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Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: neilep on 14/10/2007 21:31:31

Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: neilep on 14/10/2007 21:31:31
Dearest Blood Pressure Peeps,

Here's a BP monitor ?

 [ Invalid Attachment ]

Nice isn't it ?...Mines always high !!

Does Blood Pressure change with body orientation ?

sitting ? standing ?...laying..?

Just wondering
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 03:08:20
As a matter of fact yes it does. My doctor told me I need to be consistent with time and activity for taking daily blood pressure!

He wanted my arm slightly elevated and in a sitting position resting.
He said evening reading will likely differ from mornings but you will notice if you take it 3 times a day for a week you will find you average bout the same during those times of the day!
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 03:11:04
Wow so many different cuffs.. is that an arm or wrist cuff?

Yesterdays reading!
This is my wrist cuff. I have had high readings for months now and suddenly the last month or so have been getting really divingly low pressures along with the high ones like this!
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: another_someone on 15/10/2007 03:12:42
Then there is the 'white coat syndrome' - where it is speculated that for some people, doctors are reading too high a blood pressure, because some people's blood pressure rises in the presence of doctors.
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: another_someone on 15/10/2007 03:14:36
I have had high readings for months now and suddenly the last month or so have been getting really divingly low pressures along with the high ones like this!

If you have been subject to spontaneous bleeding, I would think that is consistent with low blood pressure - even healthy people with low blood pressure seem to have a higher probability of nose bleeds.
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: JimBob on 15/10/2007 03:19:53
Blood pressure does vary with sitting and standing. The transformation from sitting to standing causes a monetary drop in blood pressure which in healthy individuals is not noticeable but in people with heart disease, on high blood pressure medications and other types of medications, such a codeine, can be dangerous and needs to be watched for when standing.

When adjusting my high BP meds I had to be careful before they go it right and I still need to watch it when I stand if I have been sitting for a long time.

Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 03:24:15
This is tonights pressure at 7:21 PM

Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 03:30:43
Yes I am with you Jim Bob.. I have fallen down more in the last two months then in my entire life and thats no joke.. Its gettin up to fast or walking further then I was able and boom down I go.. It is embarrassing to say the least, and the  blood pressure has been different each time!
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 04:16:44
I have had high readings for months now and suddenly the last month or so have been getting really divingly low pressures along with the high ones like this!

If you have been subject to spontaneous bleeding, I would think that is consistent with low blood pressure - even healthy people with low blood pressure seem to have a higher probability of nose bleeds.

George this is an ankle mine.. the top red dots above my swollen line, are where they began  bleeding, and when I addressed it it stopped, has not done it again,. I just started getting weird spots and boom it started bleeding.. no itching scratching just bleeding out of the blue they were less then an hour on my body I nodded off on couch with feet up for swelling no spots, woke up 40 minutes an hour maybe later and red spots .. I thought it was the swelling so I went about activity went to the loo looked down and saw blood all over my white shoe I looked at it and thought i must have got my foot against something sticky that dribbled on my shoe but when I went to remove it, there was more blood standing in my shoe , it was coming from the red spots , no pain nothing I had no idea my ankle was bleeding only badly swollen! It was very watery thin blood  not as dark as usual.. it was weird!

Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 15/10/2007 08:41:56
Karen, in the name of science if nothing else would you consider tilting your bed as suggested for 4 weeks to see if your ankles go nice and slim and your blood pressure / pulse rate changes?,18376.80.html link to some people already experiencing significant results.

I suspect your balance, weight, energy, body temperature and many other health related problems will be improved by this in a relatively short space of time.

There may be an intial shift of fluids to your feet, but this is usually resolved within a few more days.

Your urine output should also go up initially as more fluids are pulled out of the tissue and into the veinous return to be excreted in the urine after being filtered byt the kidneys.
Clients with high blood pressure have seen their blood pressure normalize after a few months.

Oedema problems resolved. Incline the bed from the head and be suprised by the results.

As a therapist, I am staggered at the benefits provided.
E-mail Ken, I'd loved to hear from you.


Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 09:07:06
I will see Andrew I am scheduled for a Heart catherizdization on the 24th next week! They have to go in and find out what is wrong they cannot see it with any of their lovely pieces of equipment but they know there is a problem so next wednesday after this.  They said they may have to insert a stint if the find something blocked.. which he suspects! I understand I will be lying down flat for awhile at that point.
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: neilep on 15/10/2007 09:08:19
Then there is the 'white coat syndrome' - where it is speculated that for some people, doctors are reading too high a blood pressure, because some people's blood pressure rises in the presence of doctors.

Yep, White Coat Syndrome is me......

.........after so many times ..I was on a BP monitor for twenty four hours which took my BP every 15 minutes !!...gawwwd it was annoying but it proved that MY BP was OK !!
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 09:14:14
Isn't that annoying. I have had to do that on several occasions and just as you think ahhhh sleep ....SSQUEEEEeeeeeeze .... NO SLEEP! lol And yes you are right highly annoying.. I am glad your pressure was ok! so your blood pressure is not high anymore??
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: neilep on 15/10/2007 09:18:38
Isn't that annoying. I have had to do that on several occasions and just as you think ahhhh sleep ....SSQUEEEEeeeeeeze .... NO SLEEP! lol And yes you are right highly annoying.. I am glad your pressure was ok! so your blood pressure is not high anymore??

My BP has always been in the upper regions of normal, but then, I am highly stressed and overweight....last time it was 473 over 235......sorry...I meant 143 over 90 !!!
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 09:24:15
LOL GAWWWWWWD Neil....  I looked at the first no. and thought holy smokes I didn't know blood pressure could get that high! LOL.. Glad it is 143 over 90.. anything here over 130 over 70 is way much for what they want...for mine..

Yep me too. but mine jumps all over lately..
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Carol-A on 15/10/2007 13:40:25
Wrist blood pressure cuffs are very unreliable, you should always go for the upper arm cuff! Karen, anything over 140 over 90 is counted as high! 143 over 93 is high, not low!!!
Last Friday I had angioplasty, and had a stent inserted. It was a weird experience, but didn't really hurt. I could see a map of the arteries around my heart up on a big TV screen, and see what they were doing. I had the catheter put in through my wrist, which I think makes for the quickest recovery, but many people had it done through the femoral artery, going in through the groin.
Title: Does Blood Pressure Change With Body Orientation ?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/10/2007 18:19:00
Wrist blood pressure cuffs are very unreliable, you should always go for the upper arm cuff! Karen, anything over 140 over 90 is counted as high! 143 over 93 is high, not low!!!
Last Friday I had angioplasty, and had a stent inserted. It was a weird experience, but didn't really hurt. I could see a map of the arteries around my heart up on a big TV screen, and see what they were doing. I had the catheter put in through my wrist, which I think makes for the quickest recovery, but many people had it done through the femoral artery, going in through the groin.

Yes I know its high thats what I said in my post with the cuff picture..LOL
My Doctor picked out my cuff especially for me from a medical supply company I could have bought a really cheap 20:00 cuff, but I cannot use and arm cuff do to arm pain and damage, so they use a wrist cuff for me.. rarely other. I had one done on my injured arm last week and nearly passed out.. They still could get no reading there so they do the wrist!

They are going in through the groin and he gave me no options and said he felt that was where he had to go given my problems so groin it is!

100/52... a couple days ago. It has also been much much lower and when it drops so low I feel horrible and am not able to do anything.. feel totally zapped. When it gets like that , the simple act of turning over is almost impossible as I feel like nothing is working..