Geology, Palaeontology & Archaeology / Is this an ancient Somali city or known of?
« on: 13/11/2024 11:20:34 »
This comment I made on a YouTube video about moving to first farming from hunter gatherer, will give you an idea of what this irrigation problem is.
Quite frankly, I find that horrifyingly spurious of logic for time line (first hominid farming)!
Australopithecus is around 8 - 6 million years and part of its defined point of it being Hominid is it's hunting tools and cutters, at least with the ones close to the era of transition to a newer hominid. Homo Sapiens intelligence is as much now as it would been for Homo sapiens 500,000 1/2 a million years previous. It is understood too the previous to Homo Sapiens had IQ enough to be a farmer and some form of civil engineering ability, but 1/2 a million years to one million years will not leave much behind to understand. In this contrast too, consider the condition of the dead sea scrolls after only 2000 years and ancient Egyptian papyrus, it is quite fair to say writing and not merely regional villages and farming existed as far back as one million years.
(Trees have always been a problem for farming , but to what effect and how?)
You can consider both development and continuation of societies (too) would been interrupted by the various ice ages in one and a half to half a million years!
It's a very long time to progress at the same IQ Level, Perhaps they suffered from government bureaucracy and legislation.
Because scientists feel the giant mega lake in Chad and the Sahara were fertile until around 5000 BC , t can be assumed Somalia too may been far better for supporting life far from its rivers (aside coastlines).
Chad Libya (20m on the maps or Google Earth bar)
Soh, after 1/2 a million to a million and a half years, at the same IQ, what would that be like to suspect from remote sensing , given granite can be deteriorated alike sandstone in that time , too massive local geographic features can or will be altered , though the actions and activities and the requirements to build and survive would be the same as the known of recent ancient civilizations?
There are too many geometric and accurate large constructed shapes committing form to ignore for hundreds of meters around.
One example elsewhere (10m on the maps or Google Earth bar)
Of such a point, it would take massive numbers of people at work for much of what is probably any one of these obscured objects.
While wondering where the land of Punt is, talked of in ancient Egypt, one ancient Egyptian report account of a Pharaohs expedition i found on the internet said ..."loaded the goods onto camels and men and took them overland to a port on the river"...
This "implies" the river was or may not be near, and without true evidence, far from where they gained the goods, but that also means "irrigation" would be needed !
What i find a serious detail far from rivers of Somalia (up to 50km) is the topography is quite flat with only extremely low rise hills and mounds, but also the quantity of rain created causeways and flat gullies.
Such topography would be excellent for irrigation, but would require dams an some protection or ease at removing sand from sandstorms.
The land of Punt as any one best report or description gave was extremely south of the horn of Africa, but never known to be explicitly located.
While geneticist's think they have found punt through baboons, i don't find it has much meaning(validity), ancient Egyptian purpose was trade not collecting baboons, Egypt has baboons, Baboons are a mobile creature and there are many AKA cartoons by reliefs and translated stories can be read that reference Punt and is a special long journey for trade in BC eras.
King Narmer (Menes) or Scorpion's palette rock carving relief (6000bc) has two animals with extremely long necks that probably mean Giraffes as a depiction or some facet thereof, of essence these creatures do not reach upper Egypt, but it does seem to have some relevance with them. You cannot rely on such a point to make a location specific either pin point or regional.
To the East of the following river in Somalia is a strip 30 to 50 kilometers wide and loaded with evidence of ruins of an ancient nature.
However, this one is obviously condensed to many underlying small and large buildings.
(southern hemisphere numeric)
from here 3.73889018982854, 45.99772096410327
In this one, covered in sand, it is subtle at best from 10m to 30m below the marker
to here 3.736105769595218, 45.99931431119443
This too is subtle but there is too much in 100s of meters simply showing shadow of height not merely shape throughout the area.
This is a good reason why you would ask if it is a city, there is also another north of it but more covered in trees.(should also take a look what is in the origin feeder channel)
3.7388278139997944, 45.999826832382865
It seems (on second look with a different machine with different render engine Linux Slackware 15.0 , Google Earth (64-bit) now , 4 core hanging on by a thread , initially the other is Win 11 10 core 2 virtual core , both are 1920 resolution machine display head) this could remain what i think it is but exactly how it operates is now not clear, there appear to be buildings (more accurately deliberate stone structures) in the sparse area (subtle) , and a large quantities of ru, bble
This one is a serious subtlety , five or six side base mound (only if i'm proved right at a good resolution - impossible with as much this better google earth image set!!!) Best way to say it.
At close range the outlines are definite.
NOTE i am well conditioned to viewing the haziness of the map at close range, whether maps or google earth if nothing is obscuring site and resolution is enough (not common). To understand this, do not commit too much attention to the layout of trees making outlines, as they say," the proof is in the eating of the pudding" (probably old Bureau-speak), not relying on guidelines. How contrasting shadow is formed is better and displacement of heights of near objects that are essentially themselves the same and same constructed height as the other.
Two identifiable objects that are embedded in imagery that are immensely subtle
Somali-15m-egg-shape-upright (this is some form of masonry that is broken - another piece of it is near)
upright-square-stone-structure-change-of-ground-height-base-tier-level (the problem of looking at this is it is reasonably overhead of the square pylon object - this seems aksum - although thenother seems ajuran of architecture, ALSO with great subtlety, the surface level on one side is much lower at the base of these objects "square pylons" than the higher south eastern side - change of levels, the trees on either side are the clue - i'd show you others but they would then be a beer pounding argument - and , yes , your minds interpretation can foul things often enough , each location "can" take the whole battery session to assess (usually a few pin points per battery)). There are other facets of worked stone as part of it conjoined that prove its actuallity.
Its not clear whether the area was a fort, palace or city.
*These attached images showing from much further inland much more unpractical remote locations is to show the vast quantity of modification to environment of can only be achieved with vast numbers of people and irrigation.
Irrigation seems to be done by flooding by tier levels. Interestingly, ancient Egyptians have an hieroglyph symbol for "irrigation tunnel" , and are known to carve shafts 50 meters deep straight down through bedrock and adjoin for hundreds of meters, as much Kilometers!
Someone once told me the saddest thing to see is the catacombs under the main Anubis temple because it stretches for Kilometers and is simply stacked with mummies of sacrificed puppies, but, at least it took thousands of years, but did cause extensions of those tunnels to accommodate them all.(most things below ground are bedrock).
*Back up in the more north hotbed of suspect to irrigation, if you use remote sensing to find these, see what you think of this, some type of stone structure.
4.8543313, 45.3577732
I would argue, you would need a clear picture pixel perfect to understand 100m X 100m ,because while you cannot successfully argue it is, you cannot successfully argue it isn't!
Perfect for remote sensing imaging students.
(NB there is a pattern occurring with what may be dams in the tops of these low height mound hills, a small square (my bad! I mean rectangle more often when I say square) dam like appears dug out beside the large round(usually) main version .
There are also other cuttings into these hills to modify them (insets cut into the side of the base) that are more than able to be coincidence of nature.
Note : If this were ancient, the Blue Nile starts or ends only around 100km away but appears a very primitive method of adjustments ancient Egyptians use by similarity
Quite frankly, I find that horrifyingly spurious of logic for time line (first hominid farming)!
Australopithecus is around 8 - 6 million years and part of its defined point of it being Hominid is it's hunting tools and cutters, at least with the ones close to the era of transition to a newer hominid. Homo Sapiens intelligence is as much now as it would been for Homo sapiens 500,000 1/2 a million years previous. It is understood too the previous to Homo Sapiens had IQ enough to be a farmer and some form of civil engineering ability, but 1/2 a million years to one million years will not leave much behind to understand. In this contrast too, consider the condition of the dead sea scrolls after only 2000 years and ancient Egyptian papyrus, it is quite fair to say writing and not merely regional villages and farming existed as far back as one million years.
(Trees have always been a problem for farming , but to what effect and how?)
You can consider both development and continuation of societies (too) would been interrupted by the various ice ages in one and a half to half a million years!
It's a very long time to progress at the same IQ Level, Perhaps they suffered from government bureaucracy and legislation.
Because scientists feel the giant mega lake in Chad and the Sahara were fertile until around 5000 BC , t can be assumed Somalia too may been far better for supporting life far from its rivers (aside coastlines).
Chad Libya (20m on the maps or Google Earth bar)
Soh, after 1/2 a million to a million and a half years, at the same IQ, what would that be like to suspect from remote sensing , given granite can be deteriorated alike sandstone in that time , too massive local geographic features can or will be altered , though the actions and activities and the requirements to build and survive would be the same as the known of recent ancient civilizations?
There are too many geometric and accurate large constructed shapes committing form to ignore for hundreds of meters around.
One example elsewhere (10m on the maps or Google Earth bar)
Of such a point, it would take massive numbers of people at work for much of what is probably any one of these obscured objects.
While wondering where the land of Punt is, talked of in ancient Egypt, one ancient Egyptian report account of a Pharaohs expedition i found on the internet said ..."loaded the goods onto camels and men and took them overland to a port on the river"...
This "implies" the river was or may not be near, and without true evidence, far from where they gained the goods, but that also means "irrigation" would be needed !
What i find a serious detail far from rivers of Somalia (up to 50km) is the topography is quite flat with only extremely low rise hills and mounds, but also the quantity of rain created causeways and flat gullies.
Such topography would be excellent for irrigation, but would require dams an some protection or ease at removing sand from sandstorms.
The land of Punt as any one best report or description gave was extremely south of the horn of Africa, but never known to be explicitly located.
While geneticist's think they have found punt through baboons, i don't find it has much meaning(validity), ancient Egyptian purpose was trade not collecting baboons, Egypt has baboons, Baboons are a mobile creature and there are many AKA cartoons by reliefs and translated stories can be read that reference Punt and is a special long journey for trade in BC eras.
King Narmer (Menes) or Scorpion's palette rock carving relief (6000bc) has two animals with extremely long necks that probably mean Giraffes as a depiction or some facet thereof, of essence these creatures do not reach upper Egypt, but it does seem to have some relevance with them. You cannot rely on such a point to make a location specific either pin point or regional.
To the East of the following river in Somalia is a strip 30 to 50 kilometers wide and loaded with evidence of ruins of an ancient nature.
However, this one is obviously condensed to many underlying small and large buildings.
(southern hemisphere numeric)
from here 3.73889018982854, 45.99772096410327
In this one, covered in sand, it is subtle at best from 10m to 30m below the marker
to here 3.736105769595218, 45.99931431119443
This too is subtle but there is too much in 100s of meters simply showing shadow of height not merely shape throughout the area.
This is a good reason why you would ask if it is a city, there is also another north of it but more covered in trees.(should also take a look what is in the origin feeder channel)
3.7388278139997944, 45.999826832382865
It seems (on second look with a different machine with different render engine Linux Slackware 15.0 , Google Earth (64-bit) now , 4 core hanging on by a thread , initially the other is Win 11 10 core 2 virtual core , both are 1920 resolution machine display head) this could remain what i think it is but exactly how it operates is now not clear, there appear to be buildings (more accurately deliberate stone structures) in the sparse area (subtle) , and a large quantities of ru, bble
This one is a serious subtlety , five or six side base mound (only if i'm proved right at a good resolution - impossible with as much this better google earth image set!!!) Best way to say it.
At close range the outlines are definite.
NOTE i am well conditioned to viewing the haziness of the map at close range, whether maps or google earth if nothing is obscuring site and resolution is enough (not common). To understand this, do not commit too much attention to the layout of trees making outlines, as they say," the proof is in the eating of the pudding" (probably old Bureau-speak), not relying on guidelines. How contrasting shadow is formed is better and displacement of heights of near objects that are essentially themselves the same and same constructed height as the other.
Two identifiable objects that are embedded in imagery that are immensely subtle
Somali-15m-egg-shape-upright (this is some form of masonry that is broken - another piece of it is near)
upright-square-stone-structure-change-of-ground-height-base-tier-level (the problem of looking at this is it is reasonably overhead of the square pylon object - this seems aksum - although thenother seems ajuran of architecture, ALSO with great subtlety, the surface level on one side is much lower at the base of these objects "square pylons" than the higher south eastern side - change of levels, the trees on either side are the clue - i'd show you others but they would then be a beer pounding argument - and , yes , your minds interpretation can foul things often enough , each location "can" take the whole battery session to assess (usually a few pin points per battery)). There are other facets of worked stone as part of it conjoined that prove its actuallity.
Its not clear whether the area was a fort, palace or city.
*These attached images showing from much further inland much more unpractical remote locations is to show the vast quantity of modification to environment of can only be achieved with vast numbers of people and irrigation.
Irrigation seems to be done by flooding by tier levels. Interestingly, ancient Egyptians have an hieroglyph symbol for "irrigation tunnel" , and are known to carve shafts 50 meters deep straight down through bedrock and adjoin for hundreds of meters, as much Kilometers!
Someone once told me the saddest thing to see is the catacombs under the main Anubis temple because it stretches for Kilometers and is simply stacked with mummies of sacrificed puppies, but, at least it took thousands of years, but did cause extensions of those tunnels to accommodate them all.(most things below ground are bedrock).
*Back up in the more north hotbed of suspect to irrigation, if you use remote sensing to find these, see what you think of this, some type of stone structure.
4.8543313, 45.3577732
I would argue, you would need a clear picture pixel perfect to understand 100m X 100m ,because while you cannot successfully argue it is, you cannot successfully argue it isn't!
Perfect for remote sensing imaging students.
(NB there is a pattern occurring with what may be dams in the tops of these low height mound hills, a small square (my bad! I mean rectangle more often when I say square) dam like appears dug out beside the large round(usually) main version .
There are also other cuttings into these hills to modify them (insets cut into the side of the base) that are more than able to be coincidence of nature.
Note : If this were ancient, the Blue Nile starts or ends only around 100km away but appears a very primitive method of adjustments ancient Egyptians use by similarity