Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => The Environment => Topic started by: why me why now on 31/10/2007 10:51:11

Title: actually committing to changing your behaviour?
Post by: why me why now on 31/10/2007 10:51:11

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you register, they give you 'green' tasks to do, and you pledge whether you're going to do them or not - then confess whether you got round to doing them

the comments page is also pretty amusing - it swings from the predictably smug:

"We already use energy efficient light bulbs throughout the house, switch light off when not used , don't leave TVs etc on standby. But we have learnt a new way of saving on energy and water. We already made sure that the dishwasher was full before turning it on, but now we move the dial forward to exclude the rinsing cycle (unless the dishes are heavily soiled) and we reckon we save at least 18 gallons of water this way."

to the viciously amusing:

"Are we being serious when we suggest using a different cycle on our dishwashers as a radical, eco-aware strategy?
Help me out here.
Meanwhile, I've discovered that idling my Porsche Cayenne on the drive for 10 minutes warms up the engine so it runs more efficiently when I drive my child the half mile to school.
How am I doing?"

Title: actually committing to changing your behaviour?
Post by: Alandriel on 31/10/2007 19:12:45
How am I doing?

Well, you must be doing quite well actually if you're driving your child to school in a Porsch  [;D]

Jokes aside though - if signing up to a website (any website) helps you to implement (relativ) minor changes that help save energy then by all means go for it.

Turning your washing machine / dishwasher temperature down is good.

Washing dishes by hand using an eco friendly detergent is even better.
But not everyone is up for that, especially if you have a large family (or are a messy cook  [;)] )

Every little helps - the more the better  [;D]
Title: actually committing to changing your behaviour?
Post by: Alandriel on 31/10/2007 19:15:55

You could also check out Calculate your carbon footprint (

It's for the UK and by UK government but it applies elsewhere too. Perhaps there's a smilar site in the US?
Title: actually committing to changing your behaviour?
Post by: JimBob on 01/11/2007 03:34:09
This site lets you select your country.
Title: actually committing to changing your behaviour?
Post by: why me why now on 05/11/2007 12:57:18
ah nice. thanks for those