Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: tony6789 on 10/01/2008 19:49:38

Title: E-mail
Post by: tony6789 on 10/01/2008 19:49:38
wats ur email adress and does it have a meaning? if so wat does it mean mine is complicated...

it's the initals of it r R.I.P.

i picked it because my life in one second, like death hence r.i.p, was taken away in a second.  my heart was broken into millions of pieces but one thing remained:music so i will always rock even tho i am in pieces
Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 10/01/2008 23:31:00
Nice Tony.. I am glad you have your music!
Title: E-mail
Post by: tony6789 on 11/01/2008 15:58:09
thx karen
Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 11/01/2008 16:23:29
Your welcome.. I know things will be better for you... Keep your chin up and keep on singing and smiling!
Title: E-mail
Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 11/01/2008 17:28:52
wats ur email adress and does it have a meaning? if so wat does it mean mine is complicated...

it's the initals of it r R.I.P.

i picked it because my life in one second, like death hence r.i.p, was taken away in a second.  my heart was broken into millions of pieces but one thing remained:music so i will always rock even tho i am in pieces
I figured.
Title: E-mail
Post by: tony6789 on 11/01/2008 20:45:09
i play drums karen and kol vspice
Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 11/01/2008 23:01:52
i play drums karen and kol vspice

I know you play drums.. but you need to sing too. Keep a song in your heart, some nice lyrics on your lips, and the drumsticks in your hands!
Title: E-mail
Post by: neilep on 11/01/2008 23:10:10
Just want to say that although emails are available.........and if you feel it's ok to publish your email here then it's at your own risk....for who knows who is out there who wants em !!

Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 11/01/2008 23:13:19
I agree you may want to be safer and pm them to only those you wish to have them!
Title: E-mail
Post by: Simulated on 12/01/2008 00:49:40
Yeah just like when athony posted that Hey whats your number thread hahaha

and mines nothing important lol
Title: E-mail
Post by: rosalind dna on 12/01/2008 13:00:48
I agree you may want to be safer and pm them to only those you wish to have them!

yes and well said, Karen.
Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 12/01/2008 14:25:55
LOL.. Neil said it just fine.... I am just backing him up cause he is right!
Title: E-mail
Post by: Simulated on 12/01/2008 15:22:13
Okk fine lol -- um my name and year i graduate, used for the sims (bbs, builten board system, and talking to my other simmers on yahoo im0), facebook, and myspace cuz i don't want my msn to get all junk mailed -- the first email i've ever gotten. used it forthe sims and it ended up getting a lots of junk so i said ugh new email -- rak=ryan anthony kraner, then kraner's my last name of course and i think the one was for the first set of them (i thikn i was gonna make another one and name it 2 and 3 and so on) this it the talking to people (personal) email
Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 12/01/2008 15:28:14
Be Careful Young Man!
Title: E-mail
Post by: Simulated on 12/01/2008 15:29:37
idcc lol i've had a few rappest on my msn before..just detle em lol
Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 12/01/2008 16:52:46
Ryan it really is not a safe thing to do.. I have had my share of run ins with nuts... please be careful!
Title: E-mail
Post by: Simulated on 12/01/2008 17:38:06
Yeah I had one from Australia. I was like what the heck? you wanna know who i am when you sent me and all my friends a forward?
Title: E-mail
Post by: Karen W. on 12/01/2008 17:43:39
Thats not good. There are a lot of sick people out there more then willing to con you or Heaven forbid hurt someone .. and the information you provide is not merely your email.. all those things can be used to find out who you are where exactly you live etc etc etc.. You should remove your links and just keep them in your profiles or send them privately ok!

That is not just advice for Ryan.. It goes for all you young folks...ok!
Title: E-mail
Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 14/01/2008 17:24:47
Okk fine lol -- um my name and year i graduate, used for the sims (bbs, builten board system, and talking to my other simmers on yahoo im0), facebook, and myspace cuz i don't want my msn to get all junk mailed -- the first email i've ever gotten. used it forthe sims and it ended up getting a lots of junk so i said ugh new email -- rak=ryan anthony kraner, then kraner's my last name of course and i think the one was for the first set of them (i thikn i was gonna make another one and name it 2 and 3 and so on) this it the talking to people (personal) email
Hm, creative.