Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: tony6789 on 14/12/2007 15:47:41

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Post by: tony6789 on 14/12/2007 15:47:41
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Post by: neilep on 14/12/2007 16:00:34

weeehhhhhaaaayyyyy !!!!

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Post by: Carolyn on 14/12/2007 16:12:17

Missed you. [;D]
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Post by: neilep on 14/12/2007 16:46:02
That's it !!..I think he's gone again !!
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Post by: Carolyn on 14/12/2007 16:51:50
Awww, too bad.  Maybe he'll be back again soon.
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Post by: neilep on 14/12/2007 17:14:22
Maybe next Christmas ??

grrrrr..he does make looking at this thread tricky cos all it is, is  a " . " !! [;)]
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 14/12/2007 17:20:46
Yes! Anthony's back! How's it going man?
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 14/12/2007 17:21:15
My heart nearly stopped when I saw who posted it. Haven't seen you in forever.
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Post by: tony6789 on 14/12/2007 18:13:19
my profile....
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Post by: Karen W. on 14/12/2007 18:46:07
Welcome back Tony Nice to see you Young man!Looking forward to your new posts. How have you been and yes, I read the profile. What are you up to young man.. anything exciting been happening??? We have surely missed you!
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Post by: neilep on 14/12/2007 20:25:41
Yo...wassssssssuuuuuup Dude !!

ewe down or wot ?
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Post by: Simulated on 14/12/2007 22:26:34
Um yeah I've heard a little bit from Tiffany there Anthony about what's all going on. Don't sound so hott.

But since you are here. I'd like to say thank you for replying to the letter. Lol. Mrs. A would have liked a reply, but oh well its cool. Kayla and I is still going strong if you have checked any other threads since you have arrived again.
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Post by: tony6789 on 17/12/2007 19:09:47
i cant reply to the letter my "doctor" advises its best not to i shouldnt even b online right now..
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Post by: Simulated on 17/12/2007 22:08:02
anthony. talking to me and karen would help out more then anything them stupid ******* tell you to do.
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Post by: Simulated on 18/12/2007 12:27:27
sorry karen. I thought it would do that automatically like they do with other words..
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Post by: Karen W. on 18/12/2007 13:07:18
Nope but I got your back.. No problem!
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Post by: Simulated on 18/12/2007 13:08:51
But karen that don't make any sence does it? They are keeping him from what makes him happy. Me, jared, ben. It don't make any sence.
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Post by: Karen W. on 18/12/2007 13:12:38
But karen that don't make any sence does it? They are keeping him from what makes him happy. Me, jared, ben. It don't make any sence.
Ryan Honey I don't know what is happening with Tony.. so I really can't say. I did offer him my ears  if he needs to talk.. Otherwise I don't know what has happened.You can pm me if you like but I think it needs to be private and not all out here.
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Post by: Simulated on 18/12/2007 13:13:26
yeah..i might
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Post by: Karen W. on 18/12/2007 13:14:48
No problem..
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Post by: tony6789 on 18/12/2007 15:26:34
no1 can help i got fing moved from a home ive know for 6 yrs bcas my father doesnt want me anymore...he watns to go do drugs etc. and now im broken down and suicidal i got locked up in a rehabilitation center with a bunch of "docotrs" who olny wanna give u pills all day so now i dont have any of my friends my gf broke up with me and my life just keeps getting worse with cutting and burning etc...
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Post by: tony6789 on 18/12/2007 15:27:14
no 1 can "hhelp" cause no1 has been thru wat i have i have moved from place to place all my freaking life!!!
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Post by: Karen W. on 18/12/2007 15:50:56
Hi Tony.. I have had friends that were moved their whole life long for different reasons..It a hard way to live.

I am sorry things are so bad You are a wonderful  young man with very deep feelings. I wish things had been better for you.

I remember being in a place like you are and it is very hard. The doctors do want to help I know they do.. They helped me.

Tony sometimes life hands us some horrible things to handle things that are just too much.. The things that happened with your Dad were not your fault.. It sounds like he has a ton of his own problems... That doesn't mean you have to too.. Its up to you too make your life better and you have the ability to do that. I know it seems impossible  like mountain to climb.. but you can do it. Be positive Love your self... Take care of yourself and love will find you.. life will get better and You can climb any mountain... Please don't give up! Look inside your self accept the help the doctors offer.. I know it seems impossible but you can accomplish and have a lifetime of good memories if you choose to have them....

I spent a very long time getting help Tony Let them help.. make it work for you Love yourself because you are a fantastic human being!
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Post by: Karen W. on 18/12/2007 16:05:54
Remember that Its not that your Dad does not love you.. he is sick he has an addiction.. You are not responsible nor are you the reason for his problems . People in that situation blame others for their problems instead of owning their own problems. They want to lay off everything on everyone else..

Tony I have never been a drinker because my father was a drunk, an alcoholic who took my cousins pickup drunk, and got himself killed! I believe there were others lost in his alcoholic rage.. Anyway A couple months ago I got so bad that I bought a couple bottles of wine and drank them making myself look like an idiot and sicker then I already am.

I just got weak.. wanted to quit.. was tired of being sick..I have been sick for two years..going downhill fast and I figured between all my meds and a few bottles of booze All my troubles would just disappear....Well.. not so.. it only made my troubles worse.. It doesn't work or help to destroy yourself.. It only hurts you more ... You are a wonderful person... Please give yourself credit.. You want things better so stand up and make them better..  I know it is so hard... but I know you can do it... Let them help you..
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 18/12/2007 17:36:41
no1 can help i got fing moved from a home ive know for 6 yrs bcas my father doesnt want me anymore...he watns to go do drugs etc. and now im broken down and suicidal i got locked up in a rehabilitation center with a bunch of "docotrs" who olny wanna give u pills all day so now i dont have any of my friends my gf broke up with me and my life just keeps getting worse with cutting and burning etc...
Where are these damn know-it-all scientists! Come out! I know your on this site! I will wreak havoc and revenge!!!!!!!!!
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 18/12/2007 17:38:24
Though the lines of your profile are quite poetic in their own way. You could make a song out of them.
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Post by: tony6789 on 18/12/2007 20:25:55
i have made many songs up about how freaknig bad the world can b.....*sigh* thank u karen that made me feel good :)
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Post by: another_someone on 18/12/2007 21:18:26
no1 can help i got fing moved from a home ive know for 6 yrs bcas my father doesnt want me anymore...he watns to go do drugs etc. and now im broken down and suicidal i got locked up in a rehabilitation center with a bunch of "docotrs" who olny wanna give u pills all day so now i dont have any of my friends my gf broke up with me and my life just keeps getting worse with cutting and burning etc...

No one can help you, except yourself, and your own strength, and belief that if you can somehow find the strength to live through it you will be the stronger for it, but it will be a long, tough, battle.

The only thing your friends can do is try and give you the confidence in yourself that however horrible things look now, you will somehow find the strength to pull through.

I am at least glad you are now back here, and hope it will help to give you some strength.  I am sure that as much as we can, we will try and give you the strength you need, but in the end, you know as well as us, that the struggle rests with you.

Believe in yourself, however bleak things look for now.
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Post by: Simulated on 19/12/2007 01:18:43
Anthony, writting songs about how bad the world can be can be good am I right? But are these songs emo like my hair? lol. Just try and right happy bad songs if you know what I mean? Ah like the beatles! lol Just remember Jared, Smokey, and I. We are here for you. Just send us an email. We'll talk it out with you if you'd like. Oh yeah I forget to say in the last email. Mrs A says try, good luck, and she misses you and your random questions alot. lol Ugh I also forgot to say (second time editin this lol) that jared and I both had repeatative dreams about you coming back, yet you were soaking wet and was cut up all over the place. It wasn't a purdy sight, well it was a first when we were like. yaya its anthony. then we went up to like hug ya and welcome you back and then you were like dead. We both had the same dream.. it was scary...but i'm gald you are alive..
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Post by: Karen W. on 19/12/2007 03:47:58
i have made many songs up about how freaknig bad the world can b.....*sigh* thank u karen that made me feel good :)

Your welcome tony.. Please remember you are never alone.. So says my friends to me right here in the forum and I am the luckiest girl in the world.. And so you too will be the luckiest boy! You Know why????? HUH HUH HUH! Cause I am here...LOL... And we all luvs ya! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!

Its a good thing to talk and write to express your feelings it helps get them out weather they be good or bad feelings.. don't keep them all pent up!

The most important thing Tony... don't be afraid to cry or be upset or sad or happy... Emotions are good.  I cried a lot and still do when I need to cause it tells me I am alive!
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Post by: Carolyn on 19/12/2007 04:31:07
no1 can help i got fing moved from a home ive know for 6 yrs bcas my father doesnt want me anymore...he watns to go do drugs etc. and now im broken down and suicidal i got locked up in a rehabilitation center with a bunch of "docotrs" who olny wanna give u pills all day so now i dont have any of my friends my gf broke up with me and my life just keeps getting worse with cutting and burning etc...

I'm sorry life is so difficult for you Tony.  There isn't much that I can add that Karen and George haven't already said.  Just want you to know that I'm thinking about you and I am keeping you & your Dad in my prayers.  Don't ever give up.  Sometimes life is hard, but you WILL get through this.  The key is to never give up and keep believing in yourself.  Learn from the mistakes that your Dad has made and do everything in your power not to repeat them.   You will come out of this stronger.

I echo George & Karens sentiments.  It's up to you to make your life better.  You must dig deep within yourself to find your strength....and remember, you can always come here to talk and vent and we'll listen.  We care about you!!!

I want YOU to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.  I'm sending you lots of hugs & love.
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 19/12/2007 17:23:12
i have made many songs up about how freaknig bad the world can b.....*sigh* thank u karen that made me feel good :)

We're all here for you anthony.

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Post by: tony6789 on 19/12/2007 17:57:52
thx guys u have no idea how much this helps
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Post by: Karen W. on 19/12/2007 18:01:58
Good.. You just have some faith in yourself and climb back up here with us and we will all help you.. like you all have helped me...Glad that something is helping.. there is a light at the end of the tunnel and then once your there think of all the brightness and happiness you will find. Hugs Tony!
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Post by: Simulated on 19/12/2007 22:26:34
thx guys u have no idea how much this helps

"All he needs if friends" A quote from Jared Cavelage lol.
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Post by: tony6789 on 20/12/2007 17:25:16
actually all i need is friends and time to rock out
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Post by: tony6789 on 20/12/2007 17:52:25
hey ben kraner read my last post on god real or not lol
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Post by: tony6789 on 20/12/2007 20:31:11
updated my profile hope u like it
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Post by: Karen W. on 20/12/2007 21:00:19
The profile looks terrific Tony! Very nice indeed...Where in California are you living at now?
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Post by: Simulated on 20/12/2007 21:34:17
Ah i'll get there after i'm finished running these post down lol. and i'll go check your profile then t
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Post by: Simulated on 20/12/2007 21:54:40
Ah I love your signature. Haha. Good profile
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Post by: tony6789 on 21/12/2007 16:21:30
im in a place called West Minster near L.A
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 21/12/2007 16:40:04
Alright team, we gots his location. Strike Team A move out! Go! Go! Go!
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Post by: Simulated on 21/12/2007 16:42:57
im in a place called West Minster near L.A

hey whats your school?
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Post by: tony6789 on 21/12/2007 16:45:05
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Post by: Simulated on 21/12/2007 16:46:41
Ah thanks anthony
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Post by: tony6789 on 21/12/2007 16:48:57
yea np man
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Post by: Simulated on 21/12/2007 16:50:43
Dray must be high because he says that you are here at our school in Mrs. Apples office.
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 21/12/2007 16:50:50
nice school. How many computers to they have? Is the school better than this one, if you ignore the fact that all of your friends are back here?
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Post by: tony6789 on 21/12/2007 16:51:49
it prolly is actually see we are rite next to the beach, everythings outside, seagulls everywhere lunch is outside and the grounds r huge
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 21/12/2007 16:52:44
Cool, I love the beach.
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Post by: Simulated on 21/12/2007 16:53:34
Dray must be high because he says that you are here at our school in Mrs. Apples office.

There to make sure you see it cuz ben just has to have a "post war" hah
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 21/12/2007 16:54:50
Hey, I like post wars, cause I always win! :)
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Post by: Karen W. on 21/12/2007 19:40:29
im in a place called West Minster near L.A
Your way down southern California to me.. I am up North of you on the coast in Arcata.. right by Eureka...
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Post by: tony6789 on 21/12/2007 20:23:13
yea definetly dont know where thats at but ok lol
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Post by: tony6789 on 21/12/2007 20:24:20
and dray wouldnt recognize me even if i was there cause my hair is longer now
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Post by: Simulated on 21/12/2007 21:43:52
and dray wouldnt recognize me even if i was there cause my hair is longer now

haha yeah..i see.. still need a picture lol take your time..
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Post by: Karen W. on 22/12/2007 02:28:20
yea definetly dont know where thats at but ok lol

I am about 600 miles above you on the coast just above the nub in northern California!
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Post by: Simulated on 22/12/2007 02:47:43
yea definetly dont know where thats at but ok lol

I am about 600 miles above you on the coast just above the nub in northern California!

Wow that's Darn...

sorry i pulled a karen lol
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Post by: Karen W. on 22/12/2007 02:49:00
Ryan you pulled a karen w. stunt! HEE HEE HEE HEE! LOL Not bad as the crow flies!
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 22/12/2007 15:28:38
One more post and Anthony gets the big 1000.
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Post by: Simulated on 22/12/2007 20:32:31
One more post and Anthony gets the big 1000.

Ben i got 5000 lol. jm with ya lol. and yes! About time he gets that!
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Post by: tony6789 on 07/01/2008 20:42:13
lol idk when i can get a pic tho  cause im on school comp but hmmm i mite b able to sneak a letter out to u tell me ur adress again in a p.m. (kraner)
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Post by: Simulated on 09/01/2008 00:11:43
lol idk when i can get a pic tho  cause im on school comp but hmmm i mite b able to sneak a letter out to u tell me ur adress again in a p.m. (kraner)

Sneaky Sneaky lol. Maybe become a friend with the yearbook peoples and ask them for a picturee lol.
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 09/01/2008 17:45:02
lol idk when i can get a pic tho  cause im on school comp but hmmm i mite b able to sneak a letter out to u tell me ur adress again in a p.m. (kraner)

Sneaky Sneaky lol. Maybe become a friend with the yearbook peoples and ask them for a picturee lol.
Even sneakier. It's time to go devious!
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Post by: tony6789 on 09/01/2008 19:19:54
lol mayb idk ill figure out a way but it mite not b 4 a while/....
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 09/01/2008 20:30:07
I can wait, Patience is my middle name.
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Post by: tony6789 on 09/01/2008 20:52:13
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 11/01/2008 17:27:43
Oy! Don't you beleive me?
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Post by: tony6789 on 11/01/2008 20:47:06
yup totally man
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Post by: Karen W. on 11/01/2008 22:59:02
Cool, I love the beach.

Me too! Do you get to visit it often?
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Post by: Simulated on 12/01/2008 00:50:28
Haha. Yeah as long as it takees man I just wanna see your purdy face :P lol
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 14/01/2008 17:29:31
yup totally man
Haha. Yeah as long as it takees man I just wanna see your purdy face :P lol
Uhhhhhhhhh huh.
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Post by: tony6789 on 15/01/2008 22:28:54
yea i go to the beach a lot karen
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 02:37:26
Pretty isn't it Tony!

I have always liked it.
I have a great deal of respect for it, but I think it is beautiful!
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:30:09
Went to the beach once. I liked it.
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:34:16
Only once????
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:36:00
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:36:42
How far away do you live from a beach???
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:37:19
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:41:08
That is too bad! It is very nice.. I am about 7 or 8 miles inland from the beach. So I can get to the snow and the beach pretty quickly . About a ten minute drive to the beach and about a 20 minute or so drive to the snow.. depending on how low it is~!
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:45:04
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:47:23
Yep! Wish you could go see it again!
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:48:01
So do I. Thanks.
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:48:55
Your welcome. Have you traveled much?
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:50:29
Regularly, Wisconsin every summer.
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:51:29
I have never even seen what kind of country there is there!
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:52:43
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:53:45
Just never seen any pictures thats all!
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Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 16/01/2008 17:54:37
I know, I'm bad at explaining.
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Post by: Karen W. on 16/01/2008 17:56:29
No your not.. You don't need to explain!
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Post by: tony6789 on 17/01/2008 20:38:03
lol wow
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Post by: Karen W. on 17/01/2008 21:02:57
Hi Tony! Hee hee, wow what?