas LeeBoard Chemistry |
Replies: 1 Views: 8619 |
09/07/2016 12:37:49 by puppypower |
The Vatican claims Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with Christianity
Started by paul.frBoard That CAN'T be true! |
Replies: 33 Views: 29616 |
20/02/2009 01:47:43 by _Stefan_ |