New Theories / Re: Does eternal awareness energy exist?
« on: 22/07/2022 11:36:44 »They are more connected to the upper limits of space-time,No
They are more connected to fairy stories.
This model was derived by plugging in the speed of light into the three equations for Special Relativity; mass, distance and time. We will get division by zero.
Relativistic mass is conceptually the easiest to see. Mass becomes infinite. This value of infinite mass is the same for any amount of rest mass. This discontinuity has been inferred to mean that mass cannot move at the speed of light in a finite universe. Mass is only an attribute of space-time. Mass does not exist at or beyond the discontinuity at c.
I will also add, that space-time gets its capacitance from mass. General Relativity does not work at zero mass, but as we add mass we can create any space-time reference. These frames of reference can linger in space-time because mass was made to linger in time. This can be explained with my model.
The same discontinuity at c, should also be true for distance and time or both space and time will not exist, as we know it, at and beyond the speed of light. The question was, how would you model distance and time at and beyond the discontinuity at c?
The easiest way, to stay consistent with known observations, was for the concept of space-time to break down, since this concept is how we interpret and measure the concepts of distance and time. If you disconnect them, their behavior is no longer the same, but the concepts can still be used, since they are classics; recycled.
The most logical way to interpret space-time breaking down was for time to become independent of space, and space to become independent of time. This realm, beyond space-time, would not be limited by the speed of light, since speed is distance divided by time; d/t is a space-time concept. It does not apply at and beyond the discontinuity of space-time.
If one could move in space, without the constraint of time, you could be anywhere and everywhere, in an instant of time; omnipresent. The speed of light is not a limiting factor beyond c. The concept of the universe expanding in all directions, at all points, is a type of omnipresent concept. This is easy to model with this model and predicted by it.
You guys are sort of catching up, but are still afraid to take a deep dive. If you had an open mind, you would ask questions and not just stick your head in the sand and yell go away. That is not scientific.