Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: AlanM on 13/09/2017 06:17:31

Title: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 13/09/2017 06:17:31
AlanM’s conjecture seems to have simplified itself as far as it can.  It seems that the primordial vacuum is the ultimate renewable energy source, and our universe is the ultimate wireless energy  transmitter.  This means the arrow of time is the ultimate Poynting vector (rather appropriate pun).  Poynting showed that the energy transmitted on power lines is actually flowing through the space between them, rather than in or on the conductors, which merely act as wave-guides.  Our universe is a space-time waveguide of note, busy transmitting a huge energy outburst from the primordial vacuum along its space-time path between what we call the big bang to its necessary end in what has to be its energy conserving disappearance in a big crunch.  An ending that is necessitated by the need to keep the energy balance at zero at all times.  The only way to keep the energy zero at all times is for every matter-antimatter particle pair that manages to escape instant mutual annihilation, to shoot away from each other along the arrow of time in opposite directions.  The resulting space-time distortion is rather like an ever-expanding smoke ring surrounding the origin of the big bang and what will eventually be the exit point of the big energy annihilation crunch.  Why E=mc^2  explains so little of the energy around us, is simply that it looks only at the matterverse ie the equally real matter and antimatter masses.  Half of the E is in each, so we won’t be seeing the other half in our part of the torus.  We will only see mc^2/2 in our part of the torus.  As is typical for a power transmission system, there are three parts to the energy transmitted.  What our zero energy balance needs us to look at to complete the picture, is the bits Maxwell showed us.  These are the energy that oscillates between the magnetic permeability of space and the electric permittivity of space.  The oscillation is a plane wave with orthogonal sinusoidal magnetic and electric energy flows.   In vacuum, this is lossless energy flow advancing at the speed of light.  No wonder Michelson and Moreley looked in vain for the lumeniferous aether.  It is the vacuum, and no problem for massless energy quanta to traverse at light speed.
So the picture is a prize fight in a four dimensional boxing ring ring we call space-time, the contestants being the momentum energy of photons vs mass energy of gravitons, with the Higgs as moderator/referee, each round lasting from big bang to big crunch, and repeated cyclically.  Matter  (as  Fred Hoyle suggested) and antimatter are created continually, and our black holes leak energy (Hawking radiation?) between their domains.  Perhaps what we see as Quasars are antiverse black holes.  Einstein’s E is enough for universe and antiverse, ie each gets half of it, vested in matter and antimatter.  Maxwell’s oscillating electromagnetic energy explains the dark stuff.  We only need the four dimensions x,y,z, and ct to explain it all.  Our smoke ring torus universe/antiverse pair will complete its ballooning and collapsing in time T/2, the time for the matter and antimatter halves to expand to the maximum extent, before ballooning slows, stops, reverses into deflating to return our universe to the vast pool of zero net energy again.  We know we have used up time t=13 billion years or so already.   The spring tension energy between the matter and antimatter domains at any epoch varies as a function of the ratio of mass energy to photon energy.  The increasing matter/antimatter contents of the two halves keeps intensifying the curvature of space-time to effect the peak amplitudes of the two halves of the sinusoidal function which is where attractive and repulsive gravity cancel exactly as the ballooning expansion changes to shrinking deflation.  We can regard the whole thing as two sinusoidal functions 180 degrees out of phase (so adding to zero at every instant of time)happening along the same unidirectional time axis from minus infinity to plus infinity.
This model seems to be a practical engineering one that Einstein would have approved of.  It may help unify the gravitational and quantum theories, and seems as simple as possible, but no simpler.
©AlanM and the Naked Scientists?
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservatn?
Post by: GoC on 13/09/2017 12:23:17
have you ever considered mass is a balance of matter and anti-matter with energy being the cause of flow? So energy as you say is of space and not mass.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 14/09/2017 06:07:50
Thanks for the questions - they help so much with getting to the point, one of my major disabilities.  There isn't any missing mass or energy at all - it is just that although its effects have been detected, no-one seems able to find it.  We live in the object we want to weigh, and the balance weights are in the other half of our universe, the bit moving backwards in time while we go forwards.  To achieve proper balance, we have to realise that Einstein's mc^2 mass is half in reversing time and half in our time.  Maxwell's photon energy is also half in reverse gear timewise, but this is not just imaginary energy and time, it actually adds to the total energy of our universe.  Which means the total mass and energy balance is twice as much as everyone seems to have thought up to now.  It is no coincidence that Einstein's mass is about 4% of the total.  The sinusoidally varying photon and graviton energy reversing
in time is the other 96% of the total picture.  Its rms value is peak amplitude divided by square root of 2, and both halves of the sine wave add to the energy total.  So the massless photon and graviton energy reversing in time adds up to 1,414/2 or 70,7% of the picture.  The graviton energy goes into bending the rather stiff space-time spring, whose curvature we detect as gravity, and the photon energy is the remaining 69% of the puzzle.  A pair of magnets will show how fiercely magnetic energy bends space-time, and a comb, a silk handkerchief, and a few pieces of paper, allow appreciation of the similar effect of electrical attraction.  A soap bubble kit shows how to add a third space dimension to a two-dimensional 'brane'.  If you imagine a torus like a tyre tube being steadily inflated until the hole closes up totally, and imagine the stress of the tube pressure divided by zero area turning the tube into a sphere, you will see how an expanding initially toroidal universe suddenly experiences very rapid inflation and the cooling that is needed to condense about 4% of the pure photon energy of our big bang, into mass-bearing particles.  I think it all fits together so well, I should call it "AlanM's Assertion".  But whether it soars or sinks is up to the Naked Scientists Forum.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 15/09/2017 04:07:25
The theory of everything – All is nothing, and Nothing All.  Forever ?
I just found a use for the fifth dimension.  We can call its domain hyperspace, where the arrows of time can set off in any direction, as long as they close on themselves.  It is needed to accommodate infinity and zero, the poles of the space time equation of everything.  Hyperspace is spherical and we could call it the universe of universes.  Multi-dimensional sinusoidal oscillations rule everything.
Every black hole is a balancing point (a zero) of the arrow of time belonging to a four dimensional universe.  There has to be an infinity of possible arrows of time, along which universes can emerge cyclically.  As the arrows of time always close on themselves in every four-dimensional  universe that achieves inflation, it is likely that hyperspace extends forever, in the sense that spherical surfaces are unbounded.
Black holes are the ultimate shredding machines.  Everything shrinks back to zero at the origins of space-time they represent.  Everything includes all matter, but photon energy, being pure momentum, emerges into the big bang of another universe (or is that another set of hyperverses?).
Because all is nothing, and nothing is all in the hyperverse(s?), then at points of origin (black holes), all is zero-dimensional oscillating strings, which explains the (infinitely?) high energy of the vacuum.  The vacuum is all and nothing simultaneously, seething with quanta of pure photon momentum, which only need a small energy fluctuation to start another universe bubble growing.  Whether it will inflate or not will depend on its shape, which could be a sphere, a worm, or a torus.  Being a worm doesn’t look like an inflateable case, but maybe someone can take that on review?
This looks like a fun model of everything there is, for all of us to play with. People pondering a  whole lot of things from spooky quantum entanglement action at a distance, to various mathematical conundra, might find it useful.  The folks running the Large Hadron Collider and those working on ITER might get a few pointers?  They work in toroidal spaces, after all.
There seem to be plenty more questions for naked scientist questioners to ask. 
Time to go back to bed.
Good day and good night all.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 16/09/2017 04:28:50
AlanM’s conjecture has been the basis of a profitable South African enterprise for decades

AlanM’s conjecture in a nutshell:  The negative axis of the arrow of time is as real as the positive, and means that we can sense the (not) missing ‘dark’energy, but never see it.

The conjecture is the actual explanation of the (dark) Emperor’s (not) New Clothes, made of antimatter, which he has worn since (our universe’s) time began, and will wear until (our universe’s) time ends, literally.  The clothes are invisible in our part of our universe (ie the matter part) because the clothes are travelling, with the wearer, away from us along the negative time vector which leads our universe to its eventual  inevitable disappearance in the ‘big crunch’ as our cosmic energy balance achieves equilibrium and starts another cycle of the zero sum game.  The only imaginary thing about our universe is its sustainability.  Ultimate Sustainability (US) is looking a really shaky concept, folks.

The simplest possible statement of what is new in AlanM’s conjecture is that what Professor Hawking has long referred to as the ‘imaginary’ dimension in which time goes in reverse is actually very real, and that is where the missing energy, in both its purest (ie photon momentum) and simplest (ie matter) forms, is hidden from our gaze, but not from our energy balance calculations.

South Africans have been selling antimatter, which is mass energy travelling backwards along the negative axis of our time dimension, for many decades.  Across False Bay from my home in South Africa is a nuclear accelerator site which I visited with my final year engineering classmates at UCT in 1960.  Every day the operators sell positrons for cancer scans.  These positrons annihilate the first electrons they meet, a process which takes a few hours to complete, and a CT scanner detects the pure gamma ray energy travelling in both the negative and positive directions along the time axis of the annihilating electron-positron pair.  When the two tangle, or get hitched by their annihilation, their energy has been returned to the vast energy storage unit we call "the vacuum of space time".  On their space-time scale of things, they have restored their energy balance to zero, as required by energy conservation law.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 24/09/2017 05:49:51
Alan M’s conjecture – in its 2017 09 24 nutshell

How best to model our universe

Engineers are often good at building models, and love playing with them.  They also spend a lot of time trying to build real things from drawings and specifications produced by designers.  If, like me, they battled through undergrad maths, they appreciate simple toys that show basic ideas in 3D.  The five demonstration models I find useful, are a tiny dot (dimension 0, the Higgs boson spin 0 zone, a zero energy state, not quite absolutely zero degrees Kelvin, the beginning and end of each cycle of time, which is actually a fuzzy cloud of jittery quantum strings around zero, because of quantum uncertainty); a soap bubble disk (dimension 1, the photon spin 1 energy oscillation zone, where magnetic and electric energy oscillate between their maxima and minima, while advancing and retreating through time zero along the arrow of time ); a soap bubble (dimension 2, the graviton spin 3 zone, where big and small bubbles appear and mostly pop quickly, before any resonance can start); a springy Mobius Band and a springy wire hoop (tools for imagining dimension 3, the Klein Bottle domain of our universe, the spin 4 zone traversed by each cycle of our matter-antimatter zero total energy universe.  If we give the springy hoop three twists it will show the shape of the locomotive track depicted in Stephen Hawking’s illustration of the arrow of time, imagined as folded back on its origin to show it as one-way).  Five simple toys to show the four dimensions our universe needs for its matter-antimatter existence in time.  (The fifth dimension is all in the mind, just an extra tool for playing privileged geometry observer delegate.)

The soap bubble toy is Stephen Hawking’s walnut before opening.  It is better considered as a smoke ring or torus that is rolling along the arrow of time while expanding in size until its inner radius shrinks to zero.  The critical energy quantity to achieve inflation is a very large quantity, and being injected rapidly to a very tiny volume of toroidal space raises the temperature to incredible levels.  As the inner radius of the torus reaches zero it becomes a very high elastic stress point, which snaps and is the cause of inflation to the spherical bubble shape.  The closed walnut.  We need our privileged observer’s 5D spectacles adjusted to see the walnut’s bottom shell pushed up the arrow of time diameter of our universe to occupy the same space as the top shell.  The circumference of the now well-entangled matter and antimatter universes is the turning point halfway between the beginning and end points of the cycle, which are now at a single pole, an almost dimensionless quantum dot, jittering with uncertainty, and ready to cause the next pulse of resonance.

If we read Stephen Hawking’s books, we find all we need to interpret our universe, provided we accept that the arrow of time is symmetrical about zero.  Really.  Then, applying the constraint of keeping to the law of conservation of energy, one has to conclude that the primordial vacuum has two energy ‘poles’ – infinite energy, and zero energy.  And our universe is a zero net energy resonance phenomenon, between these poles, in five dimensions.  As an observer in the 5th dimension, the views one gets of our universe can be sketched on two-dimensional paper, as elevations viewed from ten different directions, which are the minus and plus time directions, the three space directions (up-down, east-west, and forward-backward), and any other pair of directions we choose in our privileged observer position in our imaginary hyperspace.

It remains to point out that the Klein Bottle’s ballooning from toroidal to spherical during the inflation event will result in rapid cooling, allowing condensation of matter-antimatter particle pairs such as quark-antiquark pairs, and electron-positron pairs, which come in triplet-symmetry and twin-symmetry configurations and forward-backward time directions.  Those that don’t part ways immediately will annihilate, sending half their combined photon energy in each  direction along the arrow of time, thus in zero balance.  Those that part ways quickly enough survive as matter and antimatter condensed energy, as well as photon energy.  The latent energy of photon to mass phase-change is on very different scales, the very massive quarks and antiquarks curling space-time tightly around themselves as they form protons, neutrons, and so on in matter and antimatter forms, by grouping in their twos and threes, while electron-positron pairs entangle in twos only.

As we have begun to see what looks like the repulsive side of gravity, we must be close to the periphery of the walnut half shells, either about to turn round for the big shrink phase, or just after turning around.  Our  matter-antimatter universe should have about 14 billion years to go before arriving at ground zero and the new beginning.

The engineers working on ITER and the LHC presumably have all the above fully accounted for in their designs?  I don’t have the maths to check anything they are doing.  Perhaps it is all explained on the internet already?

Alan M’s conjecture – in a nutshell
As at 2017 09 23

As of now, the most concise way to present the conjecture is to say that our universe has two halves, one (the anti-half) containing all the mass and photon energy thought to be missing, and the other (the pro-half we live in) containing all the mass and photon energy we can see and detect from our vantage point on earth.  We have to accept that the anti-half is travelling away from the origin (of both halves) along the negative arrow of time, while the pro-half is travelling away from the origin (of both halves) along the positive arrow of time.  In both halves, the inhabitants will see and experience their own environment in the same way, meaning the two half-universes have the same laws of physics, and stick closely together, separated by the distance ct, a variable function of time t, multiplied by the constant c, the velocity of photons in the vacuum (the vacuum being the ‘missing’ luminiferous aether, truly not there, but all-pervading).  (No wonder nobody ever detected any aether.)  For the post-inflation epoch, the two half-universes are best imagined as the nutshell halves as depicted in Stephen Hawking’s book “The universe in a nutshell”, in its final illustration of the universe in an otherwise empty walnut.  The best vantage point for  observing our two-halves universe clearly requires consciousness and a brain able to imagine a 5-dimensional hyperspace surrounding the two nutshell halves.  The half-branes  meet in two places to form a Klein Bottle.  The halves join at their peripheries (just out of range of our most powerful optical telescopes) and at the common “big bang – big crunch” point they share in space-time.  Their common origin and end point is the beginning and end of time and matter for the Klein Bottle.   At their identical big bang and big crunch point in space-time, their peripheries have shrunk to zero, and the whole cycle will repeat as they disappear into the point of dimensionless, absolute zero temperature, literally frozen in the vacuum.  A combination of the Plank scale and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle would explain the source of the minute perturbations that stir the dimensionless strings to vibrate and kick off the next big bang, in which the strings acquire dimensions as they start releasing the residual tension between the zero energy of the vacuum, and the infinite potential energy that must exist in hyperspace to explain Einstein’s cosmological constant dilemma.  Of all the particle-antiparticle pairs popping into existence and failing to annihilate in the required very small time allowed, only those that have three-axis symmetry have the potential to expand into baby universes, and of those, only the toroidal string based ones are likely to allow in enough vacuum energy to inflate very rapidly to viable universes.  Before inflating, the toroidal baby universes are steadily blown up by the injected energy charge from the vacuum, until the inner radius

This ‘conclusion’ seems to explain a lot of mysteries unearthed by scientists and mathematicians so far.  Some of the thoughts behind the above summary are discussed in the rest of this post.  Apologies for not editing it more thoroughly, which may have something to do with Parkinson’s law.

 Stephen Hawkings picture of the universe (see figure 8.1 in the 2008 update of his “A brief history of time”, first published in 1988), would be a nice way to view the universe in 5 dimensional hyperspace, full of 4 dimensional galaxies each with its own wormhole (we call them black holes) between its matter half and its antimatter half.  It would be in hyperspace that the steadily growing amounts of matter and antimatter of the universe could warp all the galaxy time lines sufficiently to close on themselves at the equator of hyperspace so that the spring tensions start pulling everything together from the maximum extension points of the time arrows.  At this point in space-time, currently just beyond range of our most powerful telescopes, gravity starts acting repulsively, from our matterverse point of view.  From an antimatterverse point of view, gravity turns from acting repulsively to acting attractively, inevitably ending in the big crunch as depicted in figure 8.1 of the book.

More light can be cast on where the ‘missing’ energy is in our universe, and on the unification of physics, if we look at the bosons that drive everything in the universe.  I may have missed something, but there only seem to be three that are talked about.  We have the Higgs boson, with zero spin; we have the photon, with spin 1; and we have the graviton, with spin 2.  Shouldn’t there be a boson, with spin 3?  After all, if we agree that our universe needs at least four dimensions, we might expect there to be four basic bosons, surely?  I see the gluon is talked about as the fourth boson, but it is only supposed to act like a particle with mass, and a spin of one, and then at very short range, so it doesn’t fit with my simple engineer’s view of things.

The Higgs boson seems to be responsible for balancing the universe’s energy components to add up to a total of zero at all times, to comply with the law of energy conservation.  Also much talked about are the boson for universe’s mass energy components identified by Einstein (ie gravitons), and the boson for the universe’s electromagnetic energy components identified by Maxwell (photons).  But what about the energy stored in the tension along the bi-directional arrow of time, between the matter and anti-matter halves of the universe?  Doesn’t that need a boson we might call Hooke’s boson, responsible for the spring constant that regulates the (never-ending?) oscillations of the universe between the (eternal?) cyclic big bangs and big crunches?  It might have a short range cousin we could call a gluon, or the way gluons act only at very short distances might just be caused by intense warping of space time between quarks, which are very odd particles with enormous mass.  Very strong magnets obviously warp space time into really impressively tiny zones of attractive and repulsive energy, by aligning the spins of practically all the electrons in alloys of iron and neodymium.

Could this (missing? Or simply not appreciated yet?) fourth (or is that fifth?) boson also be responsible for the tremendous spring tension we know exists between the quarks in atomic protons and neutrons?  If so, wouldn’t Hooke’s boson provide yet another clue to the solution of the unification of physics?

A fifth boson like a Hooke’s boson might call for a fifth dimension, which we could include what we might call hyperspace.  Stephen Hawkings picture of the universe (see figure 8.1 in the 2008 update of his “A brief history of time”, first published in 1988), would be a nice way to view the universe in 5 dimensional hyperspace, full of 4 dimensional galaxies each with its own wormhole (we call them black holes) between its matter half and its antimatter half.  It would be in hyperspace that the steadily growing amounts of matter and antimatter of the universe could warp all the galaxy time lines sufficiently to close on themselves at the equator of hyperspace so that the spring tensions start pulling everything together from the maximum extension points of the time arrows.  At this point in space-time, currently just beyond range of our most powerful telescopes, gravity starts acting repulsively, from our matterverse point of view.  From an antimatterverse point of view, gravity turns from acting repulsively to acting attractively, inevitably ending in the big crunch as depicted in figure 8.1 of the book.

The period of oscillation of the universe in hyperspace between big bangs and big crunches would depend on the amount of virtual particles that are not successfully annihilated sufficiently quickly to keep their local obligation of maintaining zero energy balance locally.  They wander off into their own paddocks, matter into the matterverse and antimatter into the antimatterverse, via their local (or is that any) black wormhole, which probably looks like a quasar in the entangled other universe they enter.

Note that the wormholes would not be suitable for anything material to indulge in time travel.  The black wormholes are the ultimate shredders of matter, which is converted back into pure energy of photon momentum.  It emerges into the entangled half universe as more or less energetic gamma rays.  How energetic the gamma rays (cosmic rays) are, depends on the amounts of mass shredded to date and transported through the black wormholes previously in the cycle.

So, to sum up in more detail, Alan M’s conjecture includes the following:

The dark energy that is said to be missing is not missing at all.  It is simply hidden from our sight by all the black holes in our universe.  The energy we can see is on our side of all those black holes.  The hidden energy is on the other side of them.  On our side of the black holes is what we call a world of matter.  On the other side of the black holes is what we call antimatter, with the M and AM halves kept in perfect zero energy balance, cyclically through time, while the two half-universes continually condensing pure photon momentum energy into mass energy and photon energy, which we detect in the M half of our universe by the emergence of Hawking radiation from black holes.  When we create anti-matter such as positrons in the M half of our universe, the energy-balancing electrons travelling backwards along the time axis as explained by Richard Feynman, will appear in the AM half of our universe  from the black hole connecting M and AM halves.  The black hole is also the balancing point for all the matter/anti-matter photon energy that arises from the annihilation of the short-lives particle/anti-particle pairs continually popping in and out of existence in each universe.

Every black hole is at the origin of an arrow of time for the galaxy that encircles it.  From our point of view, time stands still in the plane of every black hole.  In a four-dimensional universe like ours, the arrow or axis of the time dimension extends forwards from the zero point into our matter half, and backwards from the zero point into the antimatter half, and is orthogonal to the two-dimensional black hole.  The time zero event horizons of all black holes define the beginnings of time for their galaxies.

All the arrows of time are progressively curved by the accumulated matter and antimatter, until they close on themselves in hyperspace at the end of time for that cycle.  So the end points of time for all the galaxies are defined by the outer circumference of a space-time toroid.  The top and bottom of each toroid will be matched equatorial circles, which mark the turning points in space-time at which our expanding matter/antimatter universes stop expanding and begin contracting for the big crunch.

The mass energy of our universe is Einstein’s E = mc^2.  This is the total mass energy of the matter and anti-matter components, of which the entangled matterverses and antimatterverses each hold half of it. 

Similarly, Maxwell’s electromagnetic energy in the matter half of our universe oscillates in time between magnetic and electric tensions in space (the lumeniferous aether).  Maxwell showed us the spring constants for the magnetic and electric fields as they oscillate between their maxima and minima, while travelling along their time arrows at the speed of light, which he postulated as a function of the magnetic permeability and the electrical permittivity of free space (for “full speed” light), or at lower speeds, as moderated by any intervening matter with differing dielectric and diamagnetic properties.  Again, the energy component we see in these oscillations is half the total.  B^2/2µ and ½ εE^2, if I recall correctly, are the respective peak magnetic and electric energy quantities oscillating in each entangled half universe.  Whether in a matterverse or in an antimatterverse, in both cases the energy is positive and adds to the total photon energy shifting cyclically from magnetic storage to electric storage and back in their local space-time.

As far as the spring tension energy along the arrows of time is concerned, that too is oscillating and is shared equally, half and half, between matterverse and antimatterverse.  Oscillating energy summing to zero for each cycle is evaluated by its root mean square (the mean  value of the square of the energy) over an integral number of cycles.  For pure sinusoidal functions of time, the rms value is peak amplitude divided by 1,414 (ie square root of 2) or 0,707 times peak value.

The mathematicians  and scientists will probably find that the observed energy “unbalances” fit well with the 4% accounted for and the 95% thought to be unaccounted for, with the expanding space-time zone reaching 13,8 exp 10^9 years at half-life, which the contracting phase will have to match.  The arrows of time in forward and reverse directions will have to fit a diameter of hyperspace of about 28 Exp 10^9 years. 

Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 13/10/2017 07:12:26
Friday 13 October 2017
An engineering interpretation

Everything comprises the only viable perpetuum mobile we can conceive.  The perpetuum mobile blows energy bubbles continuously, forever, from our point of view.  The primordial vacuum is actually an infinite amount of bubble mix whose elasticity is the only physical constant.  The elasticity is shared between four bosons, the Higgs, the photon, the graviton, and the boson of time.  The universal constant is a four-dimensional matrix that regulates the speed of light, and the photon/gravity/mass conversion ratios.  The primordial vacuum is a perfectly homogenous soup continuously balancing everything and nothing.  It is a precision balance of matter and ‘anti’-matter, space and ‘anti’-space, gravity and ‘anti’-gravity, time and ‘anti’-time.  The Higgs boson regulates the blowing of energy bubbles, of which our universe is one.

The imagination needed to grasp the above summary will allow those of us who have been privileged enough to see it, to understand the movie of Arthur Clarke’s “2001 – A Space Oddysey”.  The rectangular monolithic prism of rock in the movie should have been a cubic prism of neutrons, the ultimate and most perfect material form of energy.  The above summary provides an explanation of why time travel will not be feasible for any material objects, as only pure photon energy can oscillate through the dimensionless zeros of energy bubbles as well as through the two-dimensional black holes where the left and right handed matter and anti-matter universes pass through each other in completing their journeys along their matching arrows of time.

Fully interpreting the summary above should provide material for countless religious sermons, and many a scientific, mathematical and philosophical paper.  Our bubble contains enough energy to last about 28 billion years or so, to create life as we know it, and grow to a diameter of 14 billion light-years or so.  The dimensionless and almost frozen strings, dots and toroids shivering in the Planck-dimensioned zone of uncertainty around the theoretical zero of everything are the balancing fulcrum point for the four dimensions of space-time.  The strings, dots, and toroids, having shrunk all the way down to Planck dimensioned objects, are turning themselves inside out, before being injected with pure photon energy and blown up into spherical and toroidal bubbles that will expand at the speed of light through four-dimensional space-time.  As twinned left and right halves of their bubble/toroid pairs, they will reach their maximum spatial extents at half their individual matched time periods of oscillation.  At half their combined time periods, they will inflate into twice their individual spatial extent, before shrinking back along their anti-time axes to their zero point.  The twinned half universes thus pass forwards and backwards along their arrows of time, cyclically, always adding up to zero net energy over time.

This perfect perpetuum moblie will demonstrate string and brane theory, and unite the quantum and gravitational theories.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 03/06/2018 09:28:12;action=post2
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: guest39538 on 03/06/2018 09:33:58
The theory of everything – All is nothing, and Nothing All.  Forever ?
Interesting thread, I will comment properly later on , I just wanted to reply to this part.

Yes that is correct and T.O.E

Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 09/06/2018 10:49:33
I am trying to get the current Theory of Everything down to 20 thousand characters.  It is taking a while.  If I could find a character counter in Word it would be a great help.  I tried e-mailing it to Chris Smith but am still revising it fairly regularly.  AlanM
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: Colin2B on 09/06/2018 11:46:40
I tried e-mailing it to Chris Smith but am still revising it fairly regularly.  AlanM
There is little point emailing it to Chris Smith. Firstly he is extremely busy on the radio show so it is unlikely he will read it, but secondly his discipline is physiology/medicine.
Here there are quite a few of us who have worked in physics all our careers so this is the best place to post it.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 09/06/2018 13:24:06
Thank you Colin. Appreciated.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 17/06/2018 09:28:25
Happy Fathers Day, Everybody.
It seems a good day to up-date Alan M and Zarah's conjecture.  I hope I can keep this short.
It now seems to me that the Theory Of Everything has been hidden behind Rigidity Of Thought for decades.  A case of TOE ROT, one might say.
Einstein did enough when he changed the rigid axes (lovely puns are multiplying rapidly) of special relativity into the curvy tape measures of his general theory of relativity.  His Nobel prize topic of Brownian motion is another great contribution to the unification of quantum physics and gravitational physics.  There have been important clarifications by Planck, Heisenberg, Dirac, and a host of scientists nibbling away at the fringes, building upon the lighting of the fuse of the scientific method by Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the real scientists of many different cultures on our planet.

What it all boils down to, is that the wave-particle duality has been clouded (!) by loose use of language, more than anything else.  For 'particle' please read 'quantum'.  I'm afraid the waves on the left have it. The contest is actually between hot and cold.  It's the temperature that matters.  A very important aspect of the whole thing is that at the common point of every big and little 'bang' is an origin of the biggest or littlest bang imaginable.  We all forget to look closely at those origins.  Of course, our telescopes are not quite up to looking closely at the origins of our own rather huge bang, not yet anyway.
We seem to get temperature entirely messed up.  Especially our carbon dioxide obsessionists and other 'unreal' scientists, worring about a degree or two here and there.  It is a classic case of the Emperor's new clothes, for most people, or simple zero-suppression errors for real engineers.  At our more-or-less zero temperatures of about 300 degrees Kelvin, we are practically frozen.  Our closest nuclear fusion reactor runs at a core temperature of about 15 million degrees.  It really doesn't matter whether you use degrees Kelvin or degrees Rankine, please just remember that we are at the cold end of the energy cycle.
Back to those particles.  Planck pointed out how we battle to perceive the really, really small things in life.  Heisenberg told us that we simply have to accept a degree of uncertainty about where any material thing is or what its actual velocity is,  Dirac revealed the necessity of antimatter. Feynman very simply explained the essential matter/antimatter zero energy balance of the universe when he described a positron (a small, but far from fundamental quantum of anti-matter) as an electron (the positron's matter equivalent, from an energy point of view) going backwards in time.  The positron going backwards in time, while the electron goes forwards in time, is the only way these two tiny quanta of energy can balance their energies to zero.  Remember, Einstein said what different observers perceive will depend on the relative velocities of the observers and the observed phenomena.  In the curvy perception of Space-Time that he developed for his Theory of Gravitation, it is a fact not appreciated by many of us at all, that even the heaviest atoms are built of 'standard' particles of incredibly dense matter that occupy a tiny percentage of the very empty universe we observers, built of billions of those atoms and their cousins, share with each other.  It is also a fact that the only reason none (ie, not one) of us falls through the floor, is that each nucleus has what Einstein called its "rest mass" energy balanced by a buzzing-bee-like swarm of microscopically small (that is, small relative to the nucleons, or protons and neutrons, in the atom's nucleus) electrons.  The electrons do that so that the atom has zero net electrical energy in the grand equation of the universe, that says the net energy of everything is zero.  Of course it must be zero, otherwise we have to say that our universe came out of something else, but that just avoids accepting the obvious question, what is the something else, and didn't it come out of something else?
There is another component of energy that needs talking about, as the temperature component did.  That is spin, or angular rotation.  The positron and its tangled electron are not necessarily moving away from each other.  They can stay stable while closely entangled in the same place by having opposite angular spins which also sum their energy to zero.  If they were Fred Hoyle's atoms popping into existence in the hugely empty vacuum of space, then they might have to annihilate and release all their combined energy in the form of gamma radiation, described by physicists as two photon quanta of energy (the purest form of energy, uncontaminated by mass) which actually do zoom off in directly opposite directions in space, to stay equidistant from their common point of origin, and so keep their little bits of momentum energy on the right sides of their own little event horizons or microscopic dark holes in their own energy bubbles or  "baby universes".
So much for electrons and positrons, atoms, neutrons, protons, and temperature and spin interpretations of (real?) energy engineers. (With imagination? As in "image interpretation"?)
It just remains to explain quarks.  There aren't six of them. There are only three required, as the "Standard Model" often mentions the three matter ones and their entangled antimatter partners as if there is no difference.  This is where Zahra (visiting us today, perchance to play with some of my new magnets until Friday this week) came into prominence.  She invited (well, practically ordered) me to bring her twelve magnets last October, when we visited her in Hoedspruit, because she wanted to levitate an apple. (No, I am still not sure why she wanted to levitate an apple.  Maybe she is a budding physicist? Of the real, skeptical variety?) So it is due to her initiative that I had to apply the ageing grey cells to magnetism.  As a result of which I am convinced that magnetism is a far more mysterious thing than gravity or electronics. Or time itself.  Time, like the x, y, and z axes, is a tape measure that is only properly used by real people like real economists, financiers, engineers, planners, and anyone else living in the real world rather than the world of fiction and fantasy.
Time is part of magnetism too.  You need a lot of time spent thinking about and playing with magnets, to realise what they are.  Big ones are quarks, and little ones are quarkinos.  Quarkinos (or magnetrinos), electrinos, positrinos, photinos, neutrinos, and gravitinos are the fundamentally smallest quanta of energy that Plank told us we can perceive.  And they are all wave packets of energy.  The sizes of their energy quanta are determined by their frequencies of vibration or oscillation, as electromagnetic waves.   In their purest (ie massless) forms they radiate outwards to their ever-expanding event horizons.  The quarkinos combine in twos and threes to give us the standard 'particles' or quanta, as they should be called, of energy.
The rest of the search for missing dark energy and matter is pure 'solid' geometry.  Of tetragons, spheres and cubes, all five of them.
Enough for one morning.  I could go on all day.  Suffice it to say, that using no new knowledge, and using (plagiarising?) many words and phrases coined by the giants of the real world of science (or is that the world of real Science?), one can see all sorts of things through the Emperor's new clothes by cutting out the ROT.  (I'm afraid Puns Rule.  I hope it doesn't spoil Father's Day for anyone.)
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: Bored chemist on 17/06/2018 09:52:35
Nobel prize topic of Brownian motion is another great contribution to the unification of quantum physics and gravitational physics.
Since Brownian motion has nothing to do with gravity, I stopped reading here.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 17/06/2018 10:34:52
Ah, but Brownian motion is just the jittering of the very tiny strings of matter around the absolute zero of everything, and the absolute zero of the primordial vacuum's temperature.  The potential energy of empty space is enough to keep the toroidal one-dimensional strings and any other string shapeshape you care to dream up, shivering in their tiny bootees.  Unless you have matter, you have no temperature.  Matter has to consist of real particles, er, quanta, I mean, of energy in tiny wave packets of their particular frequencies.  The fundamental frequency of any string depends on the length of the string.  The smallest string is a dimensionless dot, the smallest thing one can imagine.  So if that dot condenses out of the vacuum, its two manifestations are the fundamentally smallest bits of matter and antimatter defined by Planck.  Glad you made your point so early, thank you.  I don't think I had mentioned that electrinos are simply boiling quarkinos. More than one electrino make a two wave-packet vapour of superheated quarkinos as well as the energy-balancing two superheated vapour of anti-quarkinos needed to keep things balanced in their tiny baby universes.
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 23/06/2018 07:20:46
Today is the 95th wedding anniversary of Zahra’s Great Grandpa Mac and Great Granny Daphne.  Before departing for Hoedspruit at the crack of Dawn yesterday, my little co-author used some of the frankness her teachers seem to regard as socially unacceptable.  In my wake-up time dream this deep south winter solstice morning, Zahra produced an absolute pearler of a polite riposte for “Bored Chemists, everywhere:

“Grandpa Alan, I don’t mean to be rude, but this poor man’s brain has the rigor mortis of a dimensionless string at the absolute zero of the cosmic temperature scale.  Please ask the friendly naked scientist, who suggested you don’t e-mail Chris Smith, to quietly explain to “Bored Chemist” that he shouldn’t stop reading anything until he has reached the end, particularly if it’s just an obviously short post.  Maybe the friendly naked scientist can explain that Einstein was explaining the room temperature Quantum Gravity that Brownian motion is.  The Bored Chemist just needed to read to the end to give his absolute zero Kelvin brain a kick start that would let him lift his absolute zero dimensionless eyes to the 2,7 Kelvin skies all around him, and see the 2,7 Kelvin photinos and gravitinos streaming at him from the 2,7 Kelvin matterverse surrounding the tiniest perceptible black hole that is the present resting place of the dimensionless string he has become in his boredom.
Bye Grampa.  Love you.”

Love you too Zahra.  Get home safely.

PS:  The nicest thing about all this, is that perhaps for the wrong reasons, the Nobel prize he got was for the right thing after all.  Einstein did link gravity and quantum theory, and his famous equation is proof that he saw the whole mass of the universe in his m.  He did not just deal with the matterverse m, he also included the antimatter m, which is why there is no ½ in front of mc2.
Gramp Alan.
Seaforth, 2018-6-23 08:11
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 06/07/2018 06:54:19
Seaforth, July 4th

Happy Independence Day, all independent real science holists.

It seems a good day to present the conclusions reached so far by Zahra and myself, in the A to Z of an energy engineer’s (and his grand-daughter Zahra’s) Theory of everything.

For our final disambiguation of Quarks, please see what is written below.  (Please note that the A to Z or Z to A Theory of Everything deals only with physics, not with chemistry or Metaphysics.  It saves a lot of misdirected effort to know what not to look for in what follows.)

Zahra and I conclude (for now) as follows:

1)  The basic theory of everything was built on the shoulders of all the real scientists, and elegantly stated by Albert Einstein, in his simple little book, Relativity – the Special and the General Theory.  His equation e=mc2 and his Nobel prize for his work on Brownian motion show that he had, without actually realising it, enough information at his fingertips to unify Quantum Mechanics and his gravitational theories.

2)  It is to Richard Feynman, who at age 36 first presented his work on Quantum mechanics to an audience including Albert Einstein, and later worked with Einstein on the topic, that we owe the insightful remark that a positron is simply an electron moving backwards in time. 

3)  Stephen Hawking’s remarkable life would likely have been even more remarkable had it not been for his dreadful physical affliction that deprived him of the use of his hands.  He had begun his life’s work by choosing ‘Time’ as his post-graduate study topic.  His affliction so early in life isolated him from the manual activities essential to experience the total uncontrollability of electrons and magnets.

Most people on our planet have been attacked by errant electrons in the form of sparks, up to a centimetre long, either from innocent-looking plants or things like shopping trolleys.  The lucky ones among us have been privileged to experience with their own hands how magnets not only attract, as does gravity, but also strongly repel each other.

Stephen Hawking might well have known the answers to the questions he  left for posterity to answer.  Perhaps he felt we would learn better by finding them as an exercise for his readers, ourselves?

4)  Like any other product of human imagination, the so-called ‘dimensions’ of which some physicists and maths boffins need more than ten to make their models work, are simply (as Einstein’s General Theory points out) flexible tape measures of our event lines in this universe.  The dimensions along these infinitely flexible axes (rigid in the case of Special Relativity) can be graduated in a veritable tower of Babel variety of scales, like linear units such as cm, inches, miles, rods, poles and perches for x, y, and z, and for time the scales can be in units like minutes, days, weeks, fortnights, Gregorian years, centuries, Julian years and so on.

For Temperature (capital T intended), the scale to use is definitely Kelvin.  As in the case of Temperature, the scale for time t begins at zero for everybody, and all life forms, because their existence is temporary and their event lines are restricted to forward movement, whether they become immortal or not.  What’s done is done for them, and they cannot move backward in time, ever.

For the quantum components of energy, whether gravitons, photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, neutrinos, muons, or (real or imagined) bosons, travel backwards in time is of course possible, nay, demanded, by the fact that our universe (and any other universe, or anti matter-verse,) is always, at any instant, a zero sum game.  The only way a matter – antimatter pair of energy quanta can balance the energy released by their mutual annihilation, is to send all the resultant away in gamma rays (photons) travelling directly away from each other, in time.  This is the whole basis of Positron Emission Tomography scans of cancer patients.  South Africa has for many decades earned considerable foreign exchange revenue by manufacturing and selling positrons world-wide for nuclear medicine purposes.

5)  As for quarks, these are actually rather tiny magnets, that come in different types, of which there are three matter versions, and three anti-matter versions.  Of the usual sub-types, the matter versions are called  ‘top’, ‘strange’, and ‘up’ quarks, and the anti-matter types are called ‘bottom’, ‘charm’, and ‘down’ quarks.

These basic quarks come in various ‘colours’, called red, blue and green for matter quarks, and yellow, green and violet for anti-matter quarks.

To complete the quark menu, the matter quarks travel forwards in time, while the anti-matter quarks travel backwards in time.  The directions in time are simply + and -.  The ‘plus’ sign is usually taken for granted, but the ‘minus’ sign is shown explicitly.

A diagram of various so-called particles, actually different quanta of gamma ray energies, thus shows the proton as consisting of a red up, a green down, and a blue up quark.

An anti-proton is shown as a yellow up quark, a green up quark, and a violet down quark, all travelling backwards in time.  A neutron is also shown as three quarks, a red down, a green up, and a blue down, all travelling forwards in time.   A lambda particle is shown as three quarks, a red down, a green strange, and a blue up, in which the ‘strange’ quark introduces  a spin of -1.  The lambda thus effectively the anti-particle for a neutron, and the neutron/lambda pair balance to zero, as the Zahra - Alan Theory of Everything demands.

Kaons and Pions are four examples of ‘particles’ which only consist of two quarks each.  The more massive Pion (more energetic, longer decay time) consists of a yellow down minus and a blue up quark.  The less massive Pion (less energetic, shorter decay time) consists of a red up and a green up minus quark.

The less massive Kaon comprises a green down quark, and a violet strange minus quark, while the J/psi ‘particle’ comprises a blue charm quark and a yellow charm minus quark.

Note that a hydrogen atom, consisting of a single proton in space, is orbited by a single electron in a single orbital shell, which exactly balances the total electrical charge of the atom to zero.

Neutrons consist of a proton which has absorbed an electron.  Outside an atom, a neutron will eventually decay into a proton and an electron.  Inside an atom, neutrons are stable.

What this all boils down to (well, freezes down to, would be more accurate) is that neutrons consist of frozen (ie zero K) energy quanta, which are the smallest indivisible magnet ‘particles’ and could be called quarkinos, or magnetinos.

Magnetinos boil at 2,7 Kelvin, the background temperature of the universe.  Quarkino vapour consists of excited electrinos, which are actually electrons and freeze at 2,7 Kelvin.

The smashing of protons and neutrons in huge accelerators is certainly a wonderful job creation exercise, but so is movie making.  So also is the nuclear power station industry, which was born in the United (untied?) Kingdom at Calder Hall, opened by Queen Elizabeth in 1955.  It is rather fascinating, and future historians will certainly wonder why it took the world so long to begin benefitting from the work of all the great humans who had put all their life’s work into unravelling these basic secrets of the universe.  The answer is up to Metaphysicists, I guess.

In his “2001 – A Space Odyssey”, a pre-computer age movie that has always fascinated its fans and was mostly recognized for its futuristic graphic space travel imagery, Arthur C Clark’s “mysterious monolith” was a huge magnet of neutrons, at zero K, and would have had to boil away into pure photon energy in a mighty big bang in a non-sci-fi room temperature situation.

And, to round this all off, the ‘missing’dark energy and dark matter is all in around us.  It is not really missing, but hidden in plain view in every atom of matter.  Our universe and its anti-verse are inextricably intertwined and entangled.  No need for any bosons, space is its own Higgs boson, with an intrinsic impedance of 377 ohms in the MKS system of units.  Because it takes energy to rip apart the lumeniferous aether (ie the primordial vacuum), light can only have a finite velocity, and photinos lose all their energy at the zero Kelvin universal boundary where they become the spent energy ‘ash’ called magnetinos.

Engineers and scientist of all disciplines have shown that they have solutions for safe and incredibly economic solutions for providing all the energy civilisation needs to provide meaningful work for our growing planetary populations.

It is up to politicians to catch up with the apex humans and evolve adequate systems of governing and directing the growth of human intelligence.  Education is key.  Dogma and scotomas, and the seven deadly sins are all that stand in our way.

If we fail, at least we and everything in our universe are all recyclable, and our recycling is inevitable.  We will either be reborn in a flash of gamma radiation called a big bang, or we will be preseved in the form of a neutron star somewhere in the never-ending sea of nothing at all.  Neutrons are the ash of the universal energy.  ‘The’ Universe is truly a case of a world without end.


© Alan M and Zahra, Seaforth, July 2018.

Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: Bored chemist on 06/07/2018 11:45:27
Brownian motion is just the jittering of the very tiny strings of matter around the absolute zero of everything, and the absolute zero of the primordial vacuum's temperature.
It isn't.
Don't be silly.

You don't create a "theory of everything" by failing to understand the basics like this
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 09/07/2018 06:44:31
Dear Bored Chemist
Please stay calm. Your condition can be cured easily.  Take less fiction, particularly the stuff about carbon dioxide. I am working on a simple version of this blog for adults. Meanwhile, I recommend that you study the pre-reading material.  Try Albert Einstein on Relativity.  I recommend the authorised translation by Robert Lawson.  I also quite like Richard P Feynman's Six Easy Pieces.  His view of Brownian motion is enlightening.  For younger readers, (I am about to turn 75, of course), try Getting Started with Engineering, by the people who make the dummies books, and Dr Ben Still's brilliant Particle Physics Brick by Brick.  He uses Lego to explain the basics.  And if you play a lot with magnets and soap bubbles, laser pointers, LEDs and other photon sources, you cannot fail to be less bored.
Have a happy Monday.
Alan (and Zahra, of course).
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 12/07/2018 06:46:22
Seaforth, 12 July 2018

Morning All

Today seems a good day to conclude the previous conclusion, mainly because I haven’t been ridden over by a bus yet, but also because in this morning’s imaginary project meeting with Zahra, she raised a couple of very good points.
Grandpa, she said, I don’t mean to be rude, but I am shocked that an engineer like you would say magnets boil at a temperature below their melting point.  Aren’t you are feeding poor old Bored Chemist wrong information again?
Well, I have been less than complete in our curve-fitting exercise since last October.  There are far too many words above this post to expect anyone to waste their time looking for the few little bits of bright stuff that matters among all the dark stuff that dominates, so to speak.  Let’s conclude this part of our conclusion by going back to basics, and trying to explain the timelessness of the pre-beginning.
I think most real scientists, naked or not, have to agree that before the beginning, there was nothing.
Everything being nothing, any Grand Observer Designate (work out any three-letter-acronym you prefer) could only have been at the Origin of Everything.
Time, however graduated, could only ever move forward from there.  (Unless it were ‘anti-time’?)
Temperature, could only move upwards from there.  (Kelvin rules, ok?  Could we also have anti-Kelvin?))
Extension could go anywhere it liked.  It only needs three dimensions to locate the separation of any two points within itself.  (Einstein’s fifth Appendix makes this point, whether or not you’ll pardon the pun.)
And, above all, Energy must always be conserved, and add up to nothing, everywhere and at all instants of time.
Einstein’s Ancient One, our Grand Observer Designate, only needed to throw his imaginary dice once for each viable universe created, but he could never have just one at a time.  We can have no idea how many dice were shaken, or how many dice were (or are being) shaken, but he always gets two entangled universes, an Energy Universe, and an Anti-Energy Universe.  Call them whatever pleases you:  Left-handed and Right-handed, Up and Down, Strange and Charmed, Top and Bottom. Positive and Negative.  (Does any of this look familiar?  It should, to most readers of ‘non-fiction’ in the field of physics.)
Of course, in infancy, there is always high mortality.  Only a very few little bi-polar (oh dear, more double entendre) universes survive.  Most annihilate and disturb very little, if anything.
But imagine those which start with enough momentum to separate and thus to survive.  Whatever their initial energy quanta (each mini-verse to its own up-ness, and down-ness, or whatever you call the inextricable two), the rest of their histories must balance on their half-of-the-total-energy scales.
Now we come to the interesting bit.  They simply have to inflate.  Yes, inflation is a basic condition of everything.  There are only two possible histories for universes.  They can either contract to a crunch, or remain in a steady state until the end of time.  Its ‘sustainability’ all depends on the type of matter the little universes produce, and on whether it is ‘quality’ matter.  How well-made and in what quantity it forms, and how much of it is a waste of time.
Now I must steer carefully around the meta-physics and look at the mathematical stuff.  It is mainly simple arithmetic, and can be graphed.  Even bean counters can handle it.  If you begin with two little quanta, suspended in nothing, how can they grow?  The two are their own world, and they add up to nothing.  They are the pure energy form we call electromagnetic radiation, or gamma rays.  They are entirely massless momentum, so far uncontaminated by any form of waste, and confined to the really tiny world they have pushed open in space.  Where are they going from here?  If they stick together they will self annihilate.  Unless they get the maximum possible space between themselves their first appearance will very rapidly become their last.
The obvious thing to do is to make more room in space.  The only way they can do this is to go forth and multiply.  To conserve their total energy at the zero they have been granted as their only birth-right, they must conserve parity of energy.  They must balance their momenta, their spin, and their mass-production rates.  And they have to depart from each other as quickly as possible in exactly opposite directions in space and time.  But oddly enough, they don’t need to go very far at all.  They can do this very locally, with things we call protons, neutrons, electrons, muons, gravitons and neutrinos.
The first energy quanta are two.  Next, they will be four, then sixteen, then thirty two, and so on and so on.  Maths fans have probably realised (if still awake or not-bored chemists) that this is an exponential increase.  How long can it continue?  Well, there is a little snag, and that is that there are no free lunches.
As Maxwell discovered, the nothingness of space is not going to sit there and be invaded by mere matter without putting up a fight.
The primeval (Prime Evil?) vacuum has only passive resistance to rely on to stop what looks like an uncontrollable inflation event.  Maxwell calculated the resistance of space as 377 ohms.  The paired gamma ray excursions (space invaders?) are going to have to fight to blow up their balloons.  The gamma rays are going to lose energy, and there is going to be wasted energy around.  We call it matter in one of the paired universes, and anti-matter in the other.  In both of them the light explosions will be shifting from the blue to the red ends of their electromagnetic frequency spectra, and even their gravitational fields that Newton pushed into our consciousness will be reaching their maximum extensions and eventually begin the contraction that could end in either a mighty big crunch with the enormous flare of a supernova-type annihilation, or the quiet neutron star type of death with a quiet wimper into eternal silence.
Maxwell calculated the resistance of space to its being ripped apart by gamma rays.  His answer, in ohms, is given by the ratio of the magnetic and electric field strengths gamma rays need to drive the expansions of their paired universes.  The paired gamma ray universes eventually run out of energy.  Their balanced exponential inflation phases slow and begin to reverse like a coiled spring that becomes fully wound, and must then unwind to release its inner tensions and restore its equanimity.  (Some of us call that Hookes law.)
In this manner, they push their energy bubble boundaries (each boundary formed by the tips of the ever-reddening light rays that serve as the ‘arrows’ of time) against the boundary of the space they occupy.  They are expending their zero combined energies stretching their space, locally (the spooky “action at a distance” – ever heard that before?), according to Hooke’s law against the spring constant of the universe calculated by Maxwell.  The whole effort has to be cyclical, and must eventually reverse, unless something intervenes to keep up the pressure.  This can happen if enough mass accumulates in the form of neutrons, the densest form of matter.  At the moment, it looks as though our universe is getting there.  If our life forms want to live forever, evolution of all of them must allow them to live around 2,7 Kelvin.
Meanwhile, neutrons will remain unstable, each of them jittering around absolute zero and just itching to expel an electron, which will start another cycle of creation, as the temperature begins rising, the pressure increases, and another round of inflation begins another evolutionary cycle.
Long may it all continue.

©Alan S M and Zahra, Seaforth, July 2018
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 17/09/2018 09:14:40

2018 July 17   The Executive Summary - as a reward for those, if any, who have reached this conclusion before.  (Probably only Stephen Hawking?)

Light speed isn't infinite because electromagnetic radiation isn't massless, and empty space isn't empty anymore.
Well, there was of course no primordial vacuum to start with, because the extension of space only began when Fred Hoyle's theory said that atoms (or, to use Murray Gell-Mann's language instead, quarks and anti-quarks) just appeared (and keep appearing) out of the infinite potential energy bank we call nothing.

It was the Grand Observer Designate's first throw of his dice, if you like that way of putting it.  The Grand Observer(or is that Observers?) Designate would have had to be the first and only ever time traveller(s), who left home one day in a relative way, and arrived at the centre of our universes the previous night, so that he (or they?) could see to the creation of light.  Those (continually appearing) quarks and their  antiquarks all spat (spit) out  their net energy cancelling charges, the chaperones that were (are) inhibiting their needs to get together.  Those ejected chaperones we now call electrons and positrons each flew (fly) into their (very) high temperature rage(es), each of them buzzing around their quark-antiquark twosomes and threesomes that condensed (are always condensing) out of the quark vapour to form protons, and neutrons. In this manner, clouds of hydrogen were (are) created, and once the single protons began (begin) getting together, the rest is pure chemistry and all sorts of things, including life, can emerge in time.  I hope pure is an acceptable term for chemistry.

As Stephen Hawking wagered, and was persuaded (or was he?) that he had lost, there is no need for a Higgs Boson.  He could have added that there is no need for any bosons, or any other theoretical particles, if one tells it all as it is.  Physics is the science of the real.  Mathematics has simply too much of the imaginary in it for most people, and chemistry has almost always been totally incomprehensible to just about everyone.  Like the lives chemistry makes possible.

So Einstein was right, as was his Noble prize.  He deserved one, whatever aspect of his work (fun?) one looks at. There is no more mystery about the missing 1/2 in energy being mass times light speed squared.  The sum of the dark stuff and the light stuff is always zero, which simply means they are the equals of each other, but of the opposite hand.  Yin and Yang, the Wrong handed and the right handed.  In spin, in polarity, in whatever energy form you can think of, it has always been constrained by the law of the conservation of energy.  Everything must always balance, all the time, everywhere.

Hoyle was also right.  Thingies like loops and dots and stringies do arrive out of nowhere.  This they did originally,  and will continue to do, ad infinitum.  Hoyle deserved a Nobel Prize for many different contributions to the Theory of Everything.

Feynman was right.  Positrons (anti-electrons) are like electrons travelling backwards in time.  There is nothing wrong about normalising infinities.  It is, though, not right to suppress any zeros.  Climatologists and weathermen take note.
Stick to degrees Kelvin, as true scientists should.

  The mass isn't missing at all, we simply can not see the dark side.  How can you see any light light that is not coming towards the two little black holes in your eyes?  A look at the night sky should show you how much dark light there actually is.  Its adds up to a massive majority from our point of view.  But if you choose the darkest unlit sky, it begins to turn to silver, and you will begin to appreciate how we look to any seers from the dark side.

And black holes are not totally black.  They can gleam and have a glint.  The glint is silver too.

Nil desperandum.  It really is all there.  There's no need to despair.

©Alan S M and Zahra, Seaforth, September 2018
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 16/01/2019 05:08:00
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 6:27 AM
To: Mary Watts ; Anthony Vander Willigen ; Karen vander Willigen
Cc: Chris Smith Naked Scientists ; Naked Science Forum
Subject: Great News Mary, and Thanks so Much for Stephen H's FINAL book ! The Bored Chemist at Naked Scientists Forum Topic 71376 can start reading again !

Hi Mary, Karen, & Antony & all the Mitchell Clan
Last night I got to Stephen Hawking's Final Book, Chapter One.
It made wonderful reading.  Stephen deals explicitly with what I have been trying to say for more than a year now in my letters to Zahra in my posts on the Naked Scientists web-site forum topic 71376.
What more is there to say?
It is a Happy Happy Day !
Alan M

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2019 7:52 AM
To: Chris Smith Naked Scientists
Cc: Naked Science Forum ; 567 Cape Talk Radio
Subject: Heres A Little Topic (Forum Topic 71376) to Kick the New Year Off With?

Morning Chris and All at Naked Scientists
And Best Wishes to all of you for a Happy 2019 and the years thereafter from Sunny Seaforth, Simon's Town.
It might be an idea to have another look at where your Naked Science Forum Topic 71376 has gone so far?
Cape Talk/702 might enjoy it today or sometime soon?
Attached for information.
Alan M
+27 21 786 1671
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 20/01/2019 07:46:02
2019 1 20

Oops – there I went again.  Never put your book down without at least finishing the current chapter.  By the time I got to page 114 all order had been restored, and my faith in Stephen’s posthumous publishers was back on track.

All I can add at this stage, is to say that I am doing all I can to tell people in public talks the good news.  There is no more mystery, all the dark stuff said to have been missing for so long has been properly accounted for by Stephen’s lucid prose about negative and positive energy and creation.  Let Mitchell’s Magical Myth Busting continue at full steam.

© Alan M and Zahra. (Well, it’s plagiarism, really. Or is it?)

2019 1 19

Just a suggestion:  Do what Stephen Hawking couldn't.  Play with a few spherical magnets, including non-magnetised ball bearings of different sizes, like I and my granddaughter Zahra have.  The first thing that might strike you (painfully) on one of your digits is a pair of magnets.  This is called the Engineering Approach.  It led me to my first conjecture, via the thought that magnetism isn't granular, but divisible into ever-decreasing quanta until we get to the ultimate form that Maxwell calculated all those years ago.  Massless magnetism is what we can discern as quarks.  We have given quarks six flavours - up/down, charmed/strange/ and top/bottom.  One pair of those just means north/south magnetism. Another just means back/wards/forwards relative to time. And the third pair is just clockwise spin/anticlockwise spin.
You might connect all that to the thought that nothing curves space more strongly than magnetism.  But wait.  Consider the mighty electron. Look at an atom of hydrogen. The proton consists of three quarks, two ups and a down (or maybe that should be two downs and an up. It doesn't really matter. One's an antiquark, closely entangled with its quark.  there is no more mysterious thing than the ability for the positive charge of the proton to be cancelled by a single electron buzzing around that proton like a bee in a cathedral. The electron can't really fly about fast enough to quite do the job. Its willing assistent, the almost massless something-ino, has to help out.  Whether the -ino is a gravitino, a neutrino, or a magnetrino is the question that needs to be decided.
I tend to think that that the -ino has to add a bit more negativity, rather than gravity or positronity to cancel the positivity of the three matter/antimatter quarks.  Adding quarkinos is not an answer either, though I'm often wrong about arithmetic, never mind mathematics.
Well, I hope this is helpful.
By the way, the Final Book published on behalf of Stephen rather startled me when I got to Nelson (page 111 in cricketing jargon).  The statement that black holes can't emit anything has to be a mistake.  Hawking radiation does exist. Quasars and neutron stars are detected by polar gamma rays doing gymnastics in space. Two colliding black holes have been detected because their polar radiation causes ripples in the fabric of space.  From our universe to our entangled anti-universe we have anti-radiation and anti-matter streaming through the black hole portal, so looked from inside the black hole (well, it has to be a sphere to be symmetrical with us, doesn't it?) the anti-matter life forms would never say our 'white' hole (no 'racism' intended, it's really just a word that implies 'anti-black' hole).
If you would like to see how all my conjecturing began, try the Naked Science Forum topics 713717 (symmetry there, eh ?) and the new theory the Naked Scientists made it, Topic 71376 (and Many Thanks to them) .
  Best Wishes, AlanM (and from Zahra too, of course.)

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Alan M
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 11/04/2019 07:05:21
2019 4 11
Now that we have a photo of the light scattered around (ie 'lensed by') a convenient super-massive black hole, here's today's interpretation for your edification:
Black Holes aren't black. They are perfectly transparent.
Please realise that your eyes are not up to seeing any light that is leaving you. So not only can you see a black hole portal. All the light going into that portal, from your point of view, is 'black' light.
Because the night sky is black too, your eyes CAN ONLY see the TINY fraction of the spectrum, the VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM, emitted by everything around you, DIRECTLY AT YOUR PUPILS.
As 'they' say, in song: "It's an illusion, IT'S AN ILLUSION !
©Alan M, Seaforth
+27 21 786 16 71
Title: Re: Isn’t dark energy & mass explained by power line theory & energy conservation?
Post by: AlanM on 27/04/2019 08:34:14
(Not) the Last Word on this topic, surely?

With Ruby and Zahra moving on to bigger things, I think this probably is time to leave this theory of everything to its own devices.  It has turned out far, far simpler than I originally thought it might.

All that is needed to make the original conjecture simpler to answer, is to change it very slightly, and make it Alan M’s Assertion:  (ie, as Monty Python would have had it: “Cross out ‘contecture’ in pencil, and write ‘assertion’.)

So, the way to phrase the conjecture better, might be:

Dark energy and matter aren’t missing – they are just not there for all to see.  This is easily explained by conservation of momentum, and basic optics and electrotechnics.  So it has all been done by all whose thoughts and writings appear in the really simple textbooks, from Archimedes through, inter alia, Gallileo, Newton, Einstein , Feynman, and Hawking, to the present, on matters arithmetical, scientific.  It has been great making this all clear to the next generation, thanks to inspiration from Ruby and Zahra.  I commend their passions for science and the truth.

Stay humble, remember – anything humankind can show, Nature can show better, after all.

Mensdom is miskien net a bietjie te dom, nou en dan.

©Alan M, Ruby, and Zahra
Seaforth, West Sussex, and Hoedspruit