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Nizzle - that's a bit of a heterodox explanation for the existence of the Blackhole and its event horizon - mass/energy does not make space flow in the direction of the object, rather it produces curvature of spacetime. I don't know whether space flow (as I think of your idea) is an analogue to curved spacetime - if it is then it could be a useful tool, but I tend to feel that it wouldn't be an acceptable parallel. For starters the mathematics behind creating curved spacetime and the plotting geodesics in that curved spacetime is hard - but doable. Flow of even a simple fluid through a pipe is very difficult - flow in four dimensions to a rotating singularity makes me shudder
Quote from: imatfaal on 27/03/2012 09:37:14Nizzle - that's a bit of a heterodox explanation for the existence of the Blackhole and its event horizon - mass/energy does not make space flow in the direction of the object, rather it produces curvature of spacetime. I don't know whether space flow (as I think of your idea) is an analogue to curved spacetime - if it is then it could be a useful tool, but I tend to feel that it wouldn't be an acceptable parallel. For starters the mathematics behind creating curved spacetime and the plotting geodesics in that curved spacetime is hard - but doable. Flow of even a simple fluid through a pipe is very difficult - flow in four dimensions to a rotating singularity makes me shudderHmm no, I was thinking really that space flows towards the center of the black hole. Who said spacetime needs to be static and curved, rather than dynamic and not curved? If the universe is expanding isn't it even more likely that spacetime is dynamic?We should not dismiss theories because the math behind it is too difficult..
Dear imatfaal,None what is said above answer my questions and as I do not agree with Nizzle, but frankly speaking its science not religion.Its not Moses said it so it has to be right, its about what is said and what we get.
Einstein didn't think about expanding universe even though his theory clearly predicted either the universe is expanding or contracting (actually contracting), he added cosmological constant to fix it, which frankly had no value, even today (though lots of people say its dark energy) but that only works outside our solar system, our solar system isn't expanding.
Overall "Einstein said it" isn't even scientific its religious, yes Einstein said something he thought to be true but he was wrong and many thing. Ptolemy's epicycles were giving better results and explaining things we see but he was wrong.
In my opinion don't give someone so much credit that you forget science look for a change to improve it and get answers for things we have no answers for, we have no clue about lots of things that are just ignored.
1. Mechanism of production of light.2. Why we have orbits in atom and why value of each orbit is fixed?3. What is dark matter?4. Why do we have accelerated expansion?and many more, not answered using QM, GR or ST, sorry even though what I said had nothing to do with my question but its not answered anyways.
Dark Energy is a real puzzle, the fact that Einstein's initial formulation allows for it but choosing inputs strengthens rather than weakens the theory.
If you had read the thread you would actually realise this was a direct answer to a direct question. The implication that mainstream science is ignoring a new theory merely because of the hidebound dogmatism of the individual scientist is a canard that has been around for ages - please feel free to browse the crackpot index
We have lots of models that deal with the first two with unbelievable accuracy (maxwell and hertz were nineteenth century so it aint exactly new) - if you are looking for an exact explanation of the underlying reality then you have come to the wrong place. Science does not do that. The last pair are being worked upon - that's science
/snippedMaybe you think its stupid but these people are coming up with something, they are thinking differently, now don't tell me whatever we have today is right, if scientist are ready to put fingers in their ear and run that isn't solving the problem. 1000 of smart people wasted their time on String Theory, 0 provable or testable hypothesis. All those people who did String theory qualify for "crackpot" too. So many people have come and gone from Aristotle to people who could prove their point, everyone gave their idea, everyone was wrong about something and right about other things. That is science, don't tell me few leaders are allowed to say things and everyone else is suppose to be quite because "Pope" says so.
Its science not religion... GR gets it right till edge of solar system and it can't even explain slowing down of Pioneers.
QM doesn't give you a reason why things are like that, it only gives you a formula to calculate few things and same calculations get predictions right... but why is not to be asked.Standard Model is doing the same thing, no reasons, just calculations and 20 constants that could be changed freely or so called "tweaked" to get right answers.
I don't even have to talk about string theory... or Quantum Gravity or other millions of theories invented from equations.QuoteWe have lots of models that deal with the first two with unbelievable accuracy (maxwell and hertz were nineteenth century so it aint exactly new) - if you are looking for an exact explanation of the underlying reality then you have come to the wrong place. Science does not do that. The last pair are being worked upon - that's scienceGive me link of one please of "mechanism" of light production, not "electron jumps from high orbit to lower orbit and produces a photon"... I need mechanism not process.
First of all last 2 are the two simple reasons why GR fails, you don't want to accept it because "God" Einstein said so but that is true, you can't explain motion of Galaxies with GR, unless you put 90% dark matter, so either theory is wrong or you are missing 90% of matter in the universe.It says "New Theories" i.e. let people speak...
At what point did I say any of the above? You are knocking down strawmen. The string theorists don't quality as crackpots - because i) they do maths (and not much else so far) ii) they dont have the persecution complex iii) they are scientists working towards a theory
That's just incorrect about the Solar System - and the pioneer anomalies are a lot less clear cut than many proponents claim
What makes you think any science asks why things happen on a most fundamental level? Science models, predicts, and checks - the eternal verities are left to the philosophers.
Your comments are fundamentally misportraying the idea of what modern science does; modelling processes and mechanisms are the basis of physics.
Please stop with this nonsense about God/Einstein and what my motivations are - they are ad hom and not acceptable. The problems (which are no where near the magnitude you are saying) of GR do not green light every other theory. And secondly - where exactly have I stopped people speaking? New Theories get challenged - that's the way of science
Quote At what point did I say any of the above? You are knocking down strawmen. The string theorists don't quality as crackpots - because i) they do maths (and not much else so far) ii) they dont have the persecution complex iii) they are scientists working towards a theorySo it doesn't matter what formula is and it doesn't even matter if you could define infinite number of theories from it? You need a formula or math that's all? Great so Ptolemy was right even if the he said planets and sun go around the earth and their orbits are circles over circles? So MOD is right, even if it can't explain the reason for change in acceleration of galaxies? Yes I agree with you that math is important and when you say something that has to be proven using math because future points could be tested using the same, but theory that start from math doesn't lead anywhere like string theory, but theory that start with an idea and then math is applied to it makes clear sense. Let people think, maybe you think they are coco but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed to think, if they are wrong correct them. .
After reading so many books on String theory I would love to know what the theory is, even Brian Greene in his book isn't 100% sure of it, its all unproven hypothesis that can't be experimentally tested and dark matter or dark energies aren't part of it
QuoteThat's just incorrect about the Solar System - and the pioneer anomalies are a lot less clear cut than many proponents claimGR can't explain the speed of stars in Galaxies edge, the theory fails, we have 2 pioneers and both are acting the same way, if it was one yeah we could say something is wrong with our data.
QuoteWhat makes you think any science asks why things happen on a most fundamental level? Science models, predicts, and checks - the eternal verities are left to the philosophers.Sit with data about periodic table, size, electrons, isotopes, density, etc. and see if they even make sense, you could put formulas and find answer for sure, but it doesn't matter you could create formula for anything but there is no real reason why we are getting these values. You want to leave it to philosophy, that is fine but every new theory is born out of philosophy, its an idea.
QuoteYour comments are fundamentally misportraying the idea of what modern science does; modelling processes and mechanisms are the basis of physics.Dear imatfaal that is what I'm saying don't make it a religion, science is free let people think let me recommend you a great book that I really love, "The trouble with Physics" by Lee Smolin. Let science be free in old times when this revolution of science started most of the people who came into this field were not educated as scientist, Newton wasn't educated before he made his great theory, Copernicus, Darwin, Galileo etc, were not educated in this field. Even if they were educated in a different field they came up with something totally different an idea that had nothing to do with standards at that time.
I'm stupid and I could never come up with idea like theirs but let people think maybe they have something, something worth look at. Calling them a crackpot would just discourage them. QuotePlease stop with this nonsense about God/Einstein and what my motivations are - they are ad hom and not acceptable. The problems (which are no where near the magnitude you are saying) of GR do not green light every other theory. And secondly - where exactly have I stopped people speaking? New Theories get challenged - that's the way of science I'm sorry imatfaal, I didn't mean to make you upset that isn't my goal, you are one of the smartest person here and I would never want to do that.Look frankly speaking it doesn't what variables you put in and answers you get, its same you could design an equation to give you whatever answer you want, even if your data is random, you could get it right to about 10% of accuracy, but if we don't know why we are getting the answers its like random data.
imatfaalThat almost brought tears to my eyes, seriously.
Quote from: MikeS on 02/04/2012 07:07:37imatfaalThat almost brought tears to my eyes, seriously.Hopefully, in a good way! :-)
Nizzle - that's a bit of a heterodox explanation for the existence of the Blackhole and its event horizon
Quote from: greeniemax on 29/03/2012 23:10:25QuoteQuoteWhat makes you think any science asks why things happen on a most fundamental level? Science models, predicts, and checks - the eternal verities are left to the philosophers.Sit with data about periodic table, size, electrons, isotopes, density, etc. and see if they even make sense, you could put formulas and find answer for sure, but it doesn't matter you could create formula for anything but there is no real reason why we are getting these values. You want to leave it to philosophy, that is fine but every new theory is born out of philosophy, its an idea. I diasgree with this fundamental idea - as per the top paragraph. Theories come from data, from observations, from anomalies - philosophy helps form them - but is not crucial.
QuoteQuoteWhat makes you think any science asks why things happen on a most fundamental level? Science models, predicts, and checks - the eternal verities are left to the philosophers.Sit with data about periodic table, size, electrons, isotopes, density, etc. and see if they even make sense, you could put formulas and find answer for sure, but it doesn't matter you could create formula for anything but there is no real reason why we are getting these values. You want to leave it to philosophy, that is fine but every new theory is born out of philosophy, its an idea. I diasgree with this fundamental idea - as per the top paragraph. Theories come from data, from observations, from anomalies - philosophy helps form them - but is not crucial.