Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: pirunner on 01/12/2007 22:21:40

Title: Is there a significant amount of resveratrol in nuts?
Post by: pirunner on 01/12/2007 22:21:40
I have heard numerous times on the show about the latest developments with red wine and the revolutionary new chemical resveratrol. On one episode, a quick comment was made that NUTS also contain resveratrol. Is this level significant compared to red wine, and which nuts contain the most?

Mod edit - formatted the subject as a question.  Please try to do this to help keep the forum tidy and easy to navigate - thanks!
Title: Re: Is there a significant amount of resveratrol in nuts?
Post by: taylorruth903 on 16/08/2021 10:14:15
Since the overall need for a human body to consume resveratrol in proportionate amounts is near around 500-1500 mg, which cannot be derived by consuming nuts. Thus, you have to take a Resveratrol supplement to protect your overall health for a much longer time.

I would recommend you to take any brand of spam.
Title: Re: Is there a significant amount of resveratrol in nuts?
Post by: alancalverd on 16/08/2021 12:44:11
from Wikipedia

Although commonly used as a dietary supplement and studied in laboratory models of human diseases, there is no high-quality evidence that resveratrol improves lifespan or has a substantial effect on any human disease.

It does however line the pockets of those who sell it.