Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: phoba on 15/03/2018 05:04:42

Title: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 15/03/2018 05:04:42
There is a "field" around any body on the Earth, only we refer to the "magnetic field" as a magnet, and we refer to the "biological field" as a living object, and we say "gravitational field" to the planet Earth ... We change its name only we bind it to the object around which it exists, but it is everywhere the same and has absolutely the same essence. Imagine many different ships walking the sea. You do not call the "water of this ship" or "the water of another ship," so the field for all bodies is one. As a rule, this field is a magnetic field, or according to the old-time ether. The structure of this medium is vortical, and the vortex itself is similar to a loop, to some three-dimensional node of this incredibly huge network, it is similar to the Web .... (it's all of it) .. Any atom, molecule or particle is just a sector or cell of this huge magnetic web. And this grid is always in a vortex motion. Since it is one whole, the angle with respect to the magnetic meridian will determine the sector of the structure. The network consists of vortices, and the vortex consists of three parts - like a simple magnet. Negative part, neutral and positive. Therefore, the registration angle will determine what kind of particle it is. Either an electron is a minus, or a proton plus a neutron or a bad wall. But in real time it is always a wave. 










phoba. forum2x2. ru/t17-topic
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 16/03/2018 00:27:32
It has been experimentally established that when a current flows through a conductor (winding), an electromagnetic field is formed along and around it, that is, the structure of the Earth's magnetic field is curved into a vortex electromagnetic state. It is clearly established that the diameter of the vortex structure around the conductor depends on the voltage. For example, at a voltage of 10 volts, the diameter of the vortex is 1 mm, and at a voltage of 220 volts the diameter of the vortex is already 2.2 cm ... and at 1000 volts the diameter is already 3 meters or what is called the ionization zone, which for example is formed around a Tesla high voltage transformer. As the current increases, their speed increases. That is, the "magnetic flux" that transfers energy from the primary winding to the secondary structure of the vortex ... So if the voltage determines the diameter of the vortex structure, then the diameter (length) of the conductor will determine the voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer.

In other words, the transformation of current and voltage of one magnitude into a current and a voltage of another magnitude occurs as a result of a change in the diameter and rotation frequency of the vortex structure, or what is called the "magnetic flux F"

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: guest39538 on 16/03/2018 10:54:55
Hello, the one field you are talking about , I have a thread running called the N-field.    I call the one field you mention the n-field which is emitted by the N-field particle.  N stands for Neutral and my theory states N is attracted to N and all other fields such as a magnetic field  are subset  n-field fluctuations.

I like your thinking, you are thinking along my lines of approach.   

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 19/03/2018 03:24:59
There is a media medium, on the structure of which the entire optical world is built. This environment can be called differently, magnetic, gravitational, or even whatever "field", but the essence of this environment remains not a betrayal and always the same. It follows that there are no different fields, but there is one field (ether) but with different states that can be interpreted as electromagnetic, sound, torsion, lepton or whatever. Consequently, there are no different particles, but there is a different structural state of the same particle - the etheron, which only in the laboratory can change its parameters in a very wide range. For example, it can increase, decrease, change the angular velocity, the rotation frequency of its individual sectors, and so on. The main property of this particle is that it reacts to the emotional energy of biological objects, including humans. According to the type of Masaru Emoto's influence on the structure of water in the process of changing its aggregate state. The same process.
Thus, what is called a "photon" always exists in space in expectation of becoming light, for example from a light bulb, and before it becomes light it is not yet a photon, but an electron. That is, to each specific state they tied their field and their particle (for example, light-photon, gravity-graviton, etc.) But in the reality of these states there are innumerable sets, so the number of elementary particles will grow infinitely or the principle changes in the state of only one particle - etheron.
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: syhprum on 19/03/2018 03:53:03
I don't think it a good idea to cut and paste exerts from a Russian article without at least detailing where the original article can be found so that we can at least get a machine translation if we are interested. 
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 19/03/2018 04:06:49
I don't think it a good idea to cut and paste exerts from a Russian article without at least detailing where the original article can be found so that we can at least get a machine translation if we are interested. 

These are my articles.
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 21/03/2018 02:17:02
Most of the conclusions of electromagnetism are based on the initially erroneous understanding and postulate from the textbook that two fields are supposedly formed around the conductor: magnetic and electromagnetic. Just two fields! Laughter While in fact along and around the conductor the magnetic field of the earth always exists, the structure of which under the action of electricity is curved into a vortex electromagnetic state. Those. around the conductor does not form two fields, and the one that curves is transformed!
What is an electric field, what is a magnetic field and what is an electromagnetic field?
An electric field is an electric current, just a measure, like a temperature, a potential difference, and it is not material. How can you say that the temperature or electricity is material? No way. But the magnetic field of the Earth is material, and the electromagnetic field is a change in the structure of the Earth's magnetic field into a vortex electromagnetic state. Exactly, and can not be otherwise, even when you say "Foucault eddy currents", then under the "vortex" one can not understand the "currents" themselves, but only the material structure of the electromagnetic field, which can be vortical and which is always outside in relation to to the guide himself. That is why the great Oersted said that "electricity does not flow through the conductor, it flows into it."
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 27/03/2018 01:49:50

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 28/03/2018 05:49:15
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: jerrygg38 on 28/03/2018 12:48:55
I like your pictures. It seems that you sub-divide the electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields as one field with variations. That seems correct to me. They are different aspects of the same thing. A stationary electron has both a gravitational field and an electric field. Once you move it it also has a magnetic field. As an electron moves from one dimension to another, it generates the gravitational field. thus the magnetic field and the gravitational field are caused by motion while the electric field always exists in motion or without motion.
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 29/03/2018 03:14:54
I like your pictures. It seems that you sub-divide the electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields as one field with variations. That seems correct to me. They are different aspects of the same thing. A stationary electron has both a gravitational field and an electric field. Once you move it it also has a magnetic field. As an electron moves from one dimension to another, it generates the gravitational field. thus the magnetic field and the gravitational field are caused by motion while the electric field always exists in motion or without motion.

yes, but the source of the electric field is the source of electricity ... for example a battery or power supply ..
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: jerrygg38 on 29/03/2018 22:43:15
    That is a problem. Standard electrical theory states that a battery will have an electric field by some strange thing called space. They have never defined what space is. It just does a lot of things. However that makes no sense to me. Space is just a measurement. It is what inside of space that produces the electric field. Today I posted an understanding of the fields within space. It is what is inside space itself that produces the fields not empty space itself. space is pure nothingness.
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 30/03/2018 11:09:39
That is a problem. Standard electrical theory states that a battery will have an electric field by some strange thing called space. They have never defined what space is. It just does a lot of things. However that makes no sense to me. Space is just a measurement. It is what inside of space that produces the electric field. Today I posted an understanding of the fields within space. It is what is inside space itself that produces the fields not empty space itself. space is pure nothingness.

vacuum is not a "void". The term "void" is more applicable to the content of the head, which indicates the presence of "emptiness" in nature. In space, an experiment was conducted, "an experiment in weightlessness with plasma," for visualizing the vortex structure of a magnetic field (in picture No. 2). The same structure was obtained in the conditions of the Earth. (photo No. 1) The same structure was obtained when visualizing the ultrasonic wave, the Hladini figure, the Benard cell is also all ways of visualizing this structure. There are many ways to make this structure visible, but its essence is always not a betrayal. There is a "field" around any body on the Earth, only we refer to the "magnetic field" as a magnet, and we refer to the "biological field" as applied to a living object, and we refer to the "gravitational field" as applied to a planet. "sound wave" ... By changing its name we only tie it to the object around which it exists, but it is everywhere the same and has absolutely the same essence. Imagine many different ships walking the sea. You do not call the "water of this ship" or "the water of another ship," so the field for all bodies is one. As a rule, this field is a magnetic field, or according to the old-time ether. Electricity, or else it is called an "electric field" is like a temperature, it changes the state of the structure of the earth's magnetic field. If the temperature rise changes the state of the particles, i.e. when the temperature rises they begin to rotate faster and move, then also with increasing voltage and current - the state of the same particles of the structure of the Earth's magnetic field or how it can be called an "external magnetic field" changes ... In fact, temperature and electricity change the state of the same but to different degrees. They also say that "ELECTRICITY IS A TEMPERATURE FORM".
What is an antenna? This is the same conductor ... just a piece of iron, for example a pin. The antenna simply deforms the structure of the Earth's magnetic field and it vibrates like a grid, just like a web vibrates in which a fly hits. Same thing around the speaker from which the sound comes out ... So what are the fluctuations of what is called the electromagnetic wave?
Fluctuations of the Earth's magnetic field or according to the old-scientific oscillation of the ether.
Thus, around the conductor with current, two different fields are not formed - magnetic and electromagnetic, as the "textbooks" write to us, but the already existing ALWAYS - the magnetic field of the Earth in the vortex electromagnetic state ... is being transformed ... that we SEE as honeycombs are transformed into vortices of ethers ... that is, the electric field is simply a measure of the curvature of the structure of the magnetic field in a vortex electromagnetic ... As there is no sea wave without the sea itself, so there are no electromagnetic waves without the Earth's magnetic field ...

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 13/04/2018 05:14:08

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 10/06/2018 22:27:53

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: guest39538 on 10/06/2018 23:30:17


The green pyramids that are ergonomically balanced , did you design that ?
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 10/06/2018 23:41:30

no, this is the ancient Egyptian god of science
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: guest39538 on 10/06/2018 23:46:56

no, this is the ancient Egyptian god of science
Cool, clever scientist, the c.o.m being the densest point?

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 12/06/2018 01:43:43
Cool, clever scientist, the c.o.m being the densest point?

I do not quite understand you
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: guest39538 on 12/06/2018 02:38:47
Cool, clever scientist, the c.o.m being the densest point?

I do not quite understand you
The centre of mass, dead centre point, is the densest point of the mass because the ergonomically design  is ''channelling'' energy to that point?

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 12/06/2018 03:26:05
One of the most important properties of the structure of the earth's magnetic field (the solar system or the universe) is that cell-vortex cells can change their size both in the direction of decreasing and in the direction of increase. For example, at a voltage of 10 volts its size is 1 mm, and at a voltage of 1000 volts the size of the vortex is already 1 meter ... Ie. if we reduce this dependence, then we will reach the size of the atoms ... and if we increase this dependence we will reach the size of the galaxies. Those. this cone is a reduced form of the solar system, where the top of the cone is this "dead point" and is itself a "micro sun". For example, when we look at a laser beam, we see a strip of luminous peaks, i.e. light shines from within space. I'm not sure that you understand me, but I still tried.

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: guest39538 on 12/06/2018 04:25:05
One of the most important properties of the structure of the earth's magnetic field (the solar system or the universe) is that cell-vortex cells can change their size both in the direction of decreasing and in the direction of increase. For example, at a voltage of 10 volts its size is 1 mm, and at a voltage of 1000 volts the size of the vortex is already 1 meter ... Ie. if we reduce this dependence, then we will reach the size of the atoms ... and if we increase this dependence we will reach the size of the galaxies. Those. this cone is a reduced form of the solar system, where the top of the cone is this "dead point" and is itself a "micro sun". For example, when we look at a laser beam, we see a strip of luminous peaks, i.e. light shines from within space. I'm not sure that you understand me, but I still tried.

Most of that made sense to me , I will have a sleep on it then I may have some questions .
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 24/06/2018 06:25:35

The reason for the formation in nature of honeycomb is always the same. In short, the earth of our planet has a magnetic field. They took a magnetic vein and watched how it behaves when the compass needle approaches. The liquid is as it were bent and gives to the arrow a rotational force as a result of the arrow points to the magnetic poles. Then they took a deeper study of this liquid. Imagine an invisible river "blowing" from one pole to the other. If you put a paddle in the river, it will rise along the river, like a wind vane along the wind. The same as the arrow of the compass - is carried away by this so to say "wind". If you look closely at this magnetic core, it will look like a honeycomb, i.e. the magnetic field of the earth is some sort of honeycomb grid that is usually not visible, but can be manifested or as scientists say visualized what we observe when we look at cells Benard, cellular basalt structures, snowflakes, crystals, cobwebs, tortoiseshell and even body cells and a bunch of all other cellular structures in the world around us. In the photo, the structure of the magnetic field of a simple magnet ... our planet also has a magnetic field and in fact the field of a magnet is the magnetic field of the earth ... Let us recall how Benar himself discovered his cells. He took lead and then drastically cooled, as a result, honeycombs appeared. The same thing happens when a volcano erupts near water - the rock drastically cools and basalt honeycombs are formed. They will not necessarily have a straight, ideal cellular shape, because the grid is dynamic. Under the dynamic structure is meant the conversion of cells into strictly ordered vortex particles. (Etherons) For example, bees initially heat the wax, i.e. in the construction of honeycombs they surround the honeycomb and "ventilate" the air increasing its temperature and the most interesting is that the bees make honeycombs round, and they become hexahedral already without bees. They seem to be stretched on a magnetic grid, something like surface tension. After all, there is simply no "surface tension force", there is always some kind of "support" on which this tension is produced. The same thing with falling water, which flying through the air and freezing - becomes honeycomb snowflakes.

Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 01/09/2018 09:01:39
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 20/10/2018 00:21:57

There is a carrier medium on the structure of which the entire optical world is built. This medium can be called differently, magnetic, gravitational, or whatever it may be a "field", but the essence of this medium remains unchanged and always the same. From this it follows that there are no different fields, but there is one field (ether) but with different states that can be interpreted as electromagnetic, sound, torsion, lepton or some other. Consequently, there are no different particles, but there is a different structural state of the same particle, the ether, which can change its parameters only in laboratory conditions in a very wide range. For example, it can increase, decrease, change the angular velocity, the frequency of rotation of its individual sectors, and so on. The main property of this particle is that it reacts to the emotional energy of biological objects, including man. By the way that Masaru Emoto influenced the structure of water in the process of changing its state of aggregation. Same process.
Thus, what is called a "photon" always exists in space in anticipation of becoming a light, for example from a light bulb, and before it becomes a light it is not yet a photon, but an electron. That is, each specific state tied its field and its particle (for example, light-photon, gravity - graviton and so on ..) But in reality these states are countless, which means the number of elementary particles will grow endlessly or the principle will be studied changes in the state of only one particle - ether.
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: mad aetherist on 21/10/2018 03:12:26
I dont know much about fields & electricity, but i am thinking that u cannot get very far here if u dont read what Ivor Catt has to say (articles)(& youtube)(& google the Catt question).
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: phoba on 21/10/2018 06:03:22
I dont know much about fields & electricity, but i am thinking that u cannot get very far here if u dont read what Ivor Catt has to say (articles)(& youtube)(& google the Catt question).

Is there a link to the articles?
Title: Re: magnetic field
Post by: mad aetherist on 21/10/2018 07:04:46
I dont know much about fields & electricity, but i am thinking that u cannot get very far here if u dont read what Ivor Catt has to say (articles)(& youtube)(& google the Catt question).
Is there a link to the articles?
Here are a few -- i havnt checked these there might be multiple links -- youtube links at end (if them youtube links dont work then just go into youtube & search for IVOR CATT)(there are about 5 good videos).