Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: gary on 11/05/2007 09:39:23

Title: Solution of wrist pain
Post by: gary on 11/05/2007 09:39:23
Sudden event injury misplaced one of my bones in my left wrist. Initially it was less painful, but slowly-slowly this injury is developing insidious causes of wrist pain, due to this I am feeling very much insecure with my left wrist. I followed every instruction given by different doctors, but its not working. If anyone can suggest me any other effective treatment for this I will be thankful to you.
Title: Solution of wrist pain
Post by: Bored chemist on 14/05/2007 14:51:13
I'm pleased to hear that their product seemed to work but, since this is a science forum, I'd be even more pleased if they could offer any reasonable explanation of how it worked.