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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Jimbee on 23/10/2007 09:02:15

Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: Jimbee on 23/10/2007 09:02:15
I have had an experience with an alien entity in the world. I realize most would find my story hard to believe. But I am talking about DIRECT OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE that I have actually WITNESSED. This entity is HIGHLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICALLY. And they are definitely OBSERVING earth. They are definitely interfering in our affairs to a certain degree too. This entity can manipulate matter down to the most minute level--possibly subatomically, in fact. And quite frankly they are so much more advanced than we are that we have NO WAY TO STOP THEM from doing whatever they want to do. Don't worry though, so far I have judged them to be relatively harmless. Frankly though they are not too forthcoming with the information they give me.

At this point you are still probably finding my story to believe. But it is my story. I have no further proof to give you, the reader. I only ask you keep an open mind.

So why tell my story now? Well, there is something you could do, if you want. Have you ever considered the possibility an alien culture more advanced than us could exist? And would at least allow the possibility they may be observing us COVERTLY?

How then could you discover them? Look to random things to see if you can find discrepancies. For example, every president after Jefferson (except Pres. Reagan) that was elected in a year ending in zero died in office. And look to seemingly "UNEXPLAINABLE" phenomenon. For example, in 1917 the "Blessed Virgin Mary" is said to have appeared to 3 peasant children in Fatima, Portugal. Finally a miracle is said to have appeared there, witnessed by thousands of people, where sun seemed to spin in the sky and plommet to earth. Many photographs of the event still exist.

But don't just look to extraordinary examples like the ones above, look to the more mundane things too. What numbers come up more frequently when dealing with supposedly random events? And what letters? Sounds strange, but it may yield some interesting results.

The bulk of the strange and unexplainable things I witnessed began January 13, 1988. But I suppose I have seen signs of this alien presence all my life.

Now, I want to make a couple of other things clear here too. I do not believe in UFO's or aliens visiting earth. This alien entity I have witnessed evidence of is far more advanced than that. It is an alien presence, somehow observing earth and interfering in our affairs, presumably from some distance away, which seems hard to believe, I know...

I will monitor these boards and may post more of my story from time to time, esp. if there is an interest in it. Please realize my story if a lifelong one, very long and complicated. And it would be hard for me to relate it in just one or two posts [:)]

In any event, thank you all for your time and indulgence [:)]
Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: neilep on 23/10/2007 15:33:15
Welcome Jimbee,

Phew !!...quite a story.

How do you know this 'being' is interfering in world affairs ?..and is it positive or negative...and to what end ?

You do cite some examples but ...for instance....can you post some photos of the spinning sun and of it plummeting to earth ?

Clearly, as you surmise...this all seems rather fantastic to just accept as bona fide truth and you have courteously posted your thread in the Just Chat section so, if you can provide more details..then that would be welcome.


Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 23/10/2007 17:51:23
That is a story.

What was your interaction with the entity?
Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: ukmicky on 23/10/2007 21:21:32
 [::)]  [:)]
Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: Jimbee on 24/10/2007 06:39:39
Yes, well this alien entity took steps to reveal themselves to me starting Jan. 13, 1988. Then they gave me a false cover story that there was a far-rightwing conspiracy in the U.S.--and I was somehow in the center of it! This was all supported by the weird stuff that (seemed) to be happening on television and the radio. Then eventually, by late 1991 I believe it was, I had enough information to realize that there was no govt. conspiracy, and in fact this entity was so technologically advanced, they are not of this world.

I still ironically don't know exactly who or what they are. They could be time travelers, although I doubt this a little since time travel would be fraught with all kinds of things, temporal paradoxes, and the like. I also don't know if their intentions are good or bad. But from what I've seen, it is a little bit of both.

By the way, I have never met this alien entity personally. All my dealings with them have been indirect. As I've said, I will post more of my story from time to time. But realize it is a long and complicated story [:)]
Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: kdlynn on 24/10/2007 07:23:36
how do they contact you indirectly?
Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: Jimbee on 24/10/2007 07:53:48
how do they contact you indirectly?
By making amazing things happen around me, but not meeting me in person or usually talking directly to me. I have seen unusual things on television, radio. At times other people say amazing things to me, I know realize are just illusions put there by this alien entity. (When I was a child, people sometimes seemed to be able to read my thoughts--which of course is impossible. This alien can definitely read thoughts though. In fact, they can read my [and others'] thoughts even before I am aware of them!)
Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: Karen W. on 24/10/2007 09:06:52
How do you know they can read your thoughts as well as others even before

you are aware of your own thoughts..? Are you reading their minds?

If they did that, they would not be your thoughts but theirs!

   If they told you these thoughts they said you had, and you had not had

them yet, wouldn't those thoughts now just be mere suggestion provoked and

not really yours at all! The power of suggestion is interesting isn't it?

If reading minds is impossible how do you know they are reading yours, and

especially how do you know they read others??? As you say it is impossible

to do so!  What gives you the ability to see that they are reading others

minds and thoughts also?

Are you special?

Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: Jimbee on 25/10/2007 01:46:06
Well, I know they were reading my thoughts because when I was much younger, people would (seem to) come up to me and tell me exactly what I was thinking, or sometimes what I was thinking the night before. Or sometimes, oddly, people, esp. in school, would seem to tell me what I did the night before, even though there was no way for them or anyone else to know. To answer your question, no, they did not implant thoughts in my mind. They were definitely my thoughts, there is no doubt of that. And they were pretty unremarkable, my thoughts that is.

It is a little more difficult to explain how I know they can read thoughts even before the person is aware of it. All I can say, is people apparently telling me my thoughts, and people's apparent reaction to my thoughts would happen this way.

And now after observing what this alien entity is capable of, for most of my life now, I know they are observing everything on earth--including everyone's thoughts [:o]. I realize this would require an amazing amount of technological sophistication. But hey, some planets and galaxies are much older than ours.
Title: My Experiences With an Advanced Alien Entity in the World...
Post by: JimBob on 25/10/2007 03:53:55
As we are currently discussing this subject among ourselves, (the moderators) I am just temporarily locking the topic until we reach a consensus. There are other considerations besides just the topic subject that need to be address.

Thank you for your understanding,
