Physiology & Medicine / Re: Is the world I see the world I live in, or a construct of my brain's making?
« on: 08/01/2004 19:45:16 »
Reality is what you perceive it to be. Every person's reality is different. The mentally ill are only ill in the sense they perceive reality in a way different from what we do. Insanity is a minority of one!
Common reality would be the group consensus on perception. For instance, person sees a flying saucer hovering over New York City. 9 million others do not. The common reality is that there is no flying saucer. For that 1 guy though, there sure as hell is. Which is reality? Does the group perception dictate reality? In most cases, sure, but I think it's fallacy to always accept that.
Then there are the people with sollipsism who think that everything is a creation of their mind and that when something is outside of their perception, it ceases to exist until perceived again. I know someone who really thinks like that...truly bizarre.
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Common reality would be the group consensus on perception. For instance, person sees a flying saucer hovering over New York City. 9 million others do not. The common reality is that there is no flying saucer. For that 1 guy though, there sure as hell is. Which is reality? Does the group perception dictate reality? In most cases, sure, but I think it's fallacy to always accept that.
Then there are the people with sollipsism who think that everything is a creation of their mind and that when something is outside of their perception, it ceases to exist until perceived again. I know someone who really thinks like that...truly bizarre.
This message brought to you by The Council of People Who Are Sick of Seeing More People
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