Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: heythere on 01/09/2003 00:12:01

Title: What causes a sensation of numbness and faintness when I try to sleep?
Post by: heythere on 01/09/2003 00:12:01
When I try to go to sleep I feel as though I'm passing out and get a sense of numbness. This has happened with my lungs as well, like I feel as though I've stopped breathing. I've been getting headaches as well. It's quite scary...
Can anyone please give me any ideas whats going on?
Title: Re: What causes a sensation of numbness and faintness when I try to sleep?
Post by: chris on 01/09/2003 00:27:57
Give us some more to go on :

how old, how long the symptoms, any other co-exisiting medical conditions ?


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: What causes a sensation of numbness and faintness when I try to sleep?
Post by: heythere on 04/09/2003 00:22:20
cheers chris,
I'm 17, about 1 month, no other conditions
Title: Re: What causes a sensation of numbness and faintness when I try to sleep?
Post by: Ians Daddy on 04/09/2003 05:57:38
Are you a smoker? How's your diet? What type of region / elevation do you live in? Any family history of disease? Drugs? Most importantly, have you seen a doctor?
Title: Re: What causes a sensation of numbness and faintness when I try to sleep?
Post by: chris on 05/09/2003 22:46:09
This is sounding like anxiety or a panic attack. Tell us a little more about the symptoms.


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: What causes a sensation of numbness and faintness when I try to sleep?
Post by: heythere on 06/09/2003 15:47:32
Cheers for the replies.
It's been getting gradually better over the past week. I am a heavy smoker (recently cut down a lot though) I haven't been eating much, and when I do it's almost always fast food (burgers, pies etc), I smoked cannabis for a while, quite exessively, and I'm starting to think that it is his that has caused me these strange problems. I haven't smoked it for about 2 weeks; do you think it could have been paranoia doubled with bad lungs from smoking that triggered panic attacks and anxiety?
As I've said before I'm feeling much better now than what I was and the "numbness" isn't as severe anymore. I find myself sleeping better and eating more.
Thanks for your help
Title: Re: What causes a sensation of numbness and faintness when I try to sleep?
Post by: Monox D. I-Fly on 25/08/2017 06:43:43
When I read it, I thought it was simply sleep paralysis.