Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => Famous Scientists, Doctors and Inventors => Topic started by: enigmatic on 16/10/2007 23:16:42

Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: enigmatic on 16/10/2007 23:16:42
Who Invented clothes and or covering for the skin?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/10/2007 19:11:29
I would imagine his name was something like Ugh.  [:D]

I think you'll find clothing was being used before language.
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: another_someone on 18/10/2007 20:14:35
I think you'll find clothing was being used before language.

If you mean written language, the certainly yes, if you mean spoken language, then I would doubt that.

I would guess that the first clothing was probably not even used to keep out the elements, but rather for ceremonial purposes (e.g. some witch doctor putting on the skin of a lion, or even just a hunter coming home with trophies from his hunt wrapped around him).
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/10/2007 20:52:30
You could be right. Thinking about it, there are animals that use a rudimentary form of language but I can't think of any that wear clothes.  [;D]
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: JimBob on 19/10/2007 02:45:54
Does this include beavers?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 21/10/2007 15:06:57
Does this include beavers?

This particular beaver uses both clothing & language; but I am an exceptional animal  [:D]
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: neilep on 21/10/2007 16:05:04
Who Invented clothes and or covering for the skin?

Wasn't it those two people called Marks & Spencer ?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Karen W. on 21/10/2007 16:21:13
Then theres the religious aspect!
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 21/10/2007 16:33:08
Who Invented clothes and or covering for the skin?

Wasn't it those two people called Marks & Spencer ?

Not Gieves & Hawkes?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: neilep on 21/10/2007 18:35:47
Neanderthal @ Savile Row ???
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 21/10/2007 20:33:00
Would that be anywhere near Saville Row, where one may find the aforementioned Gieves & Hawkes?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: JimBob on 22/10/2007 02:15:15
No, it is in the south of France in the Mountains - so cave or something.
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 22/10/2007 08:53:56
Ah - the 1 with the motto "CAVEat emptor"!
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: time-cop on 20/12/2007 00:26:20
Clothing was invented ( and this is true ) by the first married man, . . . . . . . . . . to cover up his mom in law ! !
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: opus on 20/12/2007 18:40:59
I like his boots............Uggs!
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: vactor on 17/11/2008 23:15:08
hi pls check this site its coool i think ( link deleted - no advertising please. Mod)
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Don_1 on 18/11/2008 08:19:04
hi pls check this site its coool i think

Oooh, just what I need, a $60 tee shirt with a motif I don't understand...... Sorry Mr Spam, it's you that's the mug not us! You may have noticed, I didn't repeat your spam link.

Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Don_1 on 18/11/2008 08:25:41
I think man may have started wearing animal skins as a means of disguising himself and his odour when hunting. But the religious and ceremonial aspects are also a good points.

Mind you, it could just have been for something to keep the wife busy; washing and ironing!!!
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: 112inky on 06/05/2009 16:04:19
i think it's  Marks & Spencer ?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 07/05/2009 06:04:27
I think this is another case of word salad?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Bored chemist on 07/05/2009 19:43:35
No, it's a crappy joke but it makes sense.
Who invented clothes?
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: rosalind dna on 08/05/2009 00:26:24
Perhaps the Flintstones invented clothing LOL LOL

Marks and Spencer definitely didn't invent clothing as that company started around 150 years ago and people were wearing clothes then. I think

Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 08/05/2009 01:22:54
I knew what Marks&Spencer is. I was simply stating an opinion.
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: cedar_tree on 08/05/2009 06:24:09
Adam an eve from the Book of Genesis or god's poisonous apple from tree that knew of good and evil knowledge. The butt flap strap came from somewhere over there.
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: FortyArc on 12/06/2009 14:09:37
I think man may have started wearing animal skins as a means of disguising himself and his odour when hunting. But the religious and ceremonial aspects are also a good points.

Would those have been thought of before the idea of wearing materials to stay warm or keep the sun off? It's not a huge leap from hiding under a pile of leaves at night to tying the leaves together around one's body for portability.
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Don_1 on 12/06/2009 14:26:25
Possibly yes. Our ancestors would have had their own hair/fur for protection from the elements. Wearing skins for the purpose of camouflage, early man would have noticed the benefits of using these skins during colder months. Continually wearing these skins for protection against the elements and against wounds from sharp or stinging plants would then have meant our body no longer needed to put energy into all over body hair/fur growth. Possibly the first man induced evolutionary progression.
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Make it Lady on 12/06/2009 19:30:07
Someone invented clothes, cripes I better go and put some on!
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Don_1 on 13/06/2009 11:52:26
( (
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: lyner on 22/06/2009 15:00:54
You could be right. Thinking about it, there are animals that use a rudimentary form of language but I can't think of any that wear clothes.  [;D]
Hermit Crab
Caddis Fly Larva
to name but two.
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: rhade on 12/05/2011 10:05:26
Religious or ceremonial purposes is the old archaeologists cop-out. "It must have had religious significance," means "I don't know what it was for."
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: CliffordK on 12/05/2011 22:12:28
Clothing would have been invented by ancient man to compensate to temperature and climate fluctuations. 

Wearing other animals fur has allowed our species to adapt to our environment much better than other species, and to colonize areas from the equator to the poles.

It is odd that some human cultures in temperate regions have developed with a "clothing optional", although most have at least tended towards wearing loin cloths.  However, perhaps that is tainted by "Northern" standards.

However, I'd assume that diapers were invented by ancient cultures to help maintain the cleanliness of the home (although not universally used).  Perhaps the tendency to use diapers on children would be related to the covering of the "Privates".

Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: damocles on 26/06/2011 12:32:44
No, it is in the south of France in the Mountains - so cave or something.

That would be "ça ville roux", n'est ce pas?   
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Airthumbs on 26/06/2011 20:34:01
Animals invented clothing, we just stole the idea literally from their backs!!
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: childtexts71 on 29/06/2011 22:26:54
Animals invented clothing, we just stole the idea literally from their backs!!
lol that is funny stuff and somewhat true
Title: Who invented clothing?
Post by: Airthumbs on 30/06/2011 00:31:13
Thank you for the compliment, it is true though is it not?  I mean put it this way I reckon we were wearing clothing made from animal skins a long time before synthetic clothing was invented, and when I say a long time were talking tens of thousands of years!  I also doubt very much that it was modesty that prompted people to start wearing clothing but more from necessity for survival as someone has already mentioned in previous posts in this thread.

Having said that clothing is a concept we stole from animals I am forgetting that clothing can easily be made from plants and this might have been the first type of attire as trying to catch a plant is a lot easier then trying to rob the skin of an animals back  [;D]
Title: Re: Who invented clothing?
Post by: margahayuland on 08/06/2013 11:36:32
I think your opinion very atractive, regards
Title: Re: Who invented clothing?
Post by: alancalverd on 11/07/2013 08:50:02
Basic protection of male genitalia seems like common sense when walking upright through tall grasses and spiky things, so I guess the first jock strap arrived shortly after we left the trees, lost our shaggy hair, and started running through the savannah. Modern equatorial tribes who have no need of clothing for warmth, still don a piece of string when hunting, and the decorated codpiece is the most fundamental evening wear for formal occasions. "Black tie with miniatures" goes back a long way - must try it at the next College Feast!   
Title: Re: Who invented clothing?
Post by: lean bean on 28/07/2013 09:53:17

Maybe clothing was a progression from using something to cover yourself with when asleep at night.  The pelt of the last meal??