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Many people use a spray bottle/mister to squirt a tiny amount of cold water on a cat when it does something they are trying to train it not to do.There is no way this can physically harm the cat, but they really don't like it. Cats are smart enough they will learn, eventually self correcting when you reach for the spray bottle, and ultimately finding other ways to annoy you ;-)
Is your cat a kitten?
Puppies and kittens sometimes go through a bitey phase. Even adult cats will do that while playing. When my two cats are wrestling, one will often get the other in a choke hold with this teeth, either in the front or back of the neck. They don't leave puncture marks though.
For cats, faux-fighting with their teeth is actually easier for them to moderate than a swipe with extended claws. You can try just holding her firmly for a few seconds (cat language for "I win") and then releasing her. She will eventually learn what pressure of bite you will tolerate, and what is considered no longer playing, just as they do with other cats.
My cat doesn't mean to puncture my skin most of the time. She does it to warn me that when she doesn't want to scratch her tummy. Sometimes she likes it and other times she hates it.