General Science / Can anyone explain the patterning of contrails, please?
« on: 19/08/2024 09:44:57 »
Sometimes, as an aircraft condensation trail disperses, it develops a regular pattern like a coarse comb, perpendicular to and extending downwind from the line of flight . I can't think of a sensible explanation for the periodicity, which is not apparent in the initial stream.
https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.KVreVVXPzrkV27XjnIwNiQAAAA?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain is an example. You can see that the initial trail is either entirely random or has a very short periodicity, but as it disperses to the left it acquires a distinct structure.
You can sometimes see a corkscrew pattern in a fresh propellor trail, but this phenomenon occurs with jets, several minutes after the aircraft has passed.
Any thoughts would be welcome!
https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.KVreVVXPzrkV27XjnIwNiQAAAA?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain is an example. You can see that the initial trail is either entirely random or has a very short periodicity, but as it disperses to the left it acquires a distinct structure.
You can sometimes see a corkscrew pattern in a fresh propellor trail, but this phenomenon occurs with jets, several minutes after the aircraft has passed.
Any thoughts would be welcome!