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Are We Living in a Space-Time Black Hole Multiverse?
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Are We Living in a Space-Time Black Hole Multiverse?
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Are We Living in a Space-Time Black Hole Multiverse?
07/04/2017 19:49:28 »
Hello Naked Scientists, recently I've been considering the creation of time and the three dimensional space in which we live in. I have constructed a hypothesis that makes an attempt to link quantum theory and general relativity into one explanation of reality. The concepts that I have been using include dark matter/energy, black holes, gravitation, time dilation, Hawking radiation etc. I will paste a small essay that I wrote along with an article that shows my ideas of gravitation as a fourth dimensional force acting on the space-time fabric of reality and not the physical distance measured by humans. I hope to spark some good conversation and debate
The Space-Time Black Hole Hypothesis:
The most mysterious yet powerful phenomenon in the universe can be witnessed when the radiation caused by fusion in a star’s core can no longer withstand the gravity caused by the dense core. This results in the collapse of the star into a black hole where the density and strength of the gravity defies comprehension at the singularity in the core. The gravitational acceleration is so strong that not even light traveling at 300,000 km/s can escape its grasp.
According to Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, as one approaches the core of an object with a strong gravitational force, they will perceive time "slower" relative to one farther away from the core. Light has to travel farther due to the gravitational field bending space-time. Knowing that a black hole is potentially infinitely dense and carries an infinite amount of gravitational force, time should move slower for an observer traveling closer to the singularity. However, Einstein has concluded that the speed of light is constant for any observer no matter where they are located in space. This infers that when an observer travels closer to the singularity, the perception of time, the speed of light, actions and physics remains constant to the observer, but when the observer looks out away from the singularity and towards the direction where the gravitational influence decreases, they will witness space moving at a much faster pace. As the force of gravity decreases from the singularity, light begins to travel much more easily through the fabric of space-time, theoretically "speeding" time and the rate at which things are observed. If an observer in orbit around a black hole, (beyond the event horizon) were to gaze at a planet in orbit much farther away from the black hole through a telescope and observe a clock on the surface, it could be seen that the clock moves faster relative to a clock next to the observer. Now if an observer on the farther planet were to observe the closer planet, they will see that in fact time moves much slower on the closer planet relative to the location of the observer. Therefore, time relative to the observer standing on the closer planet is in fact moving faster than time relative to the observer on the farther planet. As light approaches the center of a large gravitational force, it begins to bottle neck in space time, but not three-dimensional distance. Consequently, it results in the amount of light being observed to increase as the gravitational force increases on the observer. Potentially, this may result in the observer to perceive the space far away from the gravitational force to move quicker through time, as more light is reaching the observer at once. In comparison, one day for the person close to the black hole, may be 100 days relevant to an observer on a distant star or planet. The observer would perceive much more information from the distant object as 100 times more may have occurred relative to the observer closer to the black hole. As one enters a black hole and perceives the distant objects and space away from the gravitational pull of the singularity, they will witness the complete end of the universe as the perception of time and light will need to remain constant to the observer according to Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. As one perceives this person entering the black hole from a far distance from the gravitational force, the light will seem to redshift and they will seem to freeze in space as light enters the event horizon. As the observer experiences the end of time right when entering the singularity, one observing this person will never see nor witness (in relative time) the information of this person disappearing because the observer will never experience the end of time. This could potentially mean that when a black hole forms, the creation of another "Big Bang" begins in another form of space-time. The elements and matter of the supernova will completely dismember due to the force of the gravitational hole in space-time. Protons, neutrons, and electrons will be torn apart into quarks, neutrinos, and more unknown particles that were possibly formed in the very beginning of the universe. This hole in space time can account for the unknown information loss dilemma experienced in quantum theory and physics. However, General Relativity says that black holes are possible to exist in space time. According to Theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking, over time black holes begin to radiate energy at a very slow pace. This phenomenon is called "Hawking Radiation" and is yet to be explained for by modern theories. If a black hole is in fact the end of time, yet the beginning of a new universe in a possible different dimension of space time, then our universe would have formed from the creation of a black hole in another universe. Our universe is expanding and potentially "evaporating" in space time due to the unknown dark matter. If Hawking Radiation says that black holes evaporate over vast amounts of time, then this could mean that our universe is radiating into another via black hole. The dark matter/energy that causes this expansion in our universe could be ordinary gravity caused by the black hole in another space-time dimension explaining the rapid growth of our universe. Furthermore, when using quantum theory, Hawking radiation occurs when a particle-antiparticle pair form close to the event horizon and quickly annihilate each other. Because of the gravitational strength of the black hole, sometimes one particle is pulled inwards and the other escapes. This emits as a form of radiation and eventually causes the black hole to evaporate. Quantum theory also states that in empty space all across the universe, particles pop into and out of existence. This phenomenon could be explained by matter potentially entering the black hole that began the linear timeline and the creation of the physical matter in our universe. This hypothesis includes the ideas and combinations of Hawking Radiation, the Theory of General Relativity and Quantum Theory dilemma, dark matter/energy, antimatter, the expansion of the universe and can potentially explain how gravity is directly related to the motion of time.
Gravitation in the Fourth Dimension:
"As gravitation increases at a single point in the three dimensional space-time fabric of the universe, the tension on this fabric will increase causing a "stretch" in the fabric, but not the three dimensional space (measurable distance). Knowing that light is a mass-less form of energy, when light travels through the stretched fabric of space-time caused by the intense gravitation, more light is able to fit in a point of three dimensional space. In theory, the amount of light perceived is the rate at which information and time moves. Gravitation, hypothetically, is a four dimensional force that acts in the plane of the three dimensional reality. Gravitation can directly affect the amount of energy and wavelengths that fit in three dimensional space. Light and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum can act in the fourth dimension of reality as it gives reality movement, perception, information and time. When a hole forms in this fabric of space-time due to intense gravitation in a single point (black hole), all of time and possible future information that can be perceived from space at a distance will occur at the singularity simultaneously. Likewise, as one were to observe matter enter the singularity and event horizon, they will appear to freeze in time relative to the observer. The general theory of relativity states that an observer must perceive light at the constant speed in measurable three dimensional distance. Entering the singularity must punch another linear timeline through the space-time fabric of reality because the information that enters this hole completely disappears from the universe".
(All of the text and ideas seen in this post are solely the ideas created by me using modern theories and phenomena observed in the universe)
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