Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: pasala on 15/07/2018 15:48:00

Title: electric field
Post by: pasala on 15/07/2018 15:48:00
Here i am placing a new topic on electric field.  This is not a new one yet in my view we are studying one side of the coin only.   Any subject, lack of complete knowledge turns out as an hindrance at one stage or the other. 

Ok, please look through the other side of the window presented by me.  In my view it is 100% correct, but in your view it may not, present it.

The Electric field concept is not new one.   It is true that it is a non-contact force and creates action at a distance. There are number of hidden things.  Ok, before moving to other things let us visit Electric Field concept. 

There are two types of forces, contact forces and non-contact forces. Electrical force and gravitational force were both listed as non-contact forces. The action at a distance nature of the electrical force is commonly known to us. If a charged plastic golf tube is held above bits of paper, plastic tube attracts the paper bits even though physical contact is not made with the paper bits. The charged plastic tube might also be held near a charged rubber balloon; and even without physical contact, the tube and the balloon act over a distance. The charged plastic tube exerts its influence over a distance, affecting other charged objects that were in the surrounding neighborhood.

The Electric Field Concept
Action-at-a-distance forces are sometimes referred to as field forces. The concept of a field force is utilized by scientists to explain this rather unusual force phenomenon that occurs in the absence of physical contact. An action-at-a-distance effect is to simply suggest that there is something rather strange about the space surrounding a charged object. Any other charged object that is in that space feels the effect of the charge. A charged object creates an electric field - an alteration of the space in the region that surrounds it. Other charges in that field would feel the unusual alteration of the space. Whether a charged object enters that space or not, the electric field exists. Space is altered by the presence of a charged object. Other objects in that space experience the strange and mysterious qualities of the space.

The strangeness of the space surrounding a charged object is often experienced by the use of a Van de Graaff generator. A Van de Graaff generator is a large conducting sphere that acquires a charge as electrons are scuffed off of a rotating belt as it moves fast sharp elongated prongs inside the sphere. The buildup of static charge on the Van de Graaff generator is much greater than that on a balloon rubbed with animal fur or an aluminum plate charged by induction. On a dry day, the buildup of charge becomes so great that it can exert influences on charged balloons held some distance away.

All charged objects create an electric field that extends outward into the space that surrounds it. The charge alters that space, causing any other charged object that enters the space to be affected by this field. The strength of the electric field is dependent upon how charged the object creating the field is and upon the distance of separation from the charged object.

The Force per Charge Ratio
Electric field strength is a vector quantity; it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the electric field strength is defined in terms of how it is measured. Let's suppose that an electric charge can be denoted by the symbol Q. This electric charge creates an electric field; since Q is the source of the electric field, we will refer to it as the source charge. The strength of the source charge's electric field could be measured by any other charge placed somewhere in its surroundings. The charge that is used to measure the electric field strength is referred to as a test charge since it is used to test the field strength. The test charge has a quantity of charge denoted by the symbol q. When placed within the electric field, the test charge will experience an electric force - either attractive or repulsive. As is usually the case, this force will be denoted by the symbol F. The magnitude of the electric field is simply defined as the force per charge on the test charge.

Electric Field strength  =         ______

The electric field strength is not dependent upon the quantity of charge on the test charge. According to Coulomb's law, more charge also means more electric force (F). In fact, a twofold increase in q would be accompanied by a twofold increase in F. These two changes offset each other such that one can safely say that the electric field strength is not dependent upon the quantity of charge on the test charge.

The field around a charged conductor:
Consider a negatively-charged conductor; in other words, a conductor with an excess of electrons. The excess electrons repel each other, so they want to get as far away from each other as possible. To do this they move to the surface of the conductor. They also distribute themselves so the electric field inside the conductor is zero. If the field wasn't zero, any electrons that are free to move would. There are plenty of free electrons inside the conductor.
A conductor is in electrostatic equilibrium when the charge distribution is fixed. Basically, when you charge a conductor the charge spreads itself out. At equilibrium, the charge and electric field follow these guidelines:
•   the excess charge lies only at the surface of the conductor
•   the electric field is zero within the solid part of the conductor
•   the electric field at the surface of the conductor is perpendicular to the surface
•   charge accumulates, and the field is strongest, on pointy parts of the conductor

How Electric Field is created:
It is true that a charged object creates electric field.   When cable is charged, electricity start moving.  Electric field always depend on the source charge.  Suppose if the charge is weak, electric field is also weak and thus vice versa.   

In fact when cable is charged, there is continuous movement of electricity.  In the absence of other things, let us imagine that, Field is due to the electricity moving in the cable.  To create field, electricity flowing in the cable must stop and move along field lines.  But it is not happening so, most of the electricity is flowing through the cable only.  Only a small amount of electricity is lost in the form of distribution loss.

If the charge accumulates, strength of the field increases.  Here if there is no accumulation  field is weak.   So, the Field mainly depends on the electrons moving out or escaping from the cable.  But if the velocity increases, distribution loss is minimum and thus field.

How electric field works:
Basically one has to keep in mind that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to other.  We are drawing electrons from the open area only, using magnet or whatever the source may. 
-    We are sending this electricity through cable, which becomes negatively charged.
-   Since the cable is negatively charged a part of the electrons start moving out.
-   But this quantity again depends on the velocity.
-   If the velocity increases, accumulation of electrons decreases.
-   Basic question is how this small quantity of electrons moving out, develops such electro-magnetic field which is very strong.
Ok, let us go to the other side of the coin. 
-   There is strong magnetic field on this Earth, Geomagnetic field.
-   In fact we are not creating or producing any electrons.
-   We are simply drawing electrons from this Geomagnetic field using magnet.
-   Since we are forcing electrons to move through cable, with velocity it becomes negatively charged.

Modus operandi:
There is strong magnetic field on this Earth.   The magnetic field is created due to the convective motions in the liquid conducting core inside the center of the Earth.  When the convective motions occur with the electrical currents around the Earth, the magnetic field is created. The Earth’s rotation is what keeps the magnetic field up. The interaction between the convective motions and the electrical currents creates a dynamo effect.
-    Electric current moving out from Earth core is not barred by any limitations.
-   These electrons continuously moves from negatively charged area to positively charged area.
-   For these electrons in the open area all the things, including cable to be charged by us is an object only. 
-   Even before you charge the cable, electrons from the open area are already present against it.
-   When you charge the cable it becomes negatively charged.
-   Since the open area is positively charged, small quantity escapes.
-   In fact in normal conditions, this small quantity has got no capacity to create or develop any Field.
-   Electrons moving on the upper surface of the cable faces already existing electrons in the open are.
-   These electrons escaping from the cable creates pressure or force on the existing electrons in the open area. 
-   A field line is developed.  If the electricity is at static, more electrons escapes and thus field is strengthened. 
-   It all depends on the geomagnetic field.

How transformers are working:
Transformers work on the principle of mutual induction. It is nothing but a magnetically coupled circuit. When voltage is applied across one coil, flux is generated in the iron core, iron has high magnetic permeability, hence it is used so that no flux will be wasted i.e., all the flux will be linked to other winding. This amount of flux linked with the secondary winding induces proportionate voltage in it and if there is a closed path provided there will be a current flow in the secondary winding. The amount of voltage induced in secondary winding depends on the flux linkage which in turn depends on the turns ratio.

When a wire passes through a magnetic field, a voltage is induced in the wire. Likewise, when a magnet passes by a wire, a voltage is induced in the wire. It doesn't matter which object is moving only the relative motion between the two matters.

Ok, let us analyse:
-   When voltage is applied in the primary coil a magnetic flux is generated.
-   Basic primary coil is a loop, resulting in static charge.
-   Suppose if we apply 10 volts AC to the primary coil, result must be equal or less only.
-   Electricity production mainly depends on the wraps of the secondary windings.
-   In the absence of other things, whatever wraps the primary or secondary coil, if we apply 10 volts AC to the primary coil result must be more or less 10 volts AC only.
-   This is the key point here.  Suppose a vegetable seller is having 10 brinjals in a basket, he can only sell 10, and he cannot sell 20 unless he gets them from the field.
-   Here also no electricity is produced, however we are simply increasing using wraps of the secondary coil.
-   So magnetic flux is playing key role. 
-   This magnetic flux is not producing any electricity.  But it is simply drawing from the open area.
-   More wraps on the secondary coil means more connection to the magnetic flux.
-   Each electron moving from the primary coil, strengthens the existing electric field in the open area.
-   When the coil of secondary winding gets in touch of electric field line, due to alternative fluctuation, voltage movement gains.

How an Incandescent bulb works:
The incandescent light bulb turns electricity into light by sending the electric current through a thin wire called a filament. Filaments are made up mostly of tungsten, a metal. The resistance of the filament heats the bulb up. Eventually the filament gets so hot that it glows, producing light.

The filament needs to be protected from oxygen in the air, so it is inside the bulb, and the air in the bulb is either removed (a vacuum) or more often, replaced with a gas that doesn't affect anything, like neon or argon.

-    Light is a electromagnetic radiation.
-   Here by removing oxygen, we are not allowing the filament to burn.
-   Without burning, how can we imagine that filament heats up and produces light.
-   Here the process is otherwise. 
-   There is geomagnetic field surrounding the Earth.  For these electrons in the open area   glass, filament are all objects only.  Since these things are positively charged when compared to open area, a part of which tries to occupy them.
-   When we switch on electric bulb, electrons gushes out and pushes the existing electrons against them
-   This results in the generation of electromagnetic radiation.
-   In the absence of geomagnetic field, small amount of electrons released by the filament moves out unabated.

There is strong magnetic field on this Earth which is also known as Geomagnetic Field.  It is influencing each and everything on this Earth.  This magnetic field is being strengthened by the Sun light. 

While producing electricity, we are drawing electrons from this geomagnetic field.

This Geomagnetic field is having unique features:
-   The Earth's magnetic field is believed to be generated by electric currents in the conductive material of its core, created by convection currents due to heat escaping from the core.
-   It exists without any pressure or force.
-   It always moves from negatively charged area to positively charged area.
-   While moving from one place to other, they are at liberty.
-   Whereas in the case of electricity produced by us, we are sending or forcing electrons to move in any one direction or cable. 
-   For the electrons in the open area electric cable is also an object only.  Since it is positively charged, electrons start concentrating against them.
-   When current is moved, it becomes negatively charged and electrons start moving out along with the existing lines.
-   This is the electric field.
Ok, let us suppose that Earth’s magnetic field is not helping the Electric field than how a transformer is working:

01  When we apply 10 volts to the primary coil, voltage from the secondary must be equal or less than 10 volts only.
02  How the magnetic flux is increasing the electricity.  Where it is drawing electrons.
03  Increasing winding of the secondary coil, is not a source of production
04  Everything is in the magnetic flux only. 

We should not forget that Earth’s magnetic field is present even before you produced current.  You only learned how to draw electrons from this field and make them to flow. When we create charge, we should not forget that these electrons are from the existing field only.  Creation of any electric field is only an alteration of the space of original field. All charged objects creates electric field.  If we bring charged object near to the other charged object, fields inter-act either attract or repel even from the distance. 

Similarly when we charge an object, we should not forget that there is magnetic field in the open area and it is influencing your charge. 

Title: Re: electric field
Post by: Bored chemist on 15/07/2018 16:25:51
Title: Re: electric field
Post by: guest39538 on 15/07/2018 17:11:55
Did you not think that was an interesting read? 

I found it interesting, if something has no permeability i.e no mechanism ,  how can anybody or process  force it to go one direction ?   

The force will pass through it
Title: Re: electric field
Post by: guest39538 on 15/07/2018 17:54:09
There is strong magnetic field on this Earth which is also known as Geomagnetic Field.  It is influencing each and everything on this Earth.  This magnetic field is being strengthened by the Sun light. 

While producing electricity, we are drawing electrons from this geomagnetic field.
Where does one start with such a lengthy post ! 

What I quoted from you, I have a question about it for you . 

Do you consider the Earths field to be a primary or secondary universal field ?

What I mean by this , does the Earths field co-exist with an independent underlying spatial field ? 

Possibly drawing energy from this supposed underlying field .

Title: Re: electric field
Post by: pasala on 22/07/2018 15:01:48
Ok, Mr. bored chemist, it is not a days work, i request you to kindly read it before going such.  Anyway thanks

Title: Re: electric field
Post by: pasala on 22/07/2018 16:15:08
Do you consider the Earths field to be a primary or secondary universal field ?

What I mean by this , does the Earths field co-exist with an independent underlying spatial field ?
Possibly drawing energy from this supposed underlying field .

On this i don't want  to  go deep, since it may turn out as a new topic.  Let us concentrate on the things focussed in the main topic.

Actually we have neglected Earth's magnetic field which is influencing each and everything.  While creating a charge, we have to remember an important point that, this charge is altering the space of Geomagnetic field.  Actually, no "electric field" is developed by the charge you have done, but it is simply an alteration of space time surrounding it.

So, electric field is not created or developed by your charge, it is only alteration of existing magnetic field. 

Let us presume that outside is empty, each electron that escapes from the cable simply moves out  and it has no capacity to create any field.  If the electrons from the cable creates "Field" than how the electricity is flowing to longer distances.  What i mean by that is more energy is needed to develop each ray of field.  If most of the energy comes out than electricity must end within shorter distance. 

Here if the electricity is at stable, more electrons  concentrates at the top of the cable and start altering the space time.  A field ray is not empty, each electron that escapes from the cable, makes the way through existing lines and strengthens them.  Since electricity travels from negatively charged to positively charged area, fewer electrons that escapes or moving at the top of the cable makes the way into open space.  Each field line is a route or the way electrons escapes into open space.  These field lines are not created by them.  They only follows the path.

If this is not correct, how the transformers are working.  The flux is nothing but field lines only.  Here winding has nothing to do.  Each field line consists of existing energy in the open area.  When the electrons from primary cable, pushes or strengthens, a movement of gained. 

Title: Re: electric field
Post by: pasala on 28/07/2018 15:42:31
Mr Thebox
See, in general we all study theories and go by them.  But, mine ideas are different and they won't follow general course of study and try to explore things behind them.  When the teacher, at the early school days started teaching this lesson, my mind started thinking differently.

 It is true that 'Electric field' is due to the charge only. 

Perhaps, the basic question in my mind is if the electricity to form field, a part of the energy must come out.  If this happens so, total flow of electricity must end within short time but things are happening otherwise.

This is the basic thing, behind 'electric field'.

Title: Re: electric field
Post by: guest39538 on 28/07/2018 15:53:44
Mr Thebox
See, in general we all study theories and go by them.  But, mine ideas are different and they won't follow general course of study and try to explore things behind them.  When the teacher, at the early school days started teaching this lesson, my mind started thinking differently.

 It is true that 'Electric field' is due to the charge only. 

Perhaps, the basic question in my mind is if the electricity to form field, a part of the energy must come out.  If this happens so, total flow of electricity must end within short time but things are happening otherwise.

This is the basic thing, behind 'electric field'.

If electric fields just stopped existing, would all matter just fall apart?  I understand electric fields quite well, there isn't much I don't know about QFT. 

Added- Weight , what is weight ?   A matter of spatial forces acting on other spatial forces to give weight.  Newton , one of my beloved scientists, was a good scientist.  Without Newton we would be lost in  today's physics. 
I don't understand what dark matter suppose to be , can you explain what you think about dark matter?
Title: Re: electric field
Post by: pasala on 28/07/2018 18:17:41
Mr Thebox,
Now let us talk about electric field only.  Why about dark energy and dark matter.  I don't think there is so much role for dark matter and dark energy as assumed by Einstein.  Even if dark energy and dark matter exists they get strength or force due to energy only.  In my view energy drives all force.  Some of the lab tests conducted on Earth by our predecessors, where there is strong gravity, mislead them.  While doing anything, we should not forget that gravity is already present and it is influencing your instruments, and the results. Einstein in his relativity only says how to escape gravity, but could not catch it and finally relied on Newton's gravity.

First of all there is urgent need to resolve 'what exactly is gravity'. 

I am sure and confident that a "unified theory" will come out and give answers to all these questions.

Hey, friends this is not criticising, but exploring things only.

Title: Re: electric field
Post by: guest39538 on 28/07/2018 18:49:35
Mr Thebox,
Now let us talk about electric field only.  Why about dark energy and dark matter.  I don't think there is so much role for dark matter and dark energy as assumed by Einstein.  Even if dark energy and dark matter exists they get strength or force due to energy only.  In my view energy drives all force.  Some of the lab tests conducted on Earth by our predecessors, where there is strong gravity, mislead them.  While doing anything, we should not forget that gravity is already present and it is influencing your instruments, and the results. Einstein in his relativity only says how to escape gravity, but could not catch it and finally relied on Newton's gravity.

First of all there is urgent need to resolve 'what exactly is gravity'. 

I am sure and confident that a "unified theory" will come out and give answers to all these questions.

Hey, friends this is not criticising, but exploring things only.


First off , let us look at your question, what is gravity?   Below is a video link that explains the actions of gravity but this does not in itself explain any mechanism to gravity.

Of course a unified theory will eventually come out , somebody will eventually write a paper on a unified theory and put all the pieces together.  I think there will be always the point of proving a united theory though, creating experiments  proved to be trustworthy and accurate in their measurements.

Title: Re: electric field
Post by: Bored chemist on 28/07/2018 19:05:31
I understand electric fields quite well, there isn't much I don't know about QFT. 
Title: Re: electric field
Post by: pasala on 05/08/2018 12:58:24
Ok, it appears to be true 'LOL' is going. 
..... Somebody thanked it.  Anyway congratulations.
Title: Re: electric field
Post by: pasala on 05/08/2018 14:03:41
Let me tell you,
whether it is good or bad, i had developed a habit of understanding things instead of byhearting. 

Well, you are all having better knowledge than me and capable of explaining any theory, in a better way.
But my mind never concentrates or takes things as it is. In my view maths is only logical explanation. 

For that in the case of transformers:
-  We all knew that using step-up transformers we can increase electricity.
-  Actually, here there is no source of production.
-  Simply by using  coil winding, how electricity is produced.
-  Without any source, flux is not a source, how electricity is stepped-up.

Unless we study things from different angles, nothing can be achieved.  Without logical thinking and explanation, no practical things will come out. 

If anybody says, 'travel by light' it may appear non-sense or remote.   After writing 'electric field' theory, i had realised that each ray is a source of energy.  If you are capable of caching it, travel by light is not far remote.


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